Contest: Worlds biggest loser


New Member
First, I don't think you're understanding this contest.
This isnt about replying to someone eles shame.
Sec, you don't know me, so please don't act if you do.
...we don't go way back.

The contest isnt about me. It's about you.
It's about the fact that you are so fucking ashamed of who you really are, you wouldnt even post it to a samll group who has no clue who you are.

Only thing worse then a loser, is a closeted spineless loser.

No winners, only losers.....(*)everyone qualifies.

So quick to hold court onto others, yet I havent got to read what makes you qualify for this contest?
Can't be honest with us,, or yourself?
This is where you post some smart'ass comment and avoid the question at hand with some puppets clapping in the back round.

Oh, I'm sorry, should I have made this about me and not you?

I wounder how meany people almost posted and then at the last sec deleted it.

I understand that this is how you want to make it SEEM .. But what the fuck? What is the point yo? Why are you trying to prove that other people are iffy about telling people negative things about themselves? I'm sure people would rather not spill every bad thing about themselves just to prove a point to YOU. We all have things we wish we dislike about ourselves or things we wish we didn't do in the past blah blah blah .. But that's life. It doesn't mean everyone is going to open up about it.. and no, that doesn't make them spineless, it makes them human.


Well-Known Member
I didn't know that RIU was a confession stand.
three months in an you know all about RIU :wall:

This is not a debatable topic, this isnt about what breathesmoke thinks/feels.
This is a contest. point blank, either enter the contest or stfu.
If you don't want to play, then don't!
.. but don't put added pressure on some future poster.
I think this has hit a nerve with you.
come'on tell the world why you're such a peice of shit.

It's very hard to tell the gods honest truth about oneself, isent?
I see you find it very difficult.


Well-Known Member
I found a way to make the water from the toilet not splach, simple rip off a piece of toillete paper.. single or double layer depens on how heavy your dropping.....

this way when it falls it will be cought by the toillete paper... heh.

loooooooooooool !


New Member
three months in an you know all about RIU :wall:

This is not a debatable topic, this isnt about what breathesmoke thinks/feels.
This is a contest. point blank, either enter the contest or stfu.
If you don't want to play, then don't!
.. but don't put added pressure on some future poster.
I think this has hit a nerve with you.
come'on tell the world why you're such a peice of shit.

It's very hard to tell the gods honest truth about oneself, isent?
I see you find it very difficult.

I already said everything in one post numbnuts. If there was anything else I would have already written it in the first post.


Well-Known Member
Freedom of speech motherfucker. I like bitchin and arguing. .. So there is another thing that makes me a loser I guess.
really that just makes you a cunt, not a loser.

...any and all topics, but what learks in your closet.:clap:
I'm 19 and just got my DL-boo fuckin hoo.
Nobody will fuck me-I'll give you that one, that is pretty fuckin gloom; depressing subject.
You must be fat or really ugly...or is it the smell?(is it all three?)
Did someone touch you as a kid, now you can't stand anyone touching you now?This is where you could have been honest to why nobody will fuck you/why you won't let anyone touch you.
Why your retarded ass just got a DL/why you live at home.
You see my point, your so-called sad story, it's only half honest and halfassed told.
remember you came onto my thread, I didnt search you out.
Still want to play?
..or make noise telling me about constitutional rights that you think you have? :clap:


Active Member
im 26 years old i never had a real job still.....i did 4 years and 8 months in the Florida state penitentary for car thefts now i am scared if i leave the house that i might fuck up and go back i get out the house maybe 20 minutes a day max i stay on this bullshit website EVERY FUCKING DAY i dont know how to think straight anymore i heavely tattood i could NEVER get a job i smoke weed with my brother and his friends all day everyday in my house im a fuking loser i dont know i am lost in the struggle of what to do my mind is set on making money while my hearth and my family are keeping me from getting it so fuk all yall and have fun on here and enjoy your life


Well-Known Member
im 26 years old i never had a real job still.....i did 4 years and 8 months in the Florida state penitentary for car thefts now i am scared if i leave the house that i might fuck up and go back i get out the house maybe 20 minutes a day max i stay on this bullshit website EVERY FUCKING DAY i dont know how to think straight anymore i heavely tattood i could NEVER get a job i smoke weed with my brother and his friends all day everyday in my house im a fuking loser i dont know i am lost in the struggle of what to do my mind is set on making money while my hearth and my family are keeping me from getting it so fuk all yall and have fun on here and enjoy your life
Honest, right to the point.
Fuck ya dude!
That's how you play the game, and play it well.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I'm 21, I have flown aircraft since I was 13, I've owned, and paid for 4 cars (Nissan, Ford, BMW, Chevy) and had my own condo in Louisiana. I've now moved to Alaska and in the process of securing a very high paying job... in the week that I've been here, I've already bought a new vehicle, put a down payment on a house and will be moving in next week, found great friends and great ganja, hiked on a mountain, touched a glacier (Exit Glacier in Seward, AK), got my Alaska drivers license, switched insurance (thanks Geico, you saved me over $1000 dollars!!!), got an Alaskan bank account, flew around the mountains and had a roller coaster ride, AND pee'd in Cook Inlet (nature calls)... now I am the worlds biggest loser, I do everything by the book and am always organized, I wish I could be a carefree parasite like the OP... :clap:

Oh yeah, I prefer peeing outdoors in nature than in a bathroom... it's the call of the wild.
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Well-Known Member
This isnt the worlds biggest asshole contest.
You have NO qualification to this contest,, is that what you think?
..Is that what you want us to think?

You can't hinder who you are by whats around you or what you wear/live/moneyz made.
Since,you lack of pretense or any reserve I'll enter you myself.
Going on just what I know about you(from your power bio)
:What that is called is displaying false confidence:everyone come look, at not me, but what I have.
It's clear why you have set yourself up as the 'big man.'
You suffer from having a disadvantage cock.
Living with the fact that you will never pleasure a have to walk about with all your big toys, so the world can see what a big man you are,right? Since you can't pleasure women in bed, you like to hurt them instead, don't you creep? I also bet you have a wondering eye for very young girls/boys.

enjoy alaska...I see everyone from Cail racing to live there.
who wouldnt enjoy -40 or when it's total dark for a month?
As glad as you might not to be me or in my shoes, I feel the same way.
I'm alot of things, but I aint no fuckin creepy degenerate.


Well-Known Member
(joe pro) your a loser. and your parents dont love you and never really did.. you live with ur gf who is probably cheating on you.../end thread


New Member
really that just makes you a cunt, not a loser.

...any and all topics, but what learks in your closet.:clap:
I'm 19 and just got my DL-boo fuckin hoo.
Nobody will fuck me-I'll give you that one, that is pretty fuckin gloom; depressing subject.
You must be fat or really ugly...or is it the smell?(is it all three?)
Did someone touch you as a kid, now you can't stand anyone touching you now?This is where you could have been honest to why nobody will fuck you/why you won't let anyone touch you.
Why your retarded ass just got a DL/why you live at home.
You see my point, your so-called sad story, it's only half honest and halfassed told.
remember you came onto my thread, I didnt search you out.
Still want to play?
..or make noise telling me about constitutional rights that you think you have? :clap:
:-oI must say I'm flattered you spent your time typing out a paragraph about me.

You are so clearly instigating so you have no room to call me a cunt for liking to argue! ..

I seriously can't think of anything else negative to write. It's all in the first post. Oh, and trust me, I could get fucked any day of the week. I just choose not to. You are just so funny joepro! I love you for being so damn funny!:dunce:


Well-Known Member
This isnt the worlds biggest asshole contest.
You have NO qualification to this contest,, is that what you think?
..Is that what you want us to think?

You can't hinder who you are by whats around you or what you wear/live/moneyz made.
Since,you lack of pretense or any reserve I'll enter you myself.
Going on just what I know about you(from your power bio)
:What that is called is displaying false confidence:everyone come look, at not me, but what I have.
It's clear why you have set yourself up as the 'big man.'
You suffer from having a disadvantage cock.
Living with the fact that you will never pleasure a have to walk about with all your big toys, so the world can see what a big man you are,right? Since you can't pleasure women in bed, you like to hurt them instead, don't you creep? I also bet you have a wondering eye for very young girls/boys.

enjoy alaska...I see everyone from Cail racing to live there.
who wouldnt enjoy -40 or when it's total dark for a month?
As glad as you might not to be me or in my shoes, I feel the same way.
I'm alot of things, but I aint no fuckin creepy degenerate.

Holy shit man hahahaha, you made my fuckin' day! It's like a kid being jealous over me having the "newest toy" or the 'coolest bike", poor baby... by the way, never had any of my women complaining, I kept them going as long as they wanted. :hump: Sorry, I'm just successful, good in bed, and have a great reputation... can't help my great luck in life, I made good choices and networked with good people. :clap: Oh, also... I personally kick the life out of any man who violently touches a woman, #1 pet peeve of mine is violence against women, and I supported my previous governor's bill for chemical castration and the death penalty for repeat child molesters, I love me' some dead pedo's! So... I suppose you are the degenerate for such an ad hominem rebuttal.

Oh, sorry you're a failure... sucks to be you. :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Oh, sorry you're a failure... sucks to be you. :eyesmoke:

yup sure suck to be him...

joepro your not a loser, your just an asshole and a prick.
a loser is somebody that cant help his misfortune, all you misfortune is because off yourself.

you have 2 options:

1# get your fucking life together and stop being a fucking parasite
or 2# get a gun and 1 bullet (you should know what to do from there on)