Dr. Who
Well-Known Member
OK now it's time to do the tracking act give me a a few minutes.....
You do know you can look up the EXACT wording in any thing the government does?
First.....this is the Tracking act and what it is defined as.....
HB4827, As Passed House, Sep, 14, 2016HB-4827, As Passed Senate, September 8, 2016 SENATE SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 4827 A bill to establish a statewide monitoring system to track marihuana and marihuana products in commercial trade.
to monitor compliance with laws authorizing commercial traffic in medical marihuana; to identify threats to health from particular batches of marihuana or medical marihuana; to require persons engaged in commercial marihuana trade to submit certain information for entry into the system; to provide the powers and duties of certain state departments and agencies; to provide for remedies; and to provide for the promulgation of rules.
Now notice the words Commercial Trade......
Like I said above. THAT is simply the frame work to form the BILL!
It will be defined and the actual legal regulations written later! They do NOT have the whole thing written!
That BIG loophole of having to have a traceable origin and path to sale, is still wide open to final interpretation!
If you guys think that can't happen!
You don't understand just how, at least this, government works!
And/or you've been sucking on the heroin laced teat of the press information given by the government! They want you nice and numb and dumb per actual operations!