Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Many of you know me from here on the site. A cpl from my area personally.

I am here for what may be the last time in quite awhile....
The State, County and local law enforcement, under the direct guidance of the AG Bill Schutte is making a serious push against all open and operating Disp., CAREGIVER operations AND home grows! THEY KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU THEN YOU THINK!

I was raided all at once last Friday mourning at grows and storefront Disp. locations. The laws have changed and they have NOT informed the MM public of MI about the changes! Every single plant was confiscated, along with all disp. sale products. Store fronts have been shuttered and employees arrested for delivery from the disp.
They had REAL CARDED MM patients come in and make buys. This is round 2 of ZERO tolerance! Charges are pending against me AND my wife and have yet to be warrented, but told it WILL be coming!

They are attempting to rack up big stat's and numbers and show the new intolerance for REAL medical needs to be out weighed by the AG Schutte's ignorance and personal desire for attention and furthering his political career!

I have been told left handed by House Reps and Sens that are sided to the cause that while it was my direct testimony in front of the House that drew Schutte's ire and me being one of the first on the list. All operating disp are being retargeted! ALL caregivers that can be linked to ANY disp.are being targeted for a "compliance check"!! This goes for those home growing for themselves too! They are weighing everything and pinching for weight!!!! #'s are the focus and ANYTHING with a root is counted!

I've said enough.....Time to attempt to cool off!
see you all around...from time to time as I can.

The only thing I've read about is "Operation Sweetie", a 5 year sting running from Detroit to Traverse City, but that was heroin/cocaine related I believe.

Trust me on this one, I'm just part of the tip of the spear! Lets just say I kept my ears and eye's open at the WMET agents desk....I can read upside down pretty damn good and follow up calls to the State reps gave me the skinny on it being an "organized" push.

"They" say that your "safe" to testify.....I now say BULL SHIT!!
They'll stop destroying plants when they get sued for a few, Larimer county here found out the hard way when they had to pay 5 grand a for every plant they destroyed of one guys, the suit came to about 1/4 of a million dollars, After that when they made raids they would leave plants standing.

But this is the Michigan forum.
Colorado, 666 clown.
I lived near MI for many yrs...could throw a rock at the state line from my house...fuckin hated that good ol boy mentallity that place has. Buncha cock suckers they are! I was speechless after I read that and a little choked up that this shit is still happening ..especially to good folks like Doc Who. again #fuckmichiganbro :cuss:
I lived near MI for many yrs...could throw a rock at the state line from my house...fuckin hated that good ol boy mentallity that place has. Buncha cock suckers they are! I was speechless after I read that and a little choked up that this shit is still happening ..especially to good folks like Doc Who. again #fuckmichiganbro :cuss:
The thing is, we have yet to ever have any type of distribution model passed. I hear you about the good ol boy mentality, wee bit of corruption in MI. Anyways, it took balls to open a dispensary when it was never legal, just sayin.
Trust me on this one, I'm just part of the tip of the spear! Lets just say I kept my ears and eye's open at the WMET agents desk....I can read upside down pretty damn good and follow up calls to the State reps gave me the skinny on it being an "organized" push.

"They" say that your "safe" to testify.....I now say BULL SHIT!!
Heart felt and ready for a fight,

hang in there gather ur resources and bunker down

thanks for the heads up

I hope to see you again soon
The thing is, we have yet to ever have any type of distribution model passed. I hear you about the good ol boy mentality, wee bit of corruption in MI. Anyways, it took balls to open a dispensary when it was never legal, just sayin.

What are you going to say when they work down the list n get to caregivers n eventually you and me after the caregivers have had a " compliance" check.
Many of you know me from here on the site. A cpl from my area personally.

I am here for what may be the last time in quite awhile....
The State, County and local law enforcement, under the direct guidance of the AG Bill Schutte is making a serious push against all open and operating Disp., CAREGIVER operations AND home grows! THEY KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU THEN YOU THINK!

I was raided all at once last Friday mourning at grows and storefront Disp. locations. The laws have changed and they have NOT informed the MM public of MI about the changes! Every single plant was confiscated, along with all disp. sale products. Store fronts have been shuttered and employees arrested for delivery from the disp.
They had REAL CARDED MM patients come in and make buys. This is round 2 of ZERO tolerance! Charges are pending against me AND my wife and have yet to be warrented, but told it WILL be coming!

They are attempting to rack up big stat's and numbers and show the new intolerance for REAL medical needs to be out weighed by the AG Schutte's ignorance and personal desire for attention and furthering his political career!

I have been told left handed by House Reps and Sens that are sided to the cause that while it was my direct testimony in front of the House that drew Schutte's ire and me being one of the first on the list. All operating disp are being retargeted! ALL caregivers that can be linked to ANY disp.are being targeted for a "compliance check"!! This goes for those home growing for themselves too! They are weighing everything and pinching for weight!!!! #'s are the focus and ANYTHING with a root is counted!

I've said enough.....Time to attempt to cool off!
see you all around...from time to time as I can.

Detroit shops are getting popped one by one I hear. Probably more are to come in this 30 day interval for store owners to apply for a license. I don't see how the state can raid any caregiver besides the ones that are affiliated with dispensaries. Too many cg's to have all their doors kicked down.
Detroit shops are getting popped one by one I hear. Probably more are to come in this 30 day interval for store owners to apply for a license. I don't see how the state can raid any caregiver besides the ones that are affiliated with dispensaries. Too many cg's to have all their doors kicked down.
What are you going to say..
Contingency plans are cool Walter, paranoia and speculation are not. All anyone really knows, for sure at this moment, is that unfortunately dr. who was targeted. that sucks! Corso, maybe try just growing for personal medicine only, if it's really affecting your comfort level. I gave up the idea of being a caregiver.
Detroit shops are getting popped one by one I hear. Probably more are to come in this 30 day interval for store owners to apply for a license. I don't see how the state can raid any caregiver besides the ones that are affiliated with dispensaries. Too many cg's to have all their doors kicked down.
Detroit just passed legislation specifying tight restraints re playgrounds, churches, etc... we saw it coming, only a few current dispos would already be in a suitable location.
Detroit shops are getting popped one by one I hear. Probably more are to come in this 30 day interval for store owners to apply for a license. I don't see how the state can raid any caregiver besides the ones that are affiliated with dispensaries. Too many cg's to have all their doors kicked down.

Its a money grab, they are broke n desperate. The guy that owns the growshop I get my soil from got his car seized, 2k in his pocket from sales that day and the 2 zips he had in the backseat inside a metal box.. He had his card but lost the 2k and his ride and some product.. When he told me this last year I decided to never get a card again..what good is it?
Contingency plans are cool Walter, paranoia and speculation are not. All anyone really knows, for sure at this moment, is that unfortunately dr. who was targeted. that sucks! Corso, maybe try just growing for personal medicine only, if it's really affecting your comfort level. I gave up the idea of being a caregiver.

Never, I get a rush driving dirty or watering a patch @ 2 a.m. .. Growing is relaxing for me, now if I had a wife-kids I would be very concerned.
@Dr. Who What laws have changed? As far as I know nothing in the act said anything about disp. People got raided around here months ago, cops took all the bud, money, tv's, cameras you name it. now they have a compliance certificate on the wall and they're back open.