do you dial in night time temps?


Well-Known Member
i press the buttons on the remote when i plug/unplug my lights.

for the record, don't listen to a thing RM3 says. if he is right, it is by accident.
You may not agree with some of his methods, but having smoked many of his 'accidents', I can say they're better than most people's 'on purpose'.

Y'all are practically neighbors, it's a shame to let a boiled rootball or two come between you.

It's okay; he knows I don't boil my roots and we're still friends!


Well-Known Member
@ruwtz I have been striving for a similar ten degree F variation between day and night temps, water cooled COB LED having tossed a monkey wrench in those works recently!

Once I have my hot water baseboards installed I'll be in a much better position to effectively control temps and humidity day and night...

..Which leads me to open a can of worms in your thread; one experiment I plan to run is 'negative temperature differential', where nighttime temperatures are intentionally maintained somewhat ABOVE the daytime setting. This is said to improve yield, @GroErr has reported success with the approach.


Well-Known Member
@ruwtz I have been striving for a similar ten degree F variation between day and night temps, water cooled COB LED having tossed a monkey wrench in those works recently!

Once I have my hot water baseboards installed I'll be in a much better position to effectively control temps and humidity day and night...

..Which leads me to open a can of worms in your thread; one experiment I plan to run is 'negative temperature differential', where nighttime temperatures are intentionally maintained somewhat ABOVE the daytime setting. This is said to improve yield, @GroErr has reported success with the approach.
Yes, I read some of a paper on the negative temp differential the other day and I understand a lot of premium greenhouse veg growers do this.


Well-Known Member
Currently I have been programming the AC to turn off its cooling mode at lights-off and I can see temps aren't dropping much below daytime temps - maybe by 1 or 2 degrees, 73/74F on avg.

Running 8 3590's at 1.4amps so they're not adding much to room temps by day.

Still in veg for this new setup so not rumbled by this, although the preference would be a larger differential. Flower will speak for itself as I have Gavita 750's in there.


Well-Known Member
Currently I have been programming the AC to turn off its cooling mode at lights-off and I can see temps aren't dropping much below daytime temps - maybe by 1 or 2 degrees, 73/74F on avg.

Running 8 3590's at 1.4amps so they're not adding much to room temps by day.

Still in veg for this new setup so not rumbled by this, although the preference would be a larger differential. Flower will speak for itself as I have Gavita 750's in there.
How many different strains are you testing?


Well-Known Member
Flood table veg setup if you're curious
How come you have all the plants bunched up at one end of the table? It would seem to me to be better to run three rows of cubes all the way down the table. Better, more even lighting and less empty lit table space.

Surely it doesn't matter much right now but as the plants fill in, arranging them effectively has a significant impact on grown performance.


Well-Known Member
How come you have all the plants bunched up at one end of the table? It would seem to me to be better to run three rows of cubes all the way down the table. Better, more even lighting and less empty lit table space.

Surely it doesn't matter much right now but as the plants fill in, arranging them effectively has a significant impact on grown performance.
Yeah, this will change as they grow. I have another strain coming in soon so I was leaving some room. Also i'm not growing all of these - there will be a cull of the weakest growers as I see fit - and these losers may go back under the T5 if spare and/or moved outside if necessary.


Well-Known Member

Yeah, this will change as they grow. I have another strain coming in soon so I was leaving some room. Also i'm not growing all of these - there will be a cull of the weakest growers as I see fit - and these losers may go back under the T5 if spare and/or moved outside if necessary.
Give everybody their best shot anyway, right?


Well-Known Member
I've never dialed in night temps mainly because of power usage. Here's my night temps.. which are pretty... argh.. but i've never really had a problem either.
Just keep fans running on your plants to prevent moisture buildup and rot.