Before & After pics .... Ouch


Well-Known Member
hey there fdd, this is a bit off the subject but thoiught it a bit rude if i pm'd you. any chance of starting up a european section on the forum. im in ireland myself and although the forum is fantastic it would be great if us ireland and uk growers had a place to chat as our conditions over this side of the world are very different. i know there are other forums out there dedicated to growing in uk and ireland but they just dont compare...


Well-Known Member
as for buying more clones you should have rooted some of the haircut and had FREE clones ... maybe yer buddy came over to cut hair with you to stop you from having the ability to cut viable clones ..... keep in mind for next time you can keep 1 plant growing in veg as a mother and never buy another clone again

as for pruning methods ther are 3 that i think you should search for on the forums here to get an idea of what can be done with proper pruning methods.
the 3 methods i suggest you search for are "topping" "FIM" also topping and "lollipop"
lolipop pruning is used for SoG where in you prune the bottom 1/3 of the plant almost naked at the end of weeks 1 and weeks 3 allowing you to plant as many as 4 plants per sqft
use this as a reason to learn more about growing methods and techniques and do things your way next grow
best of luck to you on future grows ...
and yeah they did look beatiful before there pruning so you have that going for you

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
Sorry for pics guys but I have a major Trojan/Worm virus that I can't get out of my computer, the tec guy at work is going to take a look at my laptop on friday !

I'll post a couple of pics from the job tomorrow LOL...

Phinxter: there are two sources for my present info RIU and my clone buddy so I have to respect his experience. At first I had no intention of even growing my plants all the way I was just too keep them vegging and supply clones to some people I know but the experience was too tempting and like everyone told me they were really good looking girls !!! so I decided to take the experiment to the end and let my growing skill/ intuition decide about my future.

P.S. I just smoked a fat one so I hope I make sense if not I will clarify tomorrow LOL

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
WHAT ??? Why do you say that !

Even with the stress of the pruning & switching them over they have grown back alot of leaves & grown 5" in 4 days


Well-Known Member
trim the lower third to increase upper growth. but not the whole plant. :mrgreen: View attachment 182394 View attachment 182395
I was thinking he just misunderstood this but then I read that his friends came over and did if for him... .hmmm sabatoge?

I wonder if he buys weed from his friends. Maybe they came over and were like 'oh shit what did we do' and were thinking they were going to loose a custy. So instead of telling him to put a cup of bleech in his plants they just told him to chop the fuck outtta them so he yeilded like 1/16 of what he would have.. just a though...:wall:


Well-Known Member
they would have grown new leaves anyways. even more and bigger if you would not have done that. it was the wrong thing to do.believe what you must, though. :roll: IMG_8872.jpg