Putting Weed In Your Belly button gets you high? wtf


Well-Known Member
Ok, it sounds fucking weird, i know...but....i put a leaf covered in trichs in my belly button and I got a little buzz off it. Not placebo. The effect is instant. It's kind of a euphoric feeling

Perhaps there's some science behind it? I have no idea. Seems to last a good 4-5 hours until all the THC is absorbed.

Throw a leaf in there and see if it works for you. Must be covered in trichs (i think)
Ok, it sounds fucking weird, i know...but....i put a leaf covered in trichs in my belly button and I got a little buzz off it. Not placebo. The effect is instant. It's kind of a euphoric feeling

Perhaps there's some science behind it? I have no idea. Seems to last a good 4-5 hours until all the THC is absorbed.

Throw a leaf in there and see if it works for you. Must be covered in trichs (i think)
HMMMM...yeah I remember when I did my first bong hit too it's cool Jane. But, I have a question...if I put a picture of Jessica Alba in my pants does that mean...? LOL! JK!
OMG i didnt think this would work but hell i figured in the name of science i better try it, im more fucked up off of one sugar leaf in the belly button than 10 cones. i wonder if its because im not used to taking it this way. now i can get sitned at work with nothing more than a bag of leaf and some duct tape to hold it in my belly button hell yeah thanks Jane
OMG i didnt think this would work but hell i figured in the name of science i better try it, im more fucked up off of one sugar leaf in the belly button than 10 cones. i wonder if its because im not used to taking it this way. now i can get sitned at work with nothing more than a bag of leaf and some duct tape to hold it in my belly button hell yeah thanks Jane
Well all I have is dried trim. I was going to say....I would try it tomorrow and report. Lol....

I don't see why it would make any dif. I knew a shaman that would put peyote and LSD up his ass and he'd get insane trips. Talking to aliens and shit.

There must be more places on your body it is easily absorbed
I just put a small bud leaf I cut off to look at under the microscope. I can still feel it.

Placebo effect at best.

There is no science behind what you're doing. In order for weed to get you high THCA has to be converted to THC, which your belly button isn't hot enough to do.

Nor is your belly button connected to any active pathways through your blood stream, where THC goes when we smoke, or your digestive system where THC goes when you eat a pot-laced treat.
Placebo effect at best.

There is no science behind what you're doing. In order for weed to get you high THCA has to be converted to THC, which your belly button isn't hot enough to do.

Nor is your belly button connected to any active pathways through your blood stream, where THC goes when we smoke, or your digestive system where THC goes when you eat a pot-laced treat.

No lie, the instant i put it in the euphoria feeling starts. Granted it's mild...like a 2/10 on the euphoric weed high scale...but still. No placebo effect