Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
I am biased towards corrections and american "justice" as these morons with suits in govt so eloquently put it. FACT: culpability in america is based on race,income, and family status in local govt. 2: this country feeds the corrections monster like jabba the hut at an jeff foxworthy old country buffet all you can eat. 3: If there aint some douchebag wearing a suit making millions off cannabis its a problem in their eyes. 4: If we as a disgusted tax paying people dont try to at least stop or derail this nightmare it will try to steamroll all of us, then incarcerate us. I wont lie, here in vermont corrections workers are the laziest,75% of them are 265lbs or bigger and it aint muscle folks! They sit in a chair and stare at a cell phone or a computer and act like the 22.00 an hour they make entitlement moneys lol. Last time i visited a jail to see a relative i was truly sick to my stomach at the way these douchehats treat other human beings.

You are SOOO correct on that! OVERWEIGHT ASS-HATS !

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
For all the info you seem to think is right, you haven't shown anyone 1 thing that says we can't grow
What the "fuck" am I supposed to give you?

I've been an activist on this issue sense it began well over a year ago!!!!!!
I testified at hearings on the new bills and heard what they actually mean as far as what the state can apply legally with the wording!
I've given you actual legal (by lawyers) interpretation of the law!
I've spelled it out in several ways!
I've supplied the left handed evidence of legal side stepping of the patient act!
I've listed ways to find out more in news reports!
I've almost held your damn hand and walked you through it!

You're too busy with denial to actually SEE what the state is doing!

I understand there are going to those who will never "get it" and blindly trust the government to do whats right!

So then, keep your head in the sand and let the state government keep blowing sand up your ass!


Well-Known Member
What the "fuck" am I supposed to give you?

I've been an activist on this issue sense it began well over a year ago!!!!!!
I testified at hearings on the new bills and heard what they actually mean as far as what the state can apply legally with the wording!
I've given you actual legal (by lawyers) interpretation of the law!
I've spelled it out in several ways!
I've supplied the left handed evidence of legal side stepping of the patient act!
I've listed ways to find out more in news reports!
I've almost held your damn hand and walked you through it!

You're too busy with denial to actually SEE what the state is doing!

I understand there are going to those who will never "get it" and blindly trust the government to do whats right!

So then, keep your head in the sand and let the state government keep blowing sand up your ass!
Ok man I'll keep my head in the sand and you keep screaming the sky is falling...

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Pitts in the back yard or house. I saw a show on robbers once on television. The robbers said if you have a security system there are robbing, if you have dogs or beware of dog signs they'll move on to the next house. Sealed co2 all grows. Keep rh in check and the scrubbers running.
The fucked up part is that Michigan is fucking with medical growers. Now they want to tell one what to smoke and where you can buy it from? Its weird that the news hasn't hit the main stream media, at least i haven't seen it.
It's the keep it quiet and don't give out the details, so we can sneak this past them when they aren't looking thing!

I mean come on here! How many actually knew this when it started over a year ago?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Ok man I'll keep my head in the sand and you keep screaming the sky is falling...
Tell you what. I just emailed a legal advisor to the anti bill team that testified last year.

I asked for clarification on the new wording and it's possible affect on patients and caregiver growing!

I REALLY hope I'm wrong and your right!
I'll line right up for you all to give me a swift kick!

I still say it's a BAD bill for MI either way, and it needs to NOT pass!

So drop lines to the House reps and the Gov anyway!

Marijuana Mercenary

Well-Known Member
I agree, even if the people get to grow medical this still looks bad for the citizens. The government is trying to force people onto a market they are profiting from by threatening a large part of the public with felonies for not buying from their dealers.

How much will a plant liscence cost anyway? Expensive like a liqour one?

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Tell you what. I just emailed a legal advisor to the anti bill team that testified last year.

I asked for clarification on the new wording and it's possible affect on patients and caregiver growing!

I REALLY hope I'm wrong and your right!
I'll line right up for you all to give me a swift kick!

I still say it's a BAD bill for MI either way, and it needs to NOT pass!

So drop lines to the House reps and the Gov anyway!

I got an answer back that he has on his web page:

This legislation is dense and lengthy. There will be an extensive regulatory system implemented (similar to the regulations on alcohol). Many of the terms and conditions have not even been written yet, as that job will fall on a newly created medical marijuana board. Right now, there are many more questions than answers. However, we have spent a significant amount of time reading the fine print and are ready to give you preliminary advice on questions related to the new medical marijuana legislation. Once these bills become law and rules and regulations are issued, we will be prepared to help you through the lengthy application process of setting up your grow facility, dispensary, or processing center.

He said he would get back to me later as it's been changed.

IT'S already ON the way to the Gov's desk!

House passed it last YEAR and the Senate passed it quietly yesterday! It's on the way to the Gov's desk and He says that Snyder is now in favor and will most likely sign it. The real details are to be written later - These are the one's that will give us butt hurt!


Well-Known Member
Care Givers will still be able to grow for patients.....because they in fact ARE patients.....

There are no details saying anything at all in any of the bills they passed that remove caregivers from growing.

I have read ALL the fine print on ALL the Bills.

The only people who are being controlled are those people who will be involved in the production, transportation, inspection, and selling of Medical cannabis through dispensaries.

The Key thing here is SELLING and TAXES this is what they want to control most.

Any Cannabis SOLD for Profit.

They have added Infused Cannabis products to the MMMA and set guidelines to control it.

Other than that Nothing was changed to limit Care Givers or Patients from what they have been doing under the MMMA.

The entire Caregiver/Patient system is still the way it was this new act for Dispensaries cannot change it.
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Well-Known Member
Here are the words that actually effect the MMMA act with an amendment passed Sept 8-14th, 2016.
Everything else in the MMMA acts stands as it was.

Legislative Analysis House Fiscal Agency

Phone: (517) 373-8080 Analysis available at MARIHUANA-INFUSED PRODUCTS House Bill 4210 (Substitute H-1, as proposed) Sponsor: Rep. Lisa Posthumus Lyons Committee: Judiciary Complete to 9-21-15 SUMMARY: The bill would, among other things:

Revise the definitions of "medical use" and "usable marihuana" to include products using extracts and plant resins (known as "edibles").
Define "marihuana-infused product" and "usable marihuana equivalent".
Provide immunity to a qualified patient or caregiver from arrest or prosecution or penalty for certain conduct.
Prohibit transporting or possessing a marihuana-infused product in a vehicle except as specified. Create a misdemeanor penalty for a violation.
Prohibit using butane to separate resin from a marihuana plant on residential property.
Specify the bill is curative and the provisions retroactive.

(What the amendment does)

House Bill 4210 would amend the Michigan Medical Marihuana Act (MMMA) to do the following: Goal of act and retroactivity The bill specifies that it clarifies ambiguities in the law in accordance with the original intent of the people, as expressed in Section 2(b) of the MMMA. Further, the bill states that it is curative and applies retroactively as to the following:

Clarifying the quantities and forms of marihuana for which a person is protected from arrest.
Precluding an interpretation of "weight" as aggregate weight.
Excluding an added inactive substrate component of a preparation in determining the amount of marihuana, medical marihuana, or usable marihuana that constitutes an offense.

( Definitions to include infused products )

Change the term "medical use" to "medical use of marihuana" and revise the definition to include the extraction of marihuana and marihuana-infused products.

Revise the definition of "usable marihuana" to include, in addition to dried leaves and flowers, the plant resin or extract of the marihuana plant. (The term does not include the seeds, stalks, or roots of the plant.)
House Fiscal Agency HB 4210 (H-1)

Define "marihuana-infused product" to mean a topical formulation, tincture, beverage, edible substance, or similar product containing any usable marihuana that is intended for human consumption in a manner other than smoke inhalation. Marihuana-infused products would not be considered a food for purposes of the Food Law.

( New definitions of usable amount to include infused products )

Define "usable marihuana equivalent" as the amount of usable marihuana in a marihuana-infused product. To determine usable marihuana equivalency, the bill would specify that one ounce of usable marihuana would be considered equivalent to
(a) 16 ounces of marihuana-infused product if in a solid form;
(b) 7 grams if in a gaseous form; and
(c) 72 fluid ounces if in a liquid form. In determining whether a patient or primary caregiver did not exceed the 2.5 ounces-per-patient possession limit, the combined total of both usable marijuana equivalents and usable marihuana would have to be considered. Marihuana-infused product A registered qualifying patient who was manufacturing a marihuana-infused product for personal use, or a registered primary caregiver manufacturing for the use of his or her qualifying patient, would not be subject to arrest, prosecution, or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including, but not limited to, civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau.

(the new language regarding adding infused products )

The following would be prohibited:
A qualifying patient transferring a marihuana-infused product to any individual.
A primary caregiver transferring a marihuana-infused product to any individual who is not one of the caregiver's qualifying patients.

(Immunity) If the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (House Bill 4209) is enacted into law, a registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver would not be subject to arrest, prosecution or penalty in any manner, or denied any right or privilege, including but not limited to, civil penalty or disciplinary action by a business or occupational or professional licensing board or bureau, for any of the following:

Transferring or purchasing marihuana in an amount authorized by the MMMA.

Transferring or selling marihuana seeds or seedlings to a grower licensed under the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act (House Bill 4209).

Transferring marihuana for testing to and from a safety compliance facility licensed under the Medical Marihuana Facilities Licensing Act

( new rules for Infused product transportation )
Transporting or possessing marihuana-infused product in a motor vehicle A qualifying patient or primary caregiver would be prohibited from transporting or possessing a marihuana-infused product in or upon a motor vehicle except as follows:

For a qualifying patient:
o The product is in a sealed and labeled package carried in the trunk of the vehicle (if there is no trunk, carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle). House Fiscal Agency HB 4210 (H-1)
o The label must state the weight of the marihuana-infused product in ounces, name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name of the person from whom the product was received, and date of receipt.

For a primary caregiver:
o The product is accompanied by an accurate marihuana transportation manifest and enclosed in a case carried in the trunk of the vehicle (if no trunk, enclosed in a case and carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle).
o The manifest form must state the weight of each marihuana-infused product in ounces, name and address of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, destination name and address, date and time of departure, estimated date and time of arrival, and, if applicable, name and address of the person from whom the product was received and date of receipt.

The bill would not prohibit a caregiver from transporting or possessing a marihuanainfused product in or upon a motor vehicle for the use of his or her own child, spouse, or parent who is a qualified patient if the marihuana-infused product is in a sealed and labeled package that is carried in the trunk of the vehicle (or carried so as not to be readily accessible from the interior of the vehicle if it does not have a trunk). The label must state the weight of the product in ounces, name of the manufacturer, date of manufacture, name of the qualifying patient, and if applicable, name of the person from whom the marihuanainfused product was received and date of receipt.

( new penalties regarding Infused products )
For purposes of determining compliance with quantity limitations, there is a rebuttable presumption that the weight of a marihuana-infused product listed on its package label or on a marihuana transportation manifest is accurate. A violation by a patient or caregiver would be a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 93 days and/or a fine of not more than $500.

Miscellaneous provisions The bill also would:

Prohibit using butane extraction on residential property to separate plant resin from a marihuana plant.
Replace the term "use of medical marihuana" with "medical use of marihuana."
Require LARA to expend money from the Michigan Medical Marihuana Fund for the creation and maintenance of the system required under the Marihuana Tracking Act. Currently, the Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs is required to expend money, upon legislative appropriation, from the fund for the operation and oversight of the Michigan medical marihuana program. The bill would take effect 90 days after enactment. MCL 333.26423 et al. House Fiscal Agency HB 4210 (H-1)

FISCAL IMPACT: House Bill 4210 would authorize the expenditure of money from the Michigan Medical Marihuana Fund (MMMF) for the creation and maintenance of the marihuana tracking information technology system (System) required under House Bill 4827. Under current law, LARA administers the MMMF, into which revenue generated by fees collected from applicants for medical marihuana registry identification cards are deposited and from which expenditures for the operation and oversight of the Michigan Medical Marihuana Program, including grants to county sheriffs' offices, are made. The costs of developing, operating, and maintaining the System is dependent on the technical specifications and applications of the System; whether the System is provided by the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB) or procured via contact a third-party vendor (e.g. Bio-Tech Medical Software, Inc., MJ Freeway Business Solutions, Franwell); and, if the latter, on the outcome of a competitive RFP process. The MMMF has historically received revenue in excess of expenditures, and the balance within the MMMF was $26.4 million at the date this document was drafted; however, recent revisions to fee amounts and additional appropriations for grants to county sheriffs' offices will likely reduce the balance in future years. The bill creates a new misdemeanor. Misdemeanor convictions would increase costs related to county jails and/or local misdemeanor probation supervision. The costs of local incarceration in a county jail and local misdemeanor probation supervision vary by jurisdiction. Misdemeanor fines are constitutionally dedicated to public libraries.
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Care Givers will still be able to grow for patients.....because they in fact ARE patients.....

There are no details saying anything at all in any of the bills they passed that remove caregivers from growing.

I have read ALL the fine print on ALL the Bills.

The only people who are being controlled are those people who will be involved in the production, transportation, inspection, and selling of Medical cannabis through dispensaries.

The Key thing here is SELLING and TAXES this is what they want to control most.

Any Cannabis SOLD for Profit.

The have added Infused Cannabis products to the MMMA and set guidelines to control it.

Other than that Nothing was changed to limit Care Givers or Patients from what they have been doing under the MMMA.

The entire Caregiver/Patient system is still the way it was this new act for Dispensaries cannot change it.
Lets hope so!
emailed the lawyer back and waiting for specific question answers on exactly HOW the new tracking act may effect the personal growing!
Lets see what an actual lawyer says!


Well-Known Member

I got an answer back that he has on his web page:

This legislation is dense and lengthy. There will be an extensive regulatory system implemented (similar to the regulations on alcohol). Many of the terms and conditions have not even been written yet, as that job will fall on a newly created medical marijuana board. Right now, there are many more questions than answers. However, we have spent a significant amount of time reading the fine print and are ready to give you preliminary advice on questions related to the new medical marijuana legislation. Once these bills become law and rules and regulations are issued, we will be prepared to help you through the lengthy application process of setting up your grow facility, dispensary, or processing center.

He said he would get back to me later as it's been changed.

IT'S already ON the way to the Gov's desk!

House passed it last YEAR and the Senate passed it quietly yesterday! It's on the way to the Gov's desk and He says that Snyder is now in favor and will most likely sign it. The real details are to be written later - These are the one's that will give us butt hurt!
So in your own text it say for a grow facility...caregivers and home grows are not grow facilities


Well-Known Member

I got an answer back that he has on his web page:

This legislation is dense and lengthy. There will be an extensive regulatory system implemented (similar to the regulations on alcohol). Many of the terms and conditions have not even been written yet, as that job will fall on a newly created medical marijuana board. Right now, there are many more questions than answers. However, we have spent a significant amount of time reading the fine print and are ready to give you preliminary advice on questions related to the new medical marijuana legislation. Once these bills become law and rules and regulations are issued, we will be prepared to help you through the lengthy application process of setting up your grow facility, dispensary, or processing center.

He said he would get back to me later as it's been changed.

IT'S already ON the way to the Gov's desk!

House passed it last YEAR and the Senate passed it quietly yesterday! It's on the way to the Gov's desk and He says that Snyder is now in favor and will most likely sign it. The real details are to be written later - These are the one's that will give us butt hurt!
So in your own text it say for a grow facility...caregivers and home grows are not grow facilities

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Care Givers will still be able to grow for patients.....because they in fact ARE patients.....

There are no details saying anything at all in any of the bills they passed that remove caregivers from growing.

I have read ALL the fine print on ALL the Bills.

The only people who are being controlled are those people who will be involved in the production, transportation, inspection, and selling of Medical cannabis through dispensaries.

The Key thing here is SELLING and TAXES this is what they want to control most.

Any Cannabis SOLD for Profit.

The have added Infused Cannabis products to the MMMA and set guidelines to control it.

Other than that Nothing was changed to limit Care Givers or Patients from what they have been doing under the MMMA.

The entire Caregiver/Patient system is still the way it was this new act for Dispensaries cannot change it.
Lets hope so!
emailed the lawyer back and waiting for specific question answers on exactly HOW the new tracking act may effect the personal growing!
Lets see what an actual lawyer says!

While we may see things differently. The real test is in what a lawyer who works with the MMMA says about the law and it's meaning!

The tracking act had all of our lawyers a little jumpy a year ago. Lets see what one of them say now....

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
What happened to the sky is falling?
It could very well be!
You just don't seem to want to understand that tracking act loophole! This is one of the biggest issue's we had last year!

And the lawyer I emailed did say "There will be an extensive regulatory system implemented (similar to the regulations on alcohol). Many of the terms and conditions have not even been written yet, as that job will fall on a newly created medical marijuana board. Right now, there are many more questions than answers."

WE'LL see what he says now...... I'm still very worried about legally growing at home in any form! The sneaky wording needs translation. You can stand on your "they won't/can't take it away" ideals if you like.

They changed the laws as they saw fit before! They can change what they like by these amendments to the law anytime! In fact, they can put in any amendment THEY want by voting it in! THEY CAN say "No more personal growing" ! Then tack on an appropriation to the bill and WE won't even be able to repeal that by a vote!

Sate law! Look it up!!

The question not yet legally answered IS that caregiver and personal growing issue!

To think that the state lawmakers HAVE to honor the "law" we voted in and NOT change even the basic meaning is ignorant!

The state MM board can have LARA change the card as they see fit. That brings up the question of "Hows this tracking act going to change the way law enforcement can see details of your license?" Right now, they can only be told by LARA if the card is valid and be told if any notice on the back is still in effect (caregiver or not). So it's (LARA) basically going to have to now tackle this "tracking" issue and the record WILL include any and all sales TO you. They want it so at the point of purchase, you can be blocked from buying more then the yet to be defined "limit" is! Daily? Weekly? We'll have to see on that yet too! This point can also possibly affect the limits now in place for either personal or caregiver possession!

They simply have to write all this yet! So far, some of what we know they are going to write is very scary FOR personal growing and caregiver grows!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
What happened to the sky is falling?
Care Givers will still be able to grow for patients.....because they in fact ARE patients.....

There are no details saying anything at all in any of the bills they passed that remove caregivers from growing.

I have read ALL the fine print on ALL the Bills.

The only people who are being controlled are those people who will be involved in the production, transportation, inspection, and selling of Medical cannabis through dispensaries.

The Key thing here is SELLING and TAXES this is what they want to control most.

Any Cannabis SOLD for Profit.

The have added Infused Cannabis products to the MMMA and set guidelines to control it.

Other than that Nothing was changed to limit Care Givers or Patients from what they have been doing under the MMMA.

The entire Caregiver/Patient system is still the way it was this new act for Dispensaries cannot change it.

I think a huge point is that you guys are looking at the bills FRAMEWORK!
This is NOT the WHOLE THING! And if it pass's.....The bill, the amendments, and acts it creates will be DEFINED and written out over the year it will have before it takes actual effect!
WE, in fact, will have NO say in how they define the law IN writing!

Beginning to see my points yet?"

What can they write in? - see the above post!


Well-Known Member
OK now it's time to do the tracking act give me a a few minutes.....

You do know you can look up the EXACT wording in any thing the government does?

First.....this is the Tracking act and what it is defined as.....

HB4827, As Passed House, Sep, 14, 2016HB-4827, As Passed Senate, September 8, 2016 SENATE SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 4827 A bill to establish a statewide monitoring system to track marihuana and marihuana products in commercial trade.

to monitor compliance with laws authorizing commercial traffic in medical marihuana; to identify threats to health from particular batches of marihuana or medical marihuana; to require persons engaged in commercial marihuana trade to submit certain information for entry into the system; to provide the powers and duties of certain state departments and agencies; to provide for remedies; and to provide for the promulgation of rules.

Now notice the words Commercial Trade......And then go through this there is nothing there that changes anything about the MMMA.


Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "marihuana tracking act".

Sec. 2. As used in this act:

(a) "Department" means the department of licensing and regulatory affairs.

(b) "Licensee" means that term as defined in section 102 of the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

(c) "Marihuana" means that term as defined in section 7106 of the public health code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.7106.

(d) "Registered primary caregiver" means that term as defined in section 102 of the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

(e) "Registered qualifying patient" means that term as defined in section 102 of the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

(f) "Registry identification card" means that term as defined in section 3 of the Michigan medical marihuana act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 12 333.26423.

(g) "Statewide monitoring system" or "system" means an Internet-based, statewide database established, implemented, and maintained directly or indirectly by the department that is available to licensees, law enforcement agencies, and authorized state departments and agencies on a 24-hour basis for all of the following:
(i) Verifying registry identification cards.
(ii) Tracking marihuana transfer and transportation by licensees, including transferee, date, quantity, and price.
(iii) Verifying in a commercially reasonable time that a transfer will not exceed the limit that the registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver is authorized to receive under section 4 of the Michigan medical marihuana act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26424.

Sec. 3.

(1) The department shall establish a statewide monitoring system for use as an integrated marihuana tracking, inventory, and verification system. The system must allow for interface with third-party inventory and tracking systems as described in section 207 of the medical marihuana facilities licensing act to provide for access by this state, licensees, and law enforcement personnel, to the extent that they need and are authorized to receive or submit the information, to comply with, enforce, or administer this act; the Michigan medical marihuana act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26421 to 333.26430; or the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

(2) At a minimum, the system must be capable of storing and providing access to information that, in conjunction with 1 or more third-party inventory control and tracking systems under section 207 of the medical marihuana facilities licensing act, allows all of the following:

(a) Verification that a registry identification card is current and valid and has not been suspended, revoked, or denied.

(b) Retention of a record of the date, time, quantity, and price of each sale or transfer of marihuana to a registered qualifying patient or registered primary caregiver.

(c) Determination of whether a particular sale or transfer transaction will exceed the permissible limit established under the Michigan medical marihuana act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26421 to 24 333.26430.

(d) Effective monitoring of marihuana seed-to-sale transfers.

(e) Receipt and integration of information from third-party inventory control and tracking systems under section 207 of the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

(3) The department shall promulgate rules to govern the process for incorporating information concerning registry identification card renewal, revocation, suspension, and changes and other information applicable to licensees, registered primary caregivers, and registered qualifying patients that must be included and maintained in the statewide monitoring system.

(4) The department shall seek bids to establish, operate, and maintain the statewide monitoring system under this section. The department shall do all of the following

(a) Evaluate bidders based on the cost of the service and the ability to meet all of the requirements of this act; the Michigan medical marihuana act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26421 to 333.26430; and 14 the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

(b) Give strong consideration to the bidder's ability to prevent fraud, abuse, and other unlawful or prohibited activities associated with the commercial trade in marihuana in this state, and the ability to provide additional tools for the administration and enforcement of this act; the Michigan medical marihuana act, 20 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26421 to 333.26430; and the medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

(c) Institute procedures to ensure that the contract awardee does not disclose or use the information in the system for any use or purpose except for the enforcement, oversight, and implementation of the Michigan medical marihuana act, 2008 IL 1, 26 MCL 333.26421 to 333.26430, or the medical marihuana facilities 27 licensing act.

(d) Require the contract awardee to deliver the functioning 2 system by 180 days after award of the contract.

(5)The department may terminate a contract with a contract awardee under this act for a violation of this act. A contract awardee may be debarred from award of other state contracts under this act for a violation of this act. Sec. 4. The information in the system is confidential and is exempt from disclosure under the freedom of information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246. Information in the system may be disclosed for purposes of enforcing this act; the Michigan medical marihuana act, 2008 IL 1, MCL 333.26421 to 333.26430; and the 12 medical marihuana facilities licensing act.

Enacting section 1. This act takes effect 90 days after the date it is enacted into law.
Enacting section 2. This act does not take effect unless House Bill No. 4209 of the 98th Legislature is enacted into law.
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Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
You have to start wondering just "who" will be appointed to that new board?

Lets see here, who's in power party wise?
Do they actually approve of marijuana?

It's quite scary yet!

Go back and read @Odin* 's point of response to what we are talking about! He's IN the MM industry, I was, and those of us that are, tend to be up on whats going on in our states system and the laws surrounding it!