Seedsman White Widow , DWC by CeeRock


Well-Known Member
Whats up ,this is my second grow but first hydro grow... its been about a week now since ive received my seeds and placed 5 fem seeds in between 2 moist paper towels .. 4/5 germed ... 2 of the seedlings are approx. 3 inches tall and already growing their second set of leaves ... the other 2 arent looking too good and theyre bout 1 inch tall ... the taller ones have already been fed with 1/4 strength solution and they seem to be excepting it nicely ... they look very healthy ... very nice green ....

I have no room for slackers so if the other 2 dont step it up a little they might get replaced buy a new order...

Current situation :
Closet Grow approx 6x6 but im not using all that space...
70 watts of floros for Veg
600 w hps for flower
DWC - GH nutes flora series
Distilled water

Each plant has its own 5 gal bucket
Room temp 78 degrees
water temp 76
PH 6.4 (will lower to 5.9 today)

And for those who had read my other posts ....

I had 4 bagseed flowering in soil....
my inlaws were in town and many bad things happened to the plants ... i was able to bring them back ... I harvested about 2 weeks ago and the one i was told was some good haze i harvested last week.. i averaged about 21 grams dried per plant ..... most of it is well cured already and taste great .. a very head type high.... the haze is still curing and looks beautiful smells alright but smokes great ... very good high ....

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Well-Known Member
The 2 bigger seedlings are doing great second set of leaves are growing nice color green ..
are the leaves supposed to be a little fuzzy?

The smaller ones will probably get trashed today they look pretty fugly...
I think i will use the bigger of my 2 beauties for a mom and the smaller one i will flower for my BDay..LOL

Room temp 77
water temp 76
ph 6.4

I need a ppm meter
a humidity meter
what else ?


Well-Known Member
Today i went out and bought some new toys, new thermometer and other stuff...

The ladies are looking beautiful...i think ill have pics by tomorrow..

room temp 78
water temp 78
humidity 52%
PH 6.1

Started CO2 (yeast and sugar)

PPM meter still a little out of my budget cheapest one i saw was 40 bucks...
but im using distilled water and its been ph'd so i think ill be ok...

I keep having to top off the res about 1/2 inch everyday ... is this normal ?... I have no leaks..


Well-Known Member
i havent done any hyrdo grows so im not sure about the res, how many gallons does it hold? sounds like you have everything else at a good constant environment though. cant wait to see some pics!


Well-Known Member
5 gallon res.

RM temp 81
water temp 78
humidity 48 %
ph 6.1

All is looking good very healthy .... i was looking into the floralicious plus formula .... has anyone used this before .... ? is it worth the money .....? am i gonna get bigger yields with this ?


Well-Known Member
Update :

RM temp 80
watertemp 78
humidity 48%
ph 6.1

Ive been able to keep the water temp steady because i top off every day with ph'd refrigerated water.. it seems to be helping.... the rm temp doesnt exceed 85 even with the door closed , but the temp directly surrounding the plants has reached 93 with the fans off and the doors closed .... once i open the door and turn the fans on room temp drops between 77 and 81 and under the lamp is between 79 and 84 .....

Both babies are already growing their 3rd set of leaves but one is a little more advanced than the other... there hasnt been much stretching .. only at first , but i filled the rest of netpot with hydroton up to the cotyleons....


Well-Known Member
well with the 5 gal res you shouldnt have to replenish that 1/2 every watering. but since you said it affects the temp positively then why the hell not?

havent used the floralicious though


Well-Known Member
well with the 5 gal res you shouldnt have to replenish that 1/2 every watering. but since you said it affects the temp positively then why the hell not?

havent used the floralicious though
Just in case , I top off the res. 1/2 an inch not 1/2 the 1/4 a gallon more or less.

Once again this hydro newb commits a stupidity .... let me start by saying that i was being a lazy bastard yesterday and didnt take out the garbage ... well at about 6:30 i noticed a couple of gnats flying around my crib...
sooo i get up prepare the garbage bags and go check on the ladies just in case....... i found like 6 gnats flying around the medium , i flipped out and ran to the hydro store for some gnatrol and they had just closed at 6....WTF at 6 no one closes at 6... so i stopped at cvs and bought some bug spray tha wouldnt harm plants .... as im spraying i didnt notice i sprayed all over the smaller seedling....FUCK... i know it doesnt harm plants
but too much cant be good .... so i proceed to wipe her down with water and a cloth ....

This morning she has some new growth but her leaves look burned.. not too bad tho... it looks like some minor nute burn ... but im guessing shell be ok ...her daddy might be a cluts but he loves her....

Rm temp 78
watertemp 78
humidity 47 %
ph 6.1

The bigger girl looks great ... nice grow pace.... I can notice grwth like every 12 hours...i check them 2 -3 times a day atleast till they get bigger then ill back off...


Well-Known Member
Rm temp 78
watertemp 79
humidity 45 %
ph 6.1

i will probably drain the res tonight and refill with a new nute solution...
I just dont understand why i cant get the ph under 6.1

I will start from scratch and see if i can get it down to 5.8 -5.9
I will use 1/4 nutes again....

When is a seedling no longer a seedling ?
I wonder if mine are ready for a little more juice...

let me try to get some pics by tonight .... get some more opinions...


Well-Known Member
ive been out of it for a couple days just been busy , (venenosa) she is looking great
except for her first 2 leaves from the bottom look a litle burned..... but its a burn that the color almost matches with the hydroton.... i will post pics in a little while... (its a pain in the ass to take pics) everything else looks great ... new growth is clean and healthy....

Rm temp 81
water temp 73-80 ( i keep dropping bottles of distilled icewater in res. twice a day ..)
humidity 40%
ph 6.2

I think im on my 5th node already or 6th .......

PS.... I would really love to have some clones by aug 15 so i can chop her by my BDAY...or at least a taste.


Well-Known Member
DAY 21 :

Rm temp : 82
Water temp : 67
humidity : 26 %
ph : 5.7
Co2 (yeast and sugar)
GH nutes flora series (full dose)
and 2 tspns of "hormilex" for roots and foliage..

Its been a few days since my last update but today i awoke and found 2 stems outside the netpots ....finally..... i was about 5 inches the other like 3 inches both looking healthy .... I finally decided to up the dose in nutes ..i was being cautious cause of all my other errors... I filled the res. with 2.5 gal of ALMOST full strength nutes... so far everything seems fine... when i replaced the water , the temp was approx 78 but i had some phd water in the freezer... the new water is about 67 .....

Also i decided to give it a little more juice .. so i am using my 600 w HPS also for vegg ... so its like 12 hours floros and 12 hours HPS ....
IS THIS BAD ???? will i stress it ...... Ive only done it yesterday and today so please stop me if im gonna fuck it up.....

without the hps the humidity is about 38-50 % but when i turn on the hps its like between 24 and 32 % i guess for flowering thats gonna be great ...but is it safe for veg...????

Well here you go tell me what you guys think of my "venenosa"

ps: Venenosa means "poisonous" in spanish:joint:



Well-Known Member
DAY 22 :

Rm temp 76
water temp 74
humidity 40
ph 5.7

everything looks good .. she seems to be taking the nutes fine... theres plenty of new growth since yesterday ...(like a full node) side branches are coming out a little faster now too...

How big should the side branches be before i try to clone????


Well-Known Member
quick update :

Rm temp 85 ( with hps)
water temp 72
humidity 20 %
ph 5.7

the newer growth is taking a nicer shade of green.. theres also more roots in the res.

When should i drop the res level....? How much root mass should be showing...?


Well-Known Member
Thanx for the info scrooge... i cant wait to clone and flower but i also dont wanna lose this i will be patient..

and shes off!!!! holy crap shes growing fast now... the past day or 2 shes really outdone herself... it seems like every time i check on her shes a lil bigger ....

Rm temp: 85
water temp:75
humidity :20 %
pH: 5.9

19/19 Germ Rate: Ok so for the past few months ive been gathering bagseed from the better smokes i have purchased.. i didnt wanna waste all those 600w of hps so i figured ill pop these bagseed in some soil and try to get a few oz of some bagshit...

so i used the paper towel method and was very successful ...19/19 germ , BUT like an asshole i snapped one of em when i was placing it in a pellet...
So that makes 18 bagseed in a dome id say 14 have fully sprouted the rest should be out soon.... i have 8 in rockwool and 10 in lil pellets... the ones in rockwool i will use to experiment various growing techniques and see which i like better.... i have plenty of pumps and medium so i will try Hempy bucket, Aeroponics , in cococoir, and a couple more ... ILL start a different diary for those.....maybe not... PEACE....:joint: