Well-Known Member
The laws are a bad joke,how many people with opioid presciptions have to transport there meds in a locked box in the trunk of their car?
It seems like every 6 months or so all the dispensos in the state or just one particular county gets raided and shut down. Then they just rinse and repeat.
Has anyone heard of caregivers or patients growing getting harassed with bull shit "compliance check"? Or any other shit from this recent push against our community?
Hang in there. I'm sorry you and yours have to go through this bureaucratic BS.BINGO!
"No arrests were made as part of the raid, but Fias said he expects charges will be filed pending review by the county prosecutor’s office."
"Matthew Abel, attorney for the Cannabis Council out of Detroit, said the bills were just an effort to have more government control that will have the reverse effect because it will drive up prices.
“All they are doing by setting up this tightly regulated program is opening up the illegal market because people aren’t going to pay $30 for a gram,” he said. “This is not a patient-centered bill, this is a corporate-centered bill.”"
I know at least one of them is operating again right now.......I am not, as I got read the riot act by Fias and a State Police officer from the Headquarters in Lansing, saying that if I do. The charges will be supplemented (Dbl+ the time sentence). The DA whom I thought I had an "understanding" with - Won't talk to me at all! This is undo pressure from Schutte for my testifying. Even my lawyers are saying that's the case! They say that while a police officer of any rank can not "tell" me about supplemental charges,,,,,,, to believe this as I have been singled out for persecution by high officials that remain behind the curtain.....Well, we just KNOW who that is!
I love my wife and sons. They don't deserve this and I'm to old to get in any more trouble...I own the buildings. I'm thinking of renting them out and maybe returning when the State gets the laws straight - "IF" I should say!
So right now I'm focusing on the Farm co-op......
I believe it's time for our state's Governor, Congress and People to realize and admit that these state attorneys and judges have absolutely no right to frame ANY marijuana offence in this state as a federal schedule I crime. Nor do they have the right to subject our citizens to the armed and dangerous intervention or forfeiture precedents establishment under the federal Controlled Substance Act and "Drug War" in this country for over the past half century.
We have a clear medical marijuana law in this state, not simply a medical exemption up to 2.5oz and 12 plants as they would like to argue. Our state mmj law clearly provides it's patients and caregivers with immunity from ANY criminal prosecution via an affirmative defense to use, posses, cultivate, manufacture and stockpile whatever is necessary to maintain an uninterrupted supply of medicine.
To allow these state attorneys and judges to parse/nullify a section of our law specifically directed at them and explicitly prohibiting their treatment of patients and caregivers as criminals based on some arbitrary numbers noted in that same section is as absurd as it is criminal.
Our biggest failure in our law was not those arbitrary numbers (transportation limits) noted and exploited in Section 4: Protections for use of Medical Marijuana, but not creating a specific felony these state attorneys, judges and in turn law enforcement are committing motivated by their conflict of interest, will to violate this law as well as the patient/caregiver rights granted to effectively impeding access to medicine intentionally and clearly prohibited by state law ...
Solution = Stop voting for Republicans!
Speaking is good. Doing is better
lol I wouldn't be going by no local city law, weed is legal in Saginaw, mt pleasant and around here for 1 oz or less only fineable, do you think they only fine people? Hell no people left and right getting weed charges and having to plead 74-11
these laws are a joke, I would start going by the medical marijuana site by lara the one that actually covers the actual state not just a local city.
The laws are a bad joke,how many people with opioid presciptions have to transport there meds in a locked box in the trunk of their car?
Solution = Stop voting for Republicans!
Ridiculous! Were the judge who signed your warrant and/or the prosecutor who submitted it to them Republicans
This could not legally occur in this state (or any other medicinal state in this country) without the current support, direction and funding provided by the most powerful Democrats (lawyers) in this country today running our Executive and Judicial branches: Obama, Holder, Lynch, ...
^^^ There is not one Republican or old white man responsible for this ruse of our federal criminal law in that meme today or responsible for it's lawyered ban of medical research and treatment in this country "by law".
How have these powerful federal Democrats (lawyers) ideology made a difference in the "problem" other than providing a different look (appearance) through of identity politics?
As for this state: Schutte's political affiliation, ideology and bureaucratic position have nothing to do with the legal opinions our Supreme and Appellate courts have created and that are the core of the "problem" we face today. Fuck man, would CA or MI even have obtained their state laws under the pen of Democrat/lawyer Governor and/or "authority" of a Democrat Attorney General?
Do you honestly believe this state's Supreme and Appellate court decisions propping up this game regardless of law (MMMA) is a Republican problem? If so, I suggest you take a better and more informed look at that group. The "problem" is clearly both our state and federal justice systems across this nation chuck full of Democrat and Republican lawyers protecting their special interests, not the American People or the Rule of Law they have sworn to uphold. Scheutte's problem is his allegiance to the profit and power of lawfare (justice department), not being a Republican period.
If you want change in 2016 vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson (R-NM)! Bigotry and hatred of Republicans by Democrats or vice versa will NEVER fix the cannabigotry nor the government boot on our necks "problem" period. If you honestly and intellectually believe different, you are likely part of the problem NOT the solution ...
In Michigan, Republicans occupy the offices of Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, hold a majority in the House and Senate, and although judges don't officially have political affiliation, the Supreme Court has a Republican majority. So when our roads and bridges are crumbling, our public school system is in tatters, an entire city's water is toxic, and our medical marijuana law has been gutted by court rulings and rarely updated to cover any grey areas, I have to give credit where it is due, and that resides in our elected officials, who are overwhelmingly Republican.
I live in the county that has the consistently highest Republican vote in the state.
YES, every elected official in my county IS Republican.
How is it that our state congress completely controlled BY republicans should be effected by the dems minority when voting ON MM issues? The Reps get their way!
Republicans are, historically at this point ,, "The" anti's ! Their votes now reflect the catch 22 of MM in our state!
You, growing at Home and size of plant dependent. Had better watch your p's and q's sport.....1 damn plant will very easily put you over the 2.5 zip limit! Oh yeah - you've got some dry and usable too - that counts towards your weight limit! ANY Hash,wax or shatter is an instant felony! Live with someone? If anyone you live with can access your stash - you have another charge. You had better keep your stash OUTSIDE the home IN a LOCKBOX or SAFE!
Caregivers - same thing on weights....You can have NO more then 2.5 zips around per patient and self! I got news for you - ANY rooted plant counts. If you are hit with a compliance check and they take plants from you. They ARE going to dry them and weight them and that is going to count against your weight count! Hows that for justice? Your getting a charge from plant count AND the weight of the SAME plants dried! You CAN NOT sell overages to ANYONE other then your patients! NO disp., no nothing else - period! That's manufacture/delivery = FELONY!
Disp. you are ILLEGAL! Period! The idea that you have mandate by local DA is WRONG! The states view is, When ready, we're going to raid you and you will be charged! NO concentrate's - PERIOD! NONE, NADA, ZIP, ZERO! Sure as hell better not be an edible.
All of these things were brought on in our state by the election of historically "anti MM" republicans to office so they control all the forms of state government offices. I testified at these "hearings" and while yes, the dems were for the most part, against all these changes to the MM laws. They had NO power to effect the outcomes of the end votes!
Lets get real here. Republicans are against any type of drug reform! It's basis of who the party is in relation to "drugs".
IF Bill Schutte had NOT been elected and the running Democrat won. We would not be having this talk today. I would be open and employing those who have lost their jobs to this foolishness! Not to mention facing prison ,,, all for trying to help those who need it!
So go ahead, lie to yourself and vote republican.......They want to take it ALL away and replace it with $30 grams (the estimated cost at the consumer level to cover all the new tiers of compliance from "controlled" grows, transportation, processing and delivery + tax). All of that will will be owned by their nice big money, big business buddies who gave them nice fat kickbacks to gain favor. Can YOU afford that for your meds?
After being fucked by them. I have now NO respect for them!
I hope YOU have more ability to listen to reason and truth, , , , then they do!
Sounds like more bullshit bigotry, ignorance and conspiracy theory to me. Tell us the names and political affiliations of the judge and prosecutor that actually signed your warrant? I know for a fact many were indeed Democrats. In fact, it is the "discretion" of those two individuals statewide ultimately responsible for these raids ...
Your political rhetoric failed to address the fact that Democrats are running the Schedule I show in this country and responsible for it today in this nation period. This fact has nothing to do with the identity politics (bigotry) you or the Democratic party peddle, but class. Obama and Lynch are both Harvard Law School grads, our Supreme Court is split between Harvard and Yale Law School Grads, Romney is a Harvard LS grad and Clinton is a Yale LS grad. Our Constitution (law) requires not one of those individuals to be a lawyer, no less a graduate of two elitist/aristocratic institutions. Are you getting the picture yet? Can you do the math? That's a conspiracy, NOT a conspiracy theory brother ...