Another mass shooting by a muslim, walmart in texas.


Well-Known Member
5,000 of them died in Iraq and Afghanistan because of George Bush's foreign policy disaster

What exactly is the implication you're making? That we should still be in Iraq losing a battle of attrition while our country goes bankrupt back here at home?

Here's an idea, howabout we stop fucking with brown people? Novel, I know, but guess what? People don't fuck with you for no reason.
Your point would be well recieved if it were not for reality.

They have published their reasons. I wont expend the energy to rehash it. Christopher Hitchens totally destroyed that point, and anyone bringing it up now is doing so in the face of evidence to the contrary.

They want to attack us because it's what they want to do. If it wasn't one thing it would be another. Hitchens points out that to them, very often the justification is our own existence. Not letting them complete the genocide of the Christians of East Teamour, for instance.


Well-Known Member
Your point would be well recieved if it were not for reality.

They have published their reasons. I wont expend the energy to rehash it. Christopher Hitchens totally destroyed that point, and anyone bringing it up now is doing so in the face of evidence to the contrary.

They want to attack us because it's what they want to do. If it wasn't one thing it would be another. Hitchens points out that to them, very often the justification is our own existence. Not letting them complete the genocide of the Christians of East Teamour, for instance.
If they attacked us without us having fucked with them, we would be justified in taking action. Instead, they're attacking us because we've fucked with them and continue to fuck with them at every opportunity. Now when we take action, we look like bullies to the international community, rightly so.

Go down this list and look at the dates, compare that with this list of US military action

"In Osama Bin Laden's November 2002 "Letter to America", he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia, US support of Israel, and sanctions against Iraq."


Well-Known Member
If they attacked us without us having fucked with them, we would be justified in taking action. Instead, they're attacking us because we've fucked with them and continue to fuck with them at every opportunity. Now when we take action, we look like bullies to the international community, rightly so.

Go down this list and look at the dates, compare that with this list of US military action

"In Osama Bin Laden's November 2002 "Letter to America", he explicitly stated that al-Qaeda's motives for their attacks include: Western support for attacking Muslims in Somalia, supporting Russian atrocities against Muslims in Chechnya, supporting the Indian oppression against Muslims in Kashmir, the Jewish aggression against Muslims in Lebanon, the presence of US troops in Saudi Arabia, US support of Israel, and sanctions against Iraq."
They started attacking us at the very dawn of our nation. Our first foreign venture with our marines was in response to muslim pirates who were state sponsored capturing our sailors and enslaving them.

Its what they do.


Well-Known Member
The Indians didn't believe in land ownership. So they denied any claim to the land, in essence a cultural quit claim deed.

So the land belongs to the first entity to claim it. Ergo the Indians had it bought out from under them.

They were very territorial.