Seedsman White Widow , DWC by CeeRock


Well-Known Member
YEA :mrgreen:
ON THERE SITE THEY GO 4 $249.00+S&h:evil:
I like that + the white surface... I want something similar when i get these clones going.... just one res instead of seperate 5 gal res..... :peace:


Well-Known Member
Rm temp : 82
Water temp : 73
pH : 6.0
Humidity : 40 %

She just keeps on growing....plenty of bud sites.... im wondering if the cola still needs to grow ...or if shes gonna fill in where she is, cause if she keeps growing she gonna quadruple in size.... im not complaining..... the bigger the better...

I LOVE HYDRO..... Honestly i m not done yet ... but i dont see myself going back to soil unless its for an experiment.......




Well-Known Member
hell yea, it should be the bomb..... keep in mind during my first grow i had bagseed except one set of seeds was from ny from some so called purple haze..... When i harvested that haze it blew anything ive ever smoked out of the box ..... after curing i had 6 hour long highs and a great taste..... sometimes i couldnt get shit done cause it would just put me to sleep........ NOW i got this widow and it is doing waaaaaaaay better than that haze plant..... and its only been 18 days and its starting to frost... i see trichomes on all the new growth...... Im frikkin excited.........oct 12 should be day 56 but on day 40 something is my b-day so im gonna cut a couple of test buds......

P.S. i noticed i can write a lot better and faster when im not high...... enough of this.... time to get high.... peace......


Well-Known Member
my hanna grow,ppm,ph,temp meter came 2 day my tap is 6.9 ,i was trying 2 get it down 2 bout 6.5 when i got it there with ph down
it went 2 1300 ppm is that way 2 high i havent added nuts yet ,this is my first time doing the whole ph thing


Well-Known Member
congrats.... will this be your first hydro.?????..Im still learning that ppm stufff... but from what i understand yes 1300 ppm without nutes is friggin high. I think 1300 ppm is more fore vegg..... ill look into it today ... we can learn together..... but hows your budget....?? its defenitly worth going to walmart and getting some r/o water .... i buy 5 gal.... every week ... i use 3 in the res and 2 just in case ineed to top off..... it cost me 84 cents a gallon..... if your budget is me a favor .... boil some water.... and check the ppm.... i know fo sure the ph stays the same but i wanna know how it does with ppm.... when i need emergency water i just boil it but i dont have a ppm meter .... thats why i try to use r/o water most of the time.....


Well-Known Member
and your ph try to get it down to 5.8-6.0 .... that s been working great for me....remember to add your nutes first then read ph......


Well-Known Member
yep first hydro , i did even i could go 2 wallmart and get r/o water thanks 4 info ,84.c a gal. thats a great price
hell ya im happy now
k;1265734]congrats.... will this be your first hydro.?????..Im still learning that ppm stufff... but from what i understand yes 1300 ppm without nutes is friggin high. I think 1300 ppm is more fore vegg..... ill look into it today ... we can learn together..... but hows your budget....?? its defenitly worth going to walmart and getting some r/o water .... i buy 5 gal.... every week ... i use 3 in the res and 2 just in case ineed to top off..... it cost me 84 cents a gallon..... if your budget is me a favor .... boil some water.... and check the ppm.... i know fo sure the ph stays the same but i wanna know how it does with ppm.... when i need emergency water i just boil it but i dont have a ppm meter .... thats why i try to use r/o water most of the time.....[/quote]


Well-Known Member
I have not smoked anything in 60 hours.... i usually smoke every day at least before i go to bed.... But i live in a place where every one wants to sell weed , but they only have it sometimes.... so theres 4 locals that i get weed from and none of them have had anything to smoke.... im not feening or jonesin i just woke up in a bad mood cause of these fuckers..... :weed:

Atleast if it were some good shit.... but its some harakas...... schwag.....CRAP...... it does the job tho...... oh well 5 and 1/2 weeks to go..... :fire:


Well-Known Member
Quick update :

Rm temp : 83
water temp : 72
pH : 6.0
humidity : 40 %
3 part GH flora series nutes.. no additives yet.... but ill get something this weekend... when i change the res.... Any recommendations....?????:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Dam i feel 4 ya man
just think of how close u r
i dont half 2 deal with any of that bs anymore
u will soon be saying fuck them lol
well i hopw u get some soon
and good luck
i have not smoked anything in 60 hours.... I usually smoke every day at least before i go to bed.... But i live in a place where every one wants to sell weed , but they only have it sometimes.... So theres 4 locals that i get weed from and none of them have had anything to smoke.... Im not feening or jonesin i just woke up in a bad mood cause of these fuckers..... :weed:

Atleast if it were some good shit.... But its some harakas...... Schwag.....crap...... It does the job tho...... Oh well 5 and 1/2 weeks to go..... :fire:


Well-Known Member
OK ... good to go ........ got my "supply" .... had to drive 20 min ... but well worth it.... its way better than what i get around here... I should begood through the weekend..:sleep:


Well-Known Member
open the pic with like microsoft paint or something ... resize it there....

I never resize i just go down to where it says manage files..... and add them from my pc...


Well-Known Member
rm temp : 83
water temp : 73
pH: 6.0
Humidity : 39 %


i finally got called into work this morning..... shit is getting tight...:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
LOL ... no one knows i have little girls.... but they did fine today.... i made sure everything was good before i left......

And yo! nice sig..... WTF .... when i combine your last sig with this one , i think i know which one you are of the 2......LOL...

Actually..... its distracting .... i cant finish my post....LOL...