Random Jibber Jabber Thread


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He won't necessarily "lose rank" as much as not be recommended for advancement should a spouse be involved in legal troubles.
My wife was a very heavy cannabis smoker when I was AD - the whole contact high/bad piss test thing is hype.
Long story short - if you don't smoke & don't intentionally "get some" 2nd hand then you'll piss clean - I did for about 12 years.


Staff member
Not smoking pot really isn't a huge deal to me
I only ever did recreationally anyways so it's not like it was for medical purposes

Plus the career I chose I'm sure they drug test for in the states because they did in Canada
I can't imagine they don't drug test their mental health and addiction social workers lol


Well-Known Member
My little brother is a social worker for kids in Arizona, man he has some fucked up stories seems like he deals with a bunch of little psychos


Staff member
My little brother is a social worker for kids in Arizona, man he has some fucked up stories seems like he deals with a bunch of little psychos
i wont do social work for kids.
praise be to the people who can do that job.
i wouldnt touch it with a 100 foot pole and a million dollars. LOL


Well-Known Member
So this dude from this shop has called me like every fucking day for the past week,asking for clones and "bomb". I hate selling too shops but sold a qp to him just to make sum quick cash I needed. Then I take more stuff down there different strains , they try to talk shit ,too fluffy to big,to expensive, fucking anything, they're like is it northern lights? I told them like 5 fucking times what kind of og it was,I'm like u dnt believe me? Oh we want bomb shit. All the herb they hav there is nasty,had sum " outdoor cookies" that was orange looked chemical burnt. He's like I herd u have cutts? I do but told him no then he's like u got anymore of that bomb?I'll give u 500 a qp,. Wtf go fuck urself. Fools try to make sum money of me ,got no respect,the other day they learned I was a grower they're attitude changes ,oh we wana kiss ur ass now. Fucking middleman idk why most of them think they're so cool because they can get weed,"and got connections " Dnt deserve my cutts,herb ,or anything to deal with me. Im glad I kept my cool thoe,shit pissed me off try to call my weed horrible then wana ask later if he can buy it, I'm 21 the people there look younger then me. I was like wtf. Lol never having anything to deal with that shop again. One day I'm have my own shop with just my family and friends running it, and were going to have the best prices ,or aleast hook up with a legit shop,most I have delt with have been raided,most of my family is in Colorado now my dad wants me to go look at houses out there,but idk if I can leave Cali. I love this place it's alot warmer haha at least for me ins som cal


Well-Known Member
[QUOQP is triple that up here. Sounds like market getting over saturated down there?! Own store you go man!! Much luck to you="BLVDog, post: 12586092, member: 578884"]So this dude from this shop has called me like every fucking day for the past week,asking for clones and "bomb". I hate selling too shops but sold a qp to him just to make sum quick cash I needed. Then I take more stuff down there different strains , they try to talk shit ,too fluffy to big,to expensive, fucking anything, they're like is it northern lights? I told them like 5 fucking times what kind of og it was,I'm like u dnt believe me? Oh we want bomb shit. All the herb they hav there is nasty,had sum " outdoor cookies" that was orange looked chemical burnt. He's like I herd u have cutts? I do but told him no then he's like u got anymore of that bomb?I'll give u 500 a qp,. Wtf go fuck urself. Fools try to make sum money of me ,got no respect,the other day they learned I was a grower they're attitude changes ,oh we wana kiss ur ass now. Fucking middleman idk why most of them think they're so cool because they can get weed,"and got connections " Dnt deserve my cutts,herb ,or anything to deal with me. Im glad I kept my cool thoe,shit pissed me off try to call my weed horrible then wana ask later if he can buy it, I'm 21 the people there look younger then me. I was like wtf. Lol never having anything to deal with that shop again. One day I'm have my own shop with just my family and friends running it, and were going to have the best prices ,or aleast hook up with a legit shop,most I have delt with have been raided,most of my family is in Colorado now my dad wants me to go look at houses out there,but idk if I can leave Cali. I love this place it's alot warmer haha at least for me ins som cal[/QUOTE]
Hi. Qp


Staff member
what is your degree?
Well I was working on my bachelors of social work
But I moved countries and had a baby

Should be easy enough to transfer most of my credits though although some classes I'll have to retake as Canadian law and policies will serve me no purpose in America

I was eventually gunna do my masters but we'll see about that as its a long long process and I would prefer to get back into the actual job aspect


Well-Known Member
set a personal record for today, just got a samsung s7 not too long ago because i cracked my s6's screen. cracked my s7's screen this morning using a hole hog, caught something in a joist and the drill kicked back and hit my phone.. went and bought another cheap phone from walmart, just so i had something so i can take calls with so i dont lose work. broke that one too.. it still works but it looks like a dog got ahold of it lol. im on a roll today


Global Moderator
Staff member
set a personal record for today, just got a samsung s7 not too long ago because i cracked my s6's screen. cracked my s7's screen this morning using a hole hog, caught something in a joist and the drill kicked back and hit my phone.. went and bought another cheap phone from walmart, just so i had something so i can take calls with so i dont lose work. broke that one too.. it still works but it looks like a dog got ahold of it lol. im on a roll today
May I suggest a more robust model?
