Direct sunlight question


Well-Known Member
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Fear and paranoia should not intrude on the joy you get from growing them beauts.

If you fear of crop theft and incarceration, is it really worthwhile to keep going like that, or at that point take it all and get rid of that stress.

It was very premature, but I smoked a little bud from a lower branch I had cut off at about week 3ish and hung to dry for a week. Lo AND behold it still got me high.
Harsh and coughee (no cure), but High.

Post some pics though. And where are you growing that winter temps are around the corner? I'm guessing north of 49th. Or on top of a mountain.

Cheers. I'd say wait as long as your comfortable... 3 weeks, 3 days, tomorrow whatever and yeah just enjoy it. The only other time I grew I had 12 plants stolen a week after I said to myself "give it another week". Horrible sight to see all your love and labour cut down to 3" stumps.

Good luck.
Sorry I've been absent for a few days I forgot to get back on here. She's still going strong although I fear a little bit of premature maturing going on as the last few days it's been pretty cloudy and rainy and I've woke up late and got them outside an hour and a half late in the morning and it's getting dark earlier and earlier here so the last few days they have only been getting around 10 hours of light at best. Just been super busy and over sleeping my alarm to get up and put it outside on my patio. I live north so the temps are already plummeting outside at night days are getting super short (getting dark by 7:30pm now) and also night are getting way too dewy to leave them out all night long and I fear of mold. Today marks the first day of week 5 of her flowering and I'm noticing more and more hairs turning orange. Not sure if it's prematurely maturing due to the shitty length of hours it's getting light or if it's normal going into week 5. Here's a few pictures.


Well-Known Member
And yeah I definitely fear getting caught outside as I live next to a main road and also being in a town house there's really nothing separating me and all the other people that live in the town houses around me. I mean if they decided to take a stroll through the backyard they could definitely stumble upon it. I feel zero nervousness bringing it inside and out of sight and controlling everything.


Well-Known Member
It's normal at this stage...and you start seein Trichomes developing too...

Honestly if you can...just leave it outside...the morning dew won't hurt it and just shake it some to get majority of moisture off if you are worried...

Cannabis has lived and survived outdoors for a LONG time!

But beyond plant looks nice and the flowers are progressing well!


Well-Known Member
It's normal at this stage...and you start seein Trichomes developing too...

Honestly if you can...just leave it outside...the morning dew won't hurt it and just shake it some to get majority of moisture off if you are worried...

Cannabis has lived and survived outdoors for a LONG time!

But beyond plant looks nice and the flowers are progressing well!
I guess I'm just worried as it's getting down into the 50's and frequently at times upper 40's too now at night and everything is literally soaked when I go outside in the morning almost as if it rained but hadn't. And we've been having not so warm days, 60's and 70's and with cloud cover I worry a little that it won't really dry too well, but if you think it'll be ok I'll try leaving it out for a few days and see how it reacts. Here's another picture I just took not long ago today really shows the trichs coming out!

I got the seed out of a bag of really dank stuff I grabbed off a friend. He said it was blue cheese but in reference to blue cheese grows and pictures it doesn't really look like a blue cheese but im no expert. It's extremely heavy on the sativia side as I see no traits of indica in this plant at all. I'm thinking of starting my two week flush by watering with just PH'd water next Sunday and on Friday October 7th putting it into its 48 hours of darkness and chopping on 9th. That will be exactly 8 weeks. But it all depends what I see under the scope next week. If I'm not seeing any clouding what so ever I'll continue to feed. Also if a two week flush is wrong I'd appreciate some input as this is my first time growing so everything I do is based of other people's grows and opinions that I've researched.

I'm hoping now that it's into week 5 that it will really start swelling and filling out, as of right now it doesn't look like it's going to be yielding anything to write home about as none of the buds are connecting up the branches and filling it out and you can still clearly See all the nodes even with the buds on them. We shal see! image.jpeg