Top bin COB comparison

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Ain't exactly like that ...
What you see as stocked items (quantities ) for sale in authorised dealers ,usually is
the amount that is left ,after big sales done / deals closed with light manufacturing companies .

Mouser ,cutter,digi-key ,etc ,they do not expect to make a huge profit by selling low quantities to individuals / amateurs.

Their main profit comes from other big companies that buy their stuff .
(As they can not buy them directly from manufacturers ,like Cree or Bridgelux ...)

What you see as "low stock " is actually the ..left overs ...

Way different " than a common day drug dealer selling grams rather than ounces, because he probably got a deal buying the ounces and must sell by the gram to make up for his time, effort, and risk. "

More like " selling grams rather than ounces ,because they have already sold tons to certain bad-ass dudes
and only few grams are left ,for the rest poor cheap-asses ...

that's how it goes ,usually ...


Great counterarguments. While I've watched many inventories and stocks from our beloved retailers relating to our hobby/obsession slowly dwindle over weeks at a time, I've never seen any one product drop more than x25 pieces in a given week, including Jerry KB. I'm sure I've missed plenty of transactions and resupplies and I don't doubt that big sales through light manufacturing companies take place but which light manufacturing companies are including Cree CXB3590 cobs in their product besides the green, frosty leaf grower companies that we all know and love, lol? That's a serious question too because I, like many others here, would like to know where the application of top-dollar cobs are implemented and you of all wizards would know. I've noticed that smaller white led is being utilized in public places such as gas stations and liquor stores, which is huge here in Saint Louis but have yet to come across any lamps or public light works that have huge COB lights, such as the Vero 29.
Referring to the atomic bombs being dropped? I believe you have misread what I wrote, not that dropping bombs on Japan was kick ass but that the USA kicked Japan's ass in WW2, thus prolonging China's future.

Since we are now on the topic of dropping bombs, how do you believe the USA could have handled it's war with Japan differently (such as not dropping the atomic bombs) and still coming out on top?

With the same way as they did with Europe ...
USA liberated a whole continent without nukes ...
Why the heck ,they nuked a bunch of ( arrogant but brave also) fishermen ?

you know why ,of course ...

1 )Real " testing " of a new weapon , is way better than "silly" lab tests ...

2 )The US needed at that time to show to the rest of the world " who's the boss ",
especially to their "ally " ,the russians ( that was the beginning of Cold War ,actually ) .

3 ) Most dazzling/dramatic way to punish the only country which dared to attack US ground
(Japan was first and last one,ever ...).

4 ) And of course a good ,practical (!) way ,to finish with 'em once and for all ,
without a single US casualty
(In operations "Overlord " and "Neptune" -aka "D-day " -US troops suffered
a large number of casualties. The US public would not tolerate any more casualties ,
especially from the people who bombed Pearl Harbor ...).

Just a few reasons why ...
FGS ,those fishermen didn't know how to make a fighter aircraft * ..
It was the germans who teached them how to make one ...

* Roll a fat one and watch this movie ...
"The wind rises "
The biography of the man who designed Mitsubishi Zero ...

enjoy ...
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my street lamp has cobs in it must be 20 or so
nice light beats that HPS or Mercury that were in it before the mercury was there when i 1st moved in .
the HPS was the worst , never stayed fucking on heat up & shut down all night
Great counterarguments. While I've watched many inventories and stocks from our beloved retailers relating to our hobby/obsession slowly dwindle over weeks at a time, I've never seen any one product drop more than x25 pieces in a given week, including Jerry KB. I'm sure I've missed plenty of transactions and resupplies and I don't doubt that big sales through light manufacturing companies take place but which light manufacturing companies are including Cree CXB3590 cobs in their product besides the green, frosty leaf grower companies that we all know and love, lol? That's a serious question too because I, like many others here, would like to know where the application of top-dollar cobs are implemented and you of all wizards would know. I've noticed that smaller white led is being utilized in public places such as gas stations and liquor stores, which is huge here in Saint Louis but have yet to come across any lamps or public light works that have huge COB lights, such as the Vero 29.

You will never see those big quantities as stock ....
They are sold (dispatched) ,the same moment the authorised dealer receives them ...
( otherwise : Late Delivery / off -time / overdue penalties ,always part of big deals )
You only see as stock ,the left-overs...

As for your question ....SOME examples ...

You want more with Cree CXB or you want some with Veros ,also ?
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my street lamp has cobs in it must be 20 or so
nice light beats that HPS or Mercury that were in it before the mercury was there when i 1st moved in .
the HPS was the worst , never stayed fucking on heat up & shut down all night
I have one across the street like that.
I lived here well over 3 yrs and the same bulb still on and of all nigh every night.

I have 3 retro-fit street lights. They have Cree do=led's and meanwell drivers like these, but I got a killer price on them, using them for veg ,lights, mine are in 5500K
History is good for the brain but bad for the heart .... someone once said.... lmao

Just a few reasons why ...

Most likely reasons, yes.

You will never see those big quantities as stock ....
They are sold (dispatched) ,the same moment the authorised dealer receives them ...
( otherwise : Late Delivery / off -time / overdue penalties ,always part of big deals )
You only see as stock ,the left-overs...

As for your question ....SOME examples ...

You want more with Cree CXB or you want some with Veros ,also ?

It looks like all those companies are selling the same product, minus the article :) music to my ears nonetheless, although I live in a typical American neighborhood where people are slightly getting by, so I don't expect to see any nearby Vero/CXB-infused lamp posts anytime soon : / .

Do they have em' in Vero too? I bet they sell quite well.

Mouser ,cutter,digi-key ,etc ,for sure ,they do not expect to make a huge profit
by selling small quantities to individuals / amateurs.
Their main profit comes from other big companies that buy their stuff .
(As they can not buy them directly from manufacturers ,like Cree or Bridgelux ...)


Would you say it's nearly impossible for both small and big companies to buy directly from manufactures, such as Cree and Bridgelux and that they have to instead go through either authorized and non-authorized dealers to obtain their Cree/Bridgelux cobs?
While yes,copper wires are copper wires ,for most of electric/ electronic appliances ,
for the audio world ain't that simple ....
Guitar cables ?
Try out an ordinary $10 cable and then play the same tune with the same amp with a Monster Rock or
Monster Jazz cable ...

Yeah im aware about difficulties with longer distances, etc mall/stadium speaker systems and aware about diameter/alloy quality/etc impacts, but you've mentioned quite a short distance thats why i chimed in... you obivously know more(no sarcasm, as i mentioned sorry if im stupid)

Maybe im biased but i have couple of people in the recording biz i mingle at the shows and they are considered good (people come from other countries to record in their studios/for em to master) and ive been told that Monster is a peace of crap and their representatives dont know shit (kind of how grow lamp/chip makers get burnt by you and few others here for false claims).. Just my 2 cents. but than again i never owned a cable more than 5m/7m..
It looks like all those companies are selling the same product, minus the article :) music to my ears nonetheless, although I live in a typical American neighborhood where people are slightly getting by, so I don't expect to see any nearby Vero/CXB-infused lamp posts anytime soon : / .
Do they have em' in Vero too? I bet they sell quite well.

Look closely and you will see that ain't the same product,not all of them ,at least .
Those designs that do look the same ,are most probably manufactured by the same facility also ,
but under different brands are ordered and sold .

But our main theme was and still is the actual number of COBs ordered & used
by different firms and not if their designs are the same or no .

Still,I can provide you with plenty of links about where cobs are used for :
Automotive industry & applications,
Aerospace industry & applications ,
In military industry & applications,
In mining and fossil fuel (petroleum ) industry,
In sports facilities,
In museums and so on ....
Many -many COBs are being manufactured as we speak ..
Not only in the US ,but all around the world...
Cheap COBs and branded COBs ...
Transported,selled,installed and finally used ,in a wide variety of applications ,
all with the same common purpose:
Provide light for humans .:!:
That is the main purpose that the COBs exist,firstplace.:hump:

Do you seriously think that Osram,Cree,Bridgelux,Nichia,Phillips,Samsung,Citizen,Sharp and so many other brands
that you're aware of and you do not ,are manufacturing their COBs mainly for the legal or illicit indoor marijuana horticulture ?

Com'on ,now...

Would you say it's nearly impossible for both small and big companies to buy directly from manufactures, such as Cree and Bridgelux and that they have to instead go through either authorized and non-authorized dealers to obtain their Cree/Bridgelux cobs?

You do not need "nearly" ....

Visit Cree site or Bridgelux site and hit the "Where to buy" button.
They do not ask you "Who are you "
"Are you a big mothafucka light fixture manufacturer or a mere poor ass mj grower ?
We do not care who you are ,if you want our products ,you will find them there ..."

Cree and Bridgelux as physical entities ,are both some offices and laboratories ..
Their stuff researches,develops,designs and maybe making some prototypes ,too ...
The facilities that actually manufacture the mass production of their COBs are not owned by Cree or Bridgelux...
They are third party firms..
As also the vendors and retailers of their products ..
From the latter you,I ,he,she buy the goods..
As also the big facilities that manufacture light fixtures ,
under the specs and standards ordered from a large number of different lighting firms ...

Funny thing is ....
That all the chain ( take our poor little asses out of the big pic ) might belong to the same big
monstrous " Group " ( a multinational company )

Take Sony Group for instance ..
Just the music division ...

Sony Group owns recording studios where music is produced and recorded..
Sony Group makes the fuckin' CDs also ..(the means of storage )
Sony Group owns the MTV (or is a big fat share holder,don't remember exactly )
Sony Group owns radio stations ..
Sony Group owns the whole fuckin' promotion bussiness ...
Sony Group owns the factory that make the fuckin ' Hi-Fi ...(the means of reproduction )
Sony Group owns who knows what more ....

I wonder ,that 1% of the world population how exactly they spend their wealth..
(That being 50% of the worlds wealth .....)
It's kinda sick situation to own that much wealth ...
At least it makes me sick,just to think about it ...
To be so fuckin' rich ,to own the whole fuckin' world,
to feel so powerful and unique ,to feel like god ....
And still not being able to make a deal with death ...
Like all the fuckin rest poor bastards ,outta there ...
I prefer the poor little bastard option,truly ...
Anyway ,I got carried away ..
Hope that we will not keep derailing this wonderful thread any longer ...

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Cree official Retailers:

Kingbrite must be obtaining their COBs from any of the above retailers ...
Not from Cree directly ,'cause at that case Kingbrite would have been in the above list .....

But hey ...Now Kingbrite it's gonna have it's own US retailer ....

Everyfuckinnbody is trying to make a living with every mean (or is it "all means" ? ) possible ...

If God really exists ...
Then the entity "wealth" is what we call devil ..
Thank God that just a brave 1% of us ,has taken the responsibility to gather it ...
The rest we keep on living our lives ...."commonly and casually " ...
Get up now and shout out loud :
" We're the rest 99% and we have 50% of the world wealth to share ! "

Until the very fuckin last moment that we'll close our eyes once and for all.
All the 100% ....
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@stardustsailor Jerry gets cobs directly from Shenzhen Cree factory lol sometimes you say stuff you don't really know. I'm doing this to help everyone including myself on getting the cobs faster in the US sorry non americans
so jerry is giving up profit so you can make a buck?
No I'm helping him. I got something else that I'm gonna be doing and by me helping Jerry like I've helped you guys just remember where you heard about Kingbrite from plus he has someone else that's gonna be doing it as well in the US not just me lol and when I do start selling lights I'll be hooked up from Kingbrite for selling for them. You guys forget they make reflectors and lenses. I will also get first dibs on any new top bin.
@stardustsailor Jerry gets cobs directly from Shenzhen Cree factory lol sometimes you say stuff you don't really know. I'm doing this to help everyone including myself on getting the cobs faster in the US sorry non americans

Do me a fuckin' favour and do not underestimate my intelligence,please..

Why you don't fuckin go and buy the fuckin' COBs in the same Shenzhen Cree factory
and cut out the middle man ,boy ?
Com'on make the fuckin' big deal ...
Offer us the COBs ,at better prices than KB ..
And from digi-key,arrow and any other mofo who's trying to steal us ..
And you'll be still making a huge profit ...

Why the fuck you don't do it ,since anybody or any company can walk in the fuckin'
Shenzhen Cree factory and load the shit out of the trunk with the precious eggs of ours ?

Give me a break ,dude ..
I'm in the world of solid state lighting long enough to know plenty about it ...
Before you even knew what LED actually means ...
And ...
Trust me I know my stuff ,way much more than you know yours ,
that's for sure ...

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Great counterarguments. While I've watched many inventories and stocks from our beloved retailers relating to our hobby/obsession slowly dwindle over weeks at a time, I've never seen any one product drop more than x25 pieces in a given week, including Jerry KB. I'm sure I've missed plenty of transactions and resupplies and I don't doubt that big sales through light manufacturing companies take place but which light manufacturing companies are including Cree CXB3590 cobs in their product besides the green, frosty leaf grower companies that we all know and love, lol? That's a serious question too because I, like many others here, would like to know where the application of top-dollar cobs are implemented and you of all wizards would know. I've noticed that smaller white led is being utilized in public places such as gas stations and liquor stores, which is huge here in Saint Louis but have yet to come across any lamps or public light works that have huge COB lights, such as the Vero 29.
Its worth noting the primary difference between COB and discrete diodes is the capacity to get optical control with small discrete leds and given most municipalities globally have strict regs about beam patterns for Street Lights, ie assymetric beams, this is generally why they are preferred to COB solutions
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