Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
You again.. You're in the wrong thread. The hate groups over in the Bernie thread. I also find it funny, you with your profile pic and a user name indicating a nut sack, accusing me of that. The irony ;)
Did cezar fuck your understanding of the meaning of the word hate?

t hate 2.jpg


Well-Known Member
Who do I have besides trolls that have nothing of value to add. You my man are the embodiment of hate and intolerance. Never have I been to a Hillary or Bernie thread to talk shit and chastise people not my style. But I call bullshit and cowardice when I see it and it runs thick and rich in your veins.,.........


Well-Known Member
Did cezar fuck your understanding of the meaning of the word hate?
You find Trump hateful. Sum up all Trump supporters as hateful. Come to this thread and spread hate from the first second I posted, constantly trolling. With hate and childish bullshit. Insult everyone for their political position that isn't the same as yours. Yeah, go back to your hateful group and gtfoh. K? Good.


Well-Known Member
And yes. I do believe that. I bet your the type of person that would get a dog if you were jobless, homeless and had no food for it to eat. Slime ball.


Well-Known Member
Oh the name calling herc man for such a tolerant man you sure show you colors here. Happy for you bro call me names that's good just don't take off your carpel tunnel wrist band and beat your wife or kids.
You're a marker bull at best so hopefully no kids
Seriously, he seems like the type of person that if he made dinner and his kid didn't want the broccoli he loves so much, he'd punch them in the eye.


Well-Known Member
The 112 member rules committee of the RNC will meet at the beginning of this summers Republican convention. The rules of the convention are always revised & set prior to voting. They are hinting that the public vote won't be the determining factor, they won't be braking the rules, they will change them before the convention starts. Big money republicans don't want Trump & will play dirty if necessary...this convention will be a hoot


Well-Known Member
So, OK, Trump supporters aren't racist. or bigoted or even prejudiced. As you say. It hardly matters. What Trump supporters -- virtually all of them white and on the low end of the wage scale -- what they want is a return to their days of entitled white men.

How Trump Happened

It’s not just anger over jobs and immigration. White voters hope Trump will restore the racial hierarchy upended by Barack Obama.

Trump may have started this campaign by denigrating Latinos and Muslims, but his first appearance in the Obama era was in the context of anti-black racism. In 2011, Trump took the “birtherism” conspiracy—the belief that Obama is foreign-born and thus an illegitimate president—and turned it into a full-fledged movement. Even now, his supporters believe Obama is illegitimate—62 percent say he is a Muslim, and 61 percent that he was born in another country.

So there you have it. Whether or not Trump believes it. He's been feeding the racist wing of the Republican party (some might call this an oxymoron) with truther made up shit for nearly 5 years. He moved on to minority groups as a whole most recently. There was a time that these ignoramuses only competed with each other. Now, Latino and African American workers are competing on more equal footing with them and they are gradually losing ground economically. Of course these workers want their entitlement back. There is nothing weaker or more whiny than an entitled child. The children grew up but didn't lose their sense of entitlement.

So now, Nitro says TRUMP again and again. He's basically saying I want my white pride to mean something again.
What racial hierarchy? Yous guys are delusional!!


Well-Known Member
The 112 member rules committee of the RNC will meet at the beginning of this summers Republican convention. The rules of the convention are always revised & set prior to voting. They are hinting that the public vote won't be the determining factor, they won't be braking the rules, they will change them before the convention starts. Big money republicans don't want Trump & will play dirty if necessary...this convention will be a hoot
You are referring to a brokered convention, which comes after the contested convention; if necessary (but it won't be)


Well-Known Member
You are referring to a brokered convention, which comes after the contested convention; if necessary (but it won't be)
No, a senior RNC member was interviewed today and said there are a lot of miss conceptions about it & he stated "The Party decides who their nomination is". It is not necessarly the public vote & the rules are left very loose for this very reason....


Well-Known Member
No, a senior RNC member was interviewed today and said there are a lot of miss conceptions about it & he stated "The Party decides who their nomination is". It is not necessarly the public vote & the rules are left very loose for this very reason....
citation? Not doubting but would like to learn more.
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