SO then 378.5 grams (volumetric math) of that Potassium sulfate powder from Amazon into 1 gallon of water for the 10% solution.
Add the 1.5 tsp of Dark brown Sugar for the carbs. Mix well till everything is dissolved and jug it! (With my old farm math method, and application charts I got 380 grams [correction]- a simple gain of 1.5 grams from formula shifts over the 1000 gallon conversion in the Greenhouse guide chart)

So just buy Pot Sulf, Brown sugar and water?

Does it make big nugs too or just more terps, resin?
any organic molasses will do? Walmart or ?

Dollar Store has Golding with 5% potassium. Brer Rabbit at Wal Mart about $4 has 5% potassium but has one or two other nutes.

Dollar Store has the molasses for $1 and brown sugar $1 for 1 lb.. Grocery stores also can have a 2 lb bag of brown sugar for about $2.

My stoner mentor who is out of my life mentioned molasses but was not sure if it worked and why it worked. It is right on the label. Brer Rabbit has iron, potassium, sodium, carbs, calcium and magnesium.
Pumpkin, banana and squash. Cut & cubed, add equal parts brown sugar; So 2 lbs of fruit you use 2 lbs of brown sugar (brown sugar, not molasses). Mash as best you can with a mortar (be sure to not use your hands). Cover loosely and let it ferment for a week or a week and a half. Strain and jar again covering loosely to finish the fermenting process. There is your bloom juice, add a teaspoon per gallon.
Here is another idea for those who do not want to do all the mixing. Buy molasses because it has potassium in it and brown sugar. The Dollar Store has both. Their Golding Mollasses is okay. It has 5% potassium plus other good nutes:
The Brer Rabbit at Wal Mart has 6% potassium is about $4 but has more nutes.

Sorry but, molasses will NOT work that way!

It's the sulfur that works with the P and the carbs to give the effects......Molasses has very low amounts of nutrients that reuce even lower when mixed with water.....Too much in the way of carbs too!
This is interesting.

I've just turned to k-sulfate to bump potassium as needed in late bloom.

I arrived at the same volumetric weight in grams for the stock solution, working backwards from my desired ppm range (80-100ppm total is a good amount just when the girls need some extra K).

Then I came across your recipe.

I will for sure run another stock with the sugar as recommended and do a side-by-side. I've never run any carbs so very interested in what the action is here.

Thanks to the OP for sharing :blsmoke:
Pumpkin, banana and squash. Cut & cubed, add equal parts brown sugar; So 2 lbs of fruit you use 2 lbs of brown sugar (brown sugar, not molasses). Mash as best you can with a mortar (be sure to not use your hands). Cover loosely and let it ferment for a week or a week and a half. Strain and jar again covering loosely to finish the fermenting process. There is your bloom juice, add a teaspoon per gallon.

A very interesting post from another experienced grower!
I will be trying that!

Nice share!
I wonder why pumpkin banana & squash were chosen. Papaya would seem like a good choice too.

High K I can see right off...Squash's higher P..Should have a nice Sulfur content too....the fermenting kinda puts me off.....Let the alcohol evap. would be ok. Lots of carbs but broken down mostly by the fermentation...Good trace minerals in a usable form, for the most part...
Once the K-sulfate/db-sugar solution is mixed with RO or distilled, can it then be added as supplement to nutrient solutions that are made from tap water?