Well-Known Member
Fightin among ourselves makes Shuettee the winner..
We don't do much with dyspos but they are still us... Not them
We don't do much with dyspos but they are still us... Not them
i started my maintenance and construction in ann ann arbor when i was 20 i still own and run it to this day (15 years later) with employees and will till i pass... i started kind soil in 2009 and still run it with two employees. please do not tell me I'm in experienced in business when you not only don't know me but know absolutely nothing about me or what i do. have i ran a dispensary no i don't like fucking patients over.
and quit talking like everyone follows your and dr.whos business practice of selling 35$ eitgths jesus christ your not some saint and your not selling every fucking eight for 35$ nor are you selling every med in your store as low as you possibly can and all at the exact same damn price. and don't talk to me either about rent and cost, thats another thing i can promise you i spend more on than you do in a little dispensary. what do you pay a whopping 1,000$ for rent? and 10-15$ a hour?? please my employees make 20-35$ an hour in my construction company electric, my warehouse where we do our construction business out of costs me 1,900$ a month just for my warehouse rental for my construction company plus electrical, plus 3 vehicles and vehicle maintenance, we carry 1,000,0000.000 in insurance, 500,000.00 in workman comp and 250,000.00 bond.. then we put countless thousands into materials and hourly wages until those jobs are complete. you don't even fucking pay taxes! your not a business
we also employ 2 people part time with our soil company so please don't ever come back and act like your somehow this big business man and i or no one else knows what were talking about cause I've ran a business much much longer than you and your dispensary.
i don't have daily walk in customers to my business that drops cash because we are the closest maintenance/soil company around we work for our business and my construction company alone has 4x the overhead cost you will ever experience with a dispensary and what we do takes knowledge we don't middle man weed to people sorry.
and to say my reason are weak for people coming in is stupid .. thats the truth.. if you can't grow, don't know how, don't have the money, aren't allowed in your home, have kids and don't want to where the hell else are you getting your meds? the street corner? OH lets get on craigslist and meet someone we don't know have no clue how their meds are... etc..
I'm sorry how much does our soil cost to make? your talking as if you've not only used the product but as if you make it and know what goes into it and what we pay for our materials. our packing alone is 1.43$ a package and actually when i have to buy my bags from a different supplier which happens sometimes our packing cost is 2$ a package. the profit from that believe it or not we do pay taxes on, labor with and overhead. you acting like I'm making soil for .50$ and selling it for 18$ killing people. 18$ feeds a five gallon plant from veg to harvest your not buying a cubic foot to fill grow containers completely up. fuck you can grow a 1 gallon from veg to harvest with 3.50$ worth of our soil and your telling me somehow were a rip off? place 1lb of any super soil in a 1 gallon container veg it for 1-1.5 months and take it to full flower with nothing else i can promise you our system will our grow and produce any super soil or water only system out there. theres a reason we cost more and its not because were greedy. I'm not here to argue about this this is getting silly now and were being attacked for making a blanket statement about dispensaries and how as a whole they aren't favoring growers or patients. yet here i am defending our business from people that have never once used our product personally and know nothing about it other than assumptions.How can you point a finger at dispensaries fucking people over when you sell your shitty soil for $40 per cubic foot?? lol
Pot meet kettle
I'm sorry how much does our soil cost to make? your talking as if you've not only used the product but as if you make it and know what goes into it and what we pay for our materials. our packing alone is 1.43$ a package and actually when i have to buy my bags from a different supplier which happens sometimes our packing cost is 2$ a package. the profit from that believe it or not we do pay taxes on, labor with and overhead. you acting like I'm making soil for .50$ and selling it for 18$ killing people. 18$ feeds a five gallon plant from veg to harvest your not buying a cubic foot to fill grow containers completely up. fuck you can grow a 1 gallon from veg to harvest with 3.50$ worth of our soil and your telling me somehow were a rip off? place 1lb of any super soil in a 1 gallon container veg it for 1-1.5 months and take it to full flower with nothing else i can promise you our system will our grow and produce any super soil or water only system out there. theres a reason we cost more and its not because were greedy. I'm not here to argue about this this is getting silly now and were being attacked for making a blanket statement about dispensaries and how as a whole they aren't favoring growers or patients. yet here i am defending our business from people that have never once used our product personally and know nothing about it other than assumptions.
Many of you know me from here on the site. A cpl from my area personally.
I am here for what may be the last time in quite awhile....
The State, County and local law enforcement, under the direct guidance of the AG Bill Schutte is making a serious push against all open and operating Disp., CAREGIVER operations AND home grows! THEY KNOW MORE ABOUT YOU THEN YOU THINK!
I was raided all at once last Friday mourning at grows and storefront Disp. locations. The laws have changed and they have NOT informed the MM public of MI about the changes! Every single plant was confiscated, along with all disp. sale products. Store fronts have been shuttered and employees arrested for delivery from the disp.
They had REAL CARDED MM patients come in and make buys. This is round 2 of ZERO tolerance! Charges are pending against me AND my wife and have yet to be warrented, but told it WILL be coming!
They are attempting to rack up big stat's and numbers and show the new intolerance for REAL medical needs to be out weighed by the AG Schutte's ignorance and personal desire for attention and furthering his political career!
I have been told left handed by House Reps and Sens that are sided to the cause that while it was my direct testimony in front of the House that drew Schutte's ire and me being one of the first on the list. All operating disp are being retargeted! ALL caregivers that can be linked to ANY disp.are being targeted for a "compliance check"!! This goes for those home growing for themselves too! They are weighing everything and pinching for weight!!!! #'s are the focus and ANYTHING with a root is counted!
I've said enough.....Time to attempt to cool off!
see you all around...from time to time as I can.
Phil, you, like many growers that have never actually ran a business are way off base with your numbers.
80% of MY business is $10 strains - we provide quality medicine to meet the patients needs. You take an oz.... I give a 4g 1/8 for $35. If I get the full 7 out of that I gross $245. Minus the $175 cost that is a $70 profit. If you do the math with Rent, Labor, Security, Utilities, Supplies and the repair costs for the never ending attempted and or successful break ins there is no pot of gold at the end of this rainbow son.
The rest of my sales are about 15% $15 strains and 5% $20 strains. The profit improves there.
As far as people FORCED to shop with me... your reasoning is weak... dispensaries have only been around in the Detroit area for 5-6 years patients found a way before the stores came. I have plenty of patients that are housebound yet find many ways for a cardholder to come get their medicine.
Not to mention you have to put a premium on the ability to browse a wide selection in a safe secure environment as apposed to the kid at the gas station yelling I got the loud or the Craiglist killers that want to come to your house.
I take the risk to own a store, I invested the money to open and keep it running, I provide a service to our community, I provide jobs, I will never be ashamed to make a profit.
i started my maintenance and construction in ann ann arbor when i was 20 i still own and run it to this day (15 years later) with employees and will till i pass... i started kind soil in 2009 and still run it with two employees. please do not tell me I'm in experienced in business when you not only don't know me but know absolutely nothing about me or what i do. have i ran a dispensary no i don't like fucking patients over.
and quit talking like everyone follows your and dr.whos business practice of selling 35$ eitgths jesus christ your not some saint and your not selling every fucking eight for 35$ nor are you selling every med in your store as low as you possibly can and all at the exact same damn price. and don't talk to me either about rent and cost, thats another thing i can promise you i spend more on than you do in a little dispensary. what do you pay a whopping 1,000$ for rent? and 10-15$ a hour?? please my employees make 20-35$ an hour in my construction company electric, my warehouse where we do our construction business out of costs me 1,900$ a month just for my warehouse rental for my construction company plus electrical, plus 3 vehicles and vehicle maintenance, we carry 1,000,0000.000 in insurance, 500,000.00 in workman comp and 250,000.00 bond.. then we put countless thousands into materials and hourly wages until those jobs are complete. you don't even fucking pay taxes! your not a business
we also employ 2 people part time with our soil company so please don't ever come back and act like your somehow this big business man and i or no one else knows what were talking about cause I've ran a business much much longer than you and your dispensary.
i don't have daily walk in customers to my business that drops cash because we are the closest maintenance/soil company around we work for our business and my construction company alone has 4x the overhead cost you will ever experience with a dispensary and what we do takes knowledge we don't middle man weed to people sorry.
and to say my reason are weak for people coming in is stupid .. thats the truth.. if you can't grow, don't know how, don't have the money, aren't allowed in your home, have kids and don't want to where the hell else are you getting your meds? the street corner? OH lets get on craigslist and meet someone we don't know have no clue how their meds are... etc..
thats the god damn point he's just saying stuff to make it look like theres so much that goes into it.. they aren't kicking in all your windows to get in they are breaking a door or window and should that happen once and you don't replace it with polycarbonate or better window thats your problem as a business owner. you get broken into once fool me you get broken into 10 x ... your the fool.. i would think after the first you'd have either a safe in place that can't be messed with
Everybody seems to forget. People in the southwest were able to buy bricks of crappy weed from mexico for $300. Or cross the border and pay closer to $50. The weed usually sucked but was occasionally pretty nice. So what is the actually cost of mass produced sun grown herb? It takes no more effort to grown quality genetics in aMoreica that it does shitty genetics in mexico. If you wanna keep making money with this plant and cannot afford to go huge you need to be invested in some other aspect of production when it goes legal nation wide. Genetics, equipment, making and number of things the huge gardeners will need. But in my opinion this is the reality coming. I hope there remains a demand for high quality small farm organic. But I see no reason why if someone had the startup money why they couldn't grow a climate controlled green house of the best herb ever.
Dogs. Seems like a mandatory thing. Even if they simply bark to alert
Fightin among ourselves...
That is nice and that you had a sliding scale for patient pricing and paid about market wholesale. I just assume that most dispensaries are willing to buy out of state cheap outdoor and then market it way up. I caught that place in Ypsilanti, 3rd Coast doing it. It's easy to develop an attitude when you see things like that happen.A, I'm sorry Phil but, I paid no less then $175 per. It had to be tested on your dime and be CLEAN! Organic got higher prices and I NEVER got a complaint about patient cost.
Top shelf was $20
Just so you all know. The high CBD stuff was FLYING off the shelves faster then the "Lets get fucked up stuff" and I NEVER charged more then $15 per on true medical strains!
I had patients with limited incomes and I always made a point of only charging them $10 per! NO MATTER WHAT THEY CHOSE FOR MEDS!
I NEVER went in this business with GREED in mind! I wanted to HELP those who needed alternative Meds and to be active in the legislative push for Marijuana freedom!
I paid my employee's in shares of profit, not hourly wages.....I think the last I checked the difference. They made around 22.00 an hr.
Jealous? Haha hardly, was just merely commenting on the person who was willing to help donate towards a legal fund. You should be able to figure that out from the context at the time. I suppose since you're a dispensary owner, you have something to be admired, perhaps I should be jealous.Abe, why the hostility toward small business owners? Jealous much? Do you protest your local fine dining restaurants about their prices?
LolThe animals come in through the doors, the windows, the roof and I've even had them sledge hammer through the cinder block wall. There have been many months a good portion of any profits go toward repairs from break ins.