brothers grimm on sale now @

Sorry I don't see cannabis getting stronger! I see low potency weed has gotten much stronger, but high potency cannabis has gotten weaker!
Nowadays it's all above average, but nothing really stellar!

that might be true man; i am pretty young : p . i like what you said no doubt; and i find myself nodding in agreement. i suppose i will wait for the day when someone pulls some real old school landrace shit out and it blows my face off :D. i just don't necessarily see it coming from this; but you never know. i remember a few sacks in my life that were the real deal one hitter quitter shit and i have read some stories about old school hippies bringin out some fire that keeps you stupid lit for multiple hours....

" I see low potency weed has gotten much stronger, but high potency cannabis has gotten weaker!"

good quote dude; i will remember that :)
Bodhi is working on a lot of land race stuff now and trying to bring some new stuff to the table for everyone instead of only working with the same clone only strains everyone else is using.

I really can't agree nor disagree since I wasn't around in the 70's to smoke all of the columbian, and thai, panama red etc. But I bet most of Bodhi's hybrids test at least 20% thc or more with many hitting above 25%. I know I am a Bodhi lover, but if you grew out some of his best praised strains you probably would be too. I knew Bodhi was good stuff, I just didn't realize how much better it was until I grew it out. I haven't grown any of Gage Greens, Sin City etc but figure a lot of their stuff is just as good. The only one I can vouch for is Bodhi so far, and his prices are stellar at $60-70 a pack and always buy 2 get 1 free. His attitude is about as good as it gets, and you can tell he is a great guy. For that alone I love to support him.

I would probably agree that C99 doesn't have a chance of having as much THC content as many of today's strains, but it is still a great cross. And some C99 crossed to something else has a good chance of finding offspring with higher potency. I plan on crossing one of Female Seeds C99 to one of Bodhi's Dream Lotus (Blue dream) and think that will be one of my favorite crosses I make for myself. It may turn out like crap, but I just think it is a cross that is meant to be since they both can improve each other. Oh, and the reason I said that he should call it something else instead of C99 is because if it isn't the same parents and he back crosses it once more it really won't be C99. I agree though that everyone else that offers C99 should say what they really are which would be like C99 F4 or whatever. But here is the thing, C99 is really just Princess 94 renamed which was Princess back crossed 4 times. Now, Princess 88 I believe it was was only back crossed 3 times and the people that smoked it really enjoyed it for different reasons and said it wasn't as racy and completely different. So if that is the case, then one more back cross will surely change it some to where it isn't like the original. I don't care if he calls it C99, but it'd be nice if it was openly stated to all that it isn't the same C99 that was around years ago. I can see it possibly being even better, or perhaps it will be worse. But for sure a lot more variation and phenos to go through.
what i find interesting is we know for a fact our hybrids today are far more powerful in terms of potency than what we had a decade ago; so even though we are buying untested poly hybrids; the chance of a winner with high potency is possible; due to all our selective breeding ( even what some people refer to as "bottle necking" ). so while i think it is cool they are releasing old stock/ genetics; i would not expect it to be up to par with the strains that have been evolving with us this whole time; even if they are " bottlenecked polyhybrids". definitely good for new unexplored genetic combinations though. my opinion of this atleast.
Bottle necking is actually a pretty good thing we would not have the amount of dog breeds we have today if it wasn't for bottle necking and it was only made possible by bottle necking. Not to mention broccoli, kale and another vegetable all came from the same species of plant just selectively bred and bottle necked.

I'm sure he will have something good but most likely not great so I won't pay $150 but I have had old school genetics that out match an elite cut maybe not the best cut but I only tried a few elite clone only's but getting more this spring supposedly the real ECSD and GG#4 as well and it was only like $10 per clone maybe a few bucks more. So why anyone would pay $15 for a single seed especially when that is more like $30 per female plant is just baffling but all the more power to them.:hump: I'm just happy we have great breeders who don't try to fuck us in the ass. :bigjoint:
Watch out for scams...when legendary seeds or announced as being for sale...or if the prices seem extra low. There was some company out of Canada that had impossible to get strains that managed to stay around for at least a year. If it is for real I sure would like to check it out against all the other C99 and not the female crap either. Some feminized strains are no different than the regular version but there is a huge drop off when going to the fem version of C99. If nothing else Cindy earns her keep with plants that have more bud sites per plant than any other strain that I have ran.​
Bluntmassa1 I totally agree, $15 per seed is crazy to me too. Most breeders don't do anymore then get lucky and find a good plant in some bagseed somewhere or pick up a clone only and cross it to 1-2 males they have. Or to another clone only - then sell them for like $10-15 a seed when it probably doesn't cost them $10 for a 1000 seeds. It'd be different if seeds were expensive to make or if they bred the line a lot more and put years into it. But how many seeds can you get from just 1 1000hps light? I'd bet 10's of thousands. The profit would be ridiculous and it is why everyones jumping in the seed game. I like going through seeds, especially when it is a good breeder like Bodhi because a lot of the stuff he offers is just as good or even better then many clone onlys. But what sucks about where I live is you can't get clones. I would do anything to be able to pick up some clones for $10-15. Heck I'd be happy to pay $100 or more for some clones. All I'd need is one to take clones off it after it grows up.

Redzi, I have never grown out the original C99 from Brothers Grimm but many people that have say the Female Seeds one is almost identical and every bit as good. Not sure if you have grown any of them out from FMS or not but if so and didn't think they were as good as the Brothers Grimm originals I would like to know. Not to disagree, just would be nice to know since I have always heard different and love the C99 they have now. I am not talking about anyone elses C99 either like G13 which was the worst plant I have ever grown. Each breeder is different and some are good some are bad even if it is the same strain. And I would NEVER order from some place I did not personally research first so I knew it was legit. Not sure if you are saying that is possible with the Brothers Grimm but it is not. The man is really back and he is making beans, they are not fakes or a scam. It is something that has been in the works for the last few months now and many of the big time players have been in contact with him along with many others on his Instagram page. And there are going to be many very reputable vendors offering his gear. Check out Shoe at HeadieGardens on instagram, he is a great guy and will do right by you. He also will have Brothers Grimm in for 4/20.
classic seeds i know still.has f2 of c99 and he very good also and probably closest to original thats still available. with that being said high rise has a great c99 as well as mosca if you dig thru a couple packs. i still have 2 packs of grimm c99, apollo 13 and roseta stone unopened. my father had a few of their strains before he passed and a local guy has them as well as so many other strains from way back that are new or only f2 by him. they are still around but for supposed mr soul to say he is recreating them from original stock is pretty vauge and then to say they are coming from a clone grown from seed and all. i doubt it is even soul and cant wait to hear the story he spins about sly. several people know the truth so we will see what comes down with it in the future
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classic seeds i know still.has f2 of c99 and he very good also and probably closest to original thats still available.
Is this your experience, or something you read? I've grown out classic's romulan, afgooey, and jack frost x chem and all of them were schwaggy garbage. Classic also likes to make up tall tales about having original beans (for 30 years) from the breeder of the dogbud which all the chemdogs came from. That was his claim when I asked which chem cut was in his crosses. He said no clone, all from original seeds from the original breeder. Classic's a liar and not a very good one either.
Is this your experience, or something you read? I've grown out classic's romulan, afgooey, and jack frost x chem and all of them were schwaggy garbage. Classic also likes to make up tall tales about having original beans (for 30 years) from the breeder of the dogbud which all the chemdogs came from. That was his claim when I asked which chem cut was in his crosses. He said no clone, all from original seeds from the original breeder. Classic's a liar and not a very good one either.

no its experience i bought several packs from him and found 11 keepers. they grew nice and healthy and were excelent smoke. as far as his other stuff the.only other thing i had was his romulan and it was good but did not compair to the romulan i got from a local guy that came from woodhorse which are the same as next gen has now. and yes ive also grown out the highrise and mosca also. sorry about your.luck with classics gear i havent heard but only a couple dissapointed people most are very satisfied with his beans. and as far a shim being a liar over a cut? who gives a shit if he has a story that doesnt match what you beleive or have heard his c99 was good was all that was said. so many stories and different takes on everything in the world and its genetics and where it came from and who has it. ive never heard that scenario in this game before lol well mabye 1 or 200000000 times
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I give a shit, as well as most people who want legit genetics when they pay for seeds. Yes, someone who lies gets labeled a liar. What I believe or what I have heard? It was straight from his mouth.
well since the post is about c99 and brothers grim try to not get it off subject his c99 was good and more people like his gear than dont from everyone i know and from posts. take it as you will and go complain to someone else. and to clear up the dogbud issue you.have with classic here is where it all came into the.picture:

Colorado growers P Bud & Joe Brand were growing a strain they alternately called the "Dog bud" (because it was said to make the smoker roll on the ground like a dog), and the "Chem" weed (because of its unique almost chemcial funk). After turning on an East Coaster to the strain on Grateful Dead tour, they stayed in touch, and later sent some herb East to their friend. In one batch, the recipient found seeds, which would later be known as the Chem line (Chemdog [aka Chem 91], Chem B [aka SistaChem], Chem D, and Chem 4).

the whole point is that many strains are shrouded in a mystery a lie or just simply because they arent sure how a plant was pollinated or by what. c99 for example was from princess a bag seed from jack herer that they pollinated with a shiva skunk to improve on branching and so on, gsc the truth may never be known, chem lines most likely was caused by 1 or the other plant goin hermie, and so on. thats why we need to get everything logged and tested in a database so we can map it once and for all. its not a pissin contest you simply arent worth debating with.
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I guess you guys would buy the nirvana version of something rather than pay for say Shanti's original version of whatever strain. Thats cool and all but slamming someone over a seed line that isn't even in peoples hands yets is a lol. Its not our faults yall are cheap.
I guess you guys would buy the nirvana version of something rather than pay for say Shanti's original version of whatever strain. Thats cool and all but slamming someone over a seed line that isn't even in peoples hands yets is a lol. Its not our faults yall are cheap.
Actually Shantibaba is pretty damn cheap and gives 18+ seeds per pack haven't really seen any regular pack go for much over 90 Euro and that's only like SSH and Mango Haze from the auction. I got 24 seeds in my pack of Mango Haze around 90 Euro very pleased to say the least. :) But I do really want to try Jack Herrer but like Mr. Nice I would want a good selection and at around $200 for 10 seeds is too rich for my blood. I am cheap but Karma's Jack o Niesa freebies came out better than the Jack Herrer flowers I bought years ago so I would rather pay Karma. :bigjoint:

By all means make Soul rich he's going to make some pretty good money no matter what just obviously he does not have the original authentic father and only claims to hold the original mother but I don't believe he said so much about Apollo.
well since the post is about c99 and brothers grim try to not get it off subject his c99 was good and more people like his gear than dont from everyone i know and from posts. take it as you will and go complain to someone else. and to clear up the dogbud issue you.have with classic here is where it all came into the.picture:

Colorado growers P Bud & Joe Brand were growing a strain they alternately called the "Dog bud" (because it was said to make the smoker roll on the ground like a dog), and the "Chem" weed (because of its unique almost chemcial funk). After turning on an East Coaster to the strain on Grateful Dead tour, they stayed in touch, and later sent some herb East to their friend. In one batch, the recipient found seeds, which would later be known as the Chem line (Chemdog [aka Chem 91], Chem B [aka SistaChem], Chem D, and Chem 4).

the whole point is that many strains are shrouded in a mystery a lie or just simply because they arent sure how a plant was pollinated or by what. c99 for example was from princess a bag seed from jack herer that they pollinated with a shiva skunk to improve on branching and so on, gsc the truth may never be known, chem lines most likely was caused by 1 or the other plant goin hermie, and so on. thats why we need to get everything logged and tested in a database so we can map it once and for all. its not a pissin contest you simply arent worth debating with.
I have both the D cut and the 91 and know the history. You got some details wrong. They weren't growing dogbud, they were buying it and found seeds in it, later to be the chem line. 91 was first, chem 4 the last. Chem 4 wasn't popped from seed until 06. I agree, this isn't the thread for it. But if you're going to school someone, get your shit straight first.
Yup, and the original growers of the Dog weed are still unknown today, so for him to say he has a clone of it from before Chemdogs 91 cut is obviously a lie or the biggest held secret that only he knows about. In my opinion most of the great clone only strains today would not be around if it wasn't for Chemdog, most of the higher potency strains I see always have some Chem in the lineage even if it was way back there. Capt. Stickyfingers you are one lucky man to have Chem 91, and D. I'd do anything to have those myself but can't get clones where I am at. I always heard the 91 cut was very tightly held with only a handful of people having the real cut but at the same time I keep seeing people say that they have it.

And Kaka, I guess you could call me cheap if you want but I'd just consider myself an intelligent buyer who trys to make the most of his money. I don't buy a name brand anything because it is name brand. If it is truly the better buy I will, but at the same time a lot of things I get are Great Value and seem better then the name brand. I would easily pay $150 for a pack of seeds if he was the only breeder around and seeds were something special. But the fact is that most breeders don't charge more then about $100 for a pack of seeds, and with Bodhi (who I consider one of if not the best) only charges like $60-75 with freebies as well. It isn't that I am unwilling to pay it because I am cheap, it is that I'd rather buy someone elses genetics that don't seem as greedy for 1/3-1/2 of the price of his.

With that said will I still buy from him? Yea probably, I will more then likely end up with a couple packs of the C99 but it will only be after I see other people grow them out and is only because I am a C99 fanatic who loves the strain. I doubt most phenos he has will be better then the FMS C99 but I could be wrong. The FMS C99 is super sativa with razor thin leaves for almost every pheno. The original Bros Grimm C99 I have seen usually has wider leaves then this, with only very very few phenos having that true razor thin leaves . So while FMS is only 1-2 phenos of the original C99 that probably had dozens of phenos, I think it was probably the best of them.
I have both the D cut and the 91 and know the history. You got some details wrong. They weren't growing dogbud, they were buying it and found seeds in it, later to be the chem line. 91 was first, chem 4 the last. Chem 4 wasn't popped from seed until 06. I agree, this isn't the thread for it. But if you're going to school someone, get your shit straight first.

your still missing the point capt. there are to many stories from to many people on strains come from and how they came about and the genetic makeup that was just to show one of the stories floating around about it. many can be found and they all have simalarities but most are all different also. wasnt trying to school anyone no reason to get defensive about the version you beleive that just happens to fit classics story