


no one cares what a fat fucking pig has to say.

have you told mr. housekeeping about how you want to cuck him?
Sweetheart... If he was holding the gun and his fingerprints are on it, that means his DNA is on it. Now, they dont have the lab proof of that but honestly, this is just common logic.

This isnt a who done it.

It really doesnt matter why the cops were there, the reality is that the guy was committing a crime in public and when approached would not drop the handgun he had on him.

The only other option is that for some reason a half dozen police officers just decided to conspire to murder a black man somehow all doing it spontaneously in an incident that lasted less than 2 minutes.

You choose to believe the latter and I shake my head at the lack of logic and common sense that used to exist in America.

The statement was his 'prints and DNA matched to the gun and ankle holster'.

That is a blatant lie..they don't have the proof? That's because there isn't any..don't you understand that cops lie in order to extract information?
That was from 2015, a year ago..doesn't mean he had one or ever had one..wives lie about their husbands all the time in a domestic and vice versa.

So wives lie about their husbands all the time... Why should we believe her about the gun now rather than then?
The statement was his 'prints and DNA matched to the gun and ankle holster'.

That is a blatant lie..they don't have the proof? That's because there isn't any..don't you understand that cops lie in order to extract information?

They are not attempting to extract information, the suspect is dead. They are simply stating that they retrieved the gun that he was holding with his DNA and fingerprints on it. Even if someone elses DNA is also on the gun it really doesnt matter since they found it in his dead hand.

Again, the video has the cops telling a man to DROP THE GUN about 12 times over 30 seconds before he got shot. It was his ACTIONS that got him killed.
The 2015 restraining order reads, "He hit my 8-year-old in the head a total of three times with his fist," and "he kicked me and threaten(ed) to kill us last night with his gun," Rakeyia wrote. "He said he is a killer and we should know that."

don't you have a black president to birther?

you need to put your racism to use on the higher ups. your klan buddies will handle the low hanging fruit.
Don't they always? They were about 1200-0 in 2015. Which means that they never once made a mistake. That's pretty impressive.

They made all kinds of mistakes but a mistake does not = intent does not = prosecution.

And I am sure we can find cases in every year of cops facing charges and jail time for violating the law.