I'm voting for McCain....


Well-Known Member
Ya know, most people on welfare do not want to be on welfare. Oh, I know there are a few 'welfare queens', but the average person on welfare would love not to be on welfare. My dad screwed my mom over, divorced her, didn't pay alimony, never paid a dime of my child support. Had he been a real father, we wouldn't have needed welfare and food stamps. (I learned just this year that he died in the year 2000. Well, good riddance.) But as things were, often those were the only things standing between us and homelessness and/or starvation. And even so, there were days when we ate nothing, and weeks when we lived in a car. A Pinto, at that.

That upbringing is why I remain concerned for our poorest citizens, and why I am totally and utterly aghast that McCain's economic plan provides a massive $21 in annual tax relief to our poorest families, compared to Obama's $567. I mean, $21 is simply a flat-out fucking joke. Woohoo, an extra 6 cents a day, that's some serious relief. Save all that McCain tax relief up for two months and you could *almost* buy a gallon of gas.

But McCain also plans to give tax relief in the amount of $50,000+ per year to those making more than $600,000 per year. Yeah, those poor people can get by with 6 cents a day in relief, but the rich? They'd be getting $150 a *day* in tax relief. That seems a little...ridiculous. Is he just trying to kill off the poor? I mean, yeah, I understand, no poor person with an IQ over 85 would vote for a Republican anyway, unless they're hung up on a wedge issue, so killing them off would actually help his party.

But jeez, McCain's plan is just *so* cold-bloodedly slanted toward the wealthy that you just have to wonder, did they torture compassion out of him in Vietnam or what?
You got it mate!


New Member
McSame is a rich mans dream and a poor mans nightmare. He is BushIII for sure. He was a spoiled rich kid with all the priveledge that comes with it, You can bet, other than his Vacation in Nam, he never had to sweat a meal, rent, or the myriad of small shit that haunts the poor. I'll bet he never lived out of the back of a Pinto, and now that he's got his "trophy uber-rich wifey to look after him (Servants and all) he really doesn't have a clue about the poor. A vote for McSame-Palin is a vote to take this country so far right it won't survive. The concentration camps will not be filled by Obama, but by the likes of McSame/Palin, you can take that to the bank


New Member
Made a payment to the collection agency that is on my ass for the $2,000+ I owe in medical bills from a surgery I had 2 years ago that should have been fully covered under my insurance policy but wasn't due to a filing error by a clerk in the billing dept. of the hospital. So, only about 6 more of those stimulus checks and I wont have any medical debt, god bless America. Thanks Nixon for privatizing healthcare back in the 60's, that rocked!
Why on earth are you paying this bill? Go to small claims court and sue the hospital. Not joking.



Well-Known Member
Is that covered under the limits for small claims court? Though regardless, definitely should go to court and sue, even if it's not small claims. If they made a mistake billing it they need to be liable for their fuck up.


New Member
Why on earth are you paying this bill? Go to small claims court and sue the hospital. Not joking.

see...that's part of the problem we have today...people of privilege like Vi don't understand that a lot of people can't afford to do that...small claims court is not free...


New Member
So, Chuckie ... are we to assume by the above post that you are voting for O'Bama? If so ... please list the reasons:





wow, you must be dumb. i cant vote in the american elections anymore. i got smart and changed my citizenship.
Im not pushing for anyone. but anyone who pushes for Mccain is fucked in the head,, thats all i am saying.

You have been creeping all my threads because for some strange reason you think i am "opposition". Nope. Just showing how fucked up your current government is. and its not just coincidence that Bush is a republican.. thats how republicans are.. FUCKED


New Member
see...that's part of the problem we have today...people of privilege like Vi don't understand that a lot of people can't afford to do that...small claims court is not free...
I have two words for ya, tips ... and its not happy birthday. "People of privilege?" You sound like you've been taken in by the propaganda spewed by our esteemed Med-O-Mao. :blsmoke:

The cost to file a claim for $2000 in a California small claims court is a whopping 50 bucks. :roll:



Well-Known Member
Oh, not something I'd be familiar with. I mean, there is some one that I wish I could sue, but it'd be a waste of time, no real harm done, despite wasting ~$5K on her. Just a lesson to be learned, a very painful one...


New Member
Why on earth are you paying this bill? Go to small claims court and sue the hospital. Not joking.

I tried to resolve it with multiple 1hr+ phone calls. The hospital were complete jackasses and I eventually just ignored them and didn't deal with it. When I got the notice from the collection agency I consulted a lawyer who advised me it would cost more to fight than the total of the bill. The statute of limitations for taking a hospital to small claims court is 6 months. I got fucked.

A friend of mine went to this same hospital for an ankle operation and they did the WRONG ANKLE! He is currently in the process of suing them BIG. He is aware of my billing/collection agency issues with them and promises to indemnify me WHEN he wins, which he will. He's probably going to get about 130k after legal fees.


New Member
I have two words for ya, tips ... and its not happy birthday. "People of privilege?" You sound like you've been taken in by the propaganda spewed by our esteemed Med-O-Mao. :blsmoke:

The cost to file a claim for $2000 in a California small claims court is a whopping 50 bucks. :roll:

$50....see....it's just $50....


New Member
Made a payment to the collection agency that is on my ass for the $2,000+ I owe in medical bills from a surgery I had 2 years ago that should have been fully covered under my insurance policy but wasn't due to a filing error by a clerk in the billing dept. of the hospital. So, only about 6 more of those stimulus checks and I wont have any medical debt, god bless America. Thanks Nixon for privatizing healthcare back in the 60's, that rocked!
So you are already partaking in socialized medicine, one handout at a time. Good for you.:clap::clap: