Broad mites or TMV.... Or different

But you are touching a plant with a "tool" and then contacting the next plant with that tool = touch!

BUT, your statement holds a BIG clue! Mosaics transfer mostly by the plants touching each other in the fields! Fans in grow ops and movement by air, resulting in plants touching. Would be the biggest vector of infection with any mosaic!
I remember that one from class..
Ya that's why I wanted to make it clear that's only way we saw it transferred. Again could be off base with some carriers of the virus being dormant but maybe it did transfer but we just didn't notice it. Idk tho the symptoms came on so fast after receiving the initial infected cut that idk if it could be dormant atleast not in any of the original 19 that were introduced to said infected cut.
Ya that's why I wanted to make it clear that's only way we saw it transferred. Again could be off base with some carriers of the virus being dormant but maybe it did transfer but we just didn't notice it. Idk tho the symptoms came on so fast after receiving the initial infected cut that idk if it could be dormant atleast not in any of the original 19 that were introduced to said infected cut.
Fascinating. Would love to see any test results that you can get.
Ok, so, @Afgan King, you have no results, dr. Who isnt backing you up in regards to the tobacco part of the tmv. So can we please stop shouting tmv for the love of cannabis.
Ok, so, @Afgan King, you have no results, dr. Who isnt backing you up in regards to the tobacco part of the tmv. So can we please stop shouting tmv for the love of cannabis.
All I'm saying is there is a mosaic virus in cannabis whether tmv idk that was what the results showed on the test that craft had ordered. I'm not shouting it anywhere I said this isn't it and I've never seen a case like the only case I know to be true. My point is it exists but it's so rare the odds of you getting it are slim to none.
Ok, so, @Afgan King, you have no results, dr. Who isnt backing you up in regards to the tobacco part of the tmv. So can we please stop shouting tmv for the love of cannabis.

Oh, no- this isn't 'shouting', this is informative. Forewarned is forearmed, you know.

And we don't know it ISN'T TMV, so telling people to shut up about it is at the very least premature.
Oh, no- this isn't 'shouting', this is informative. Forewarned is forearmed, you know.

And we don't know it ISN'T TMV, so telling people to shut up about it is at the very least premature.
Ok find me a confirmed case with cannabis involved and ill stop telling people to stop saying it. Deal?

Otherwise saying that theres even a possibility will just perpetuate the myth.
Ok find me a confirmed case with cannabis involved and ill stop telling people to stop saying it. Deal?

Otherwise saying that theres even a possibility will just perpetuate the myth.
Well even @Dr. Who said there are confirmed cases from ww2 times and that it could come back not out of the realm of possibility. And again I've offered to send out an infected clone you want it I'll send it it's the real HP-13 cut just infected as all fuck
been growing for almost 30 yrs, seen thousands of plants
never seen any TMV
Been growing 10 years. Grown over 10,000 plants myself commercially this year seen easily hundred thousand grown and seen it very prevalent in a commercial grow....I have over 50 strains myself right now and have cloned atleast 10k plants this year. Believe me I know it's far-fetched but doesn't mean it's not possible and doesn't mean the test was wrong.
And again y'all say it's not real can't be real why not take an infected clone then?ill gladly send it out for testing by one of you guys but yet no one seems to want it in fear of it being real.......but then say it can't be real
Been growing 10 years. Grown over 10,000 plants myself commercially this year seen easily hundred thousand grown and seen it very prevalent in a commercial grow....I have over 50 strains myself right now and have cloned atleast 10k plants this year. Believe me I know it's far-fetched but doesn't mean it's not possible and doesn't mean the test was wrong.
I've never grown on that large of a scale, so I cant offer any exp on that
10,000 plants a yr, I fear would steal away my passion for it
akin to being a pornstar and being tired of sex

And I certainly wasn't insinuating that you were wrong, that'd be categorically asinine and ignorant to say anything like that
Well even @Dr. Who said there are confirmed cases from ww2 times and that it could come back not out of the realm of possibility. And again I've offered to send out an infected clone you want it I'll send it it's the real HP-13 cut just infected as all fuck
Well. Theres that then. Do you read your posts before you publish them?
I've never grown on that large of a scale, so I cant offer any exp on that
10,000 plants a yr, I fear would steal away my passion for it
akin to being a pornstar and being tired of sex

And I certainly wasn't insinuating that you were wrong, that'd be categorically asinine and ignorant to say anything like that
I think this guys on some kind of dope. Totally lost all sence of reality.
Well. Theres that then. Do you read your posts before you publish them?
You want a cut? It doesn't exist like u said so why don't u take a cut? Afraid you might get the real deal virus and fuck your whole grow? I can get a cut out to u talked to buddy yesterday if you want it dm your address I'll give it to u for your testing and your analysis and when get it tested and it comes back positive and its as contagious and infectious as @Dr. Who says well you'll know. Biggest doubters won't take the cut in fear of it being real..... But yet you claim it's not real
You want a cut? It doesn't exist like u said so why don't u take a cut? Afraid you might get the real deal virus and fuck your whole grow? I can get a cut out to u talked to buddy yesterday if you want it dm your address I'll give it to u for your testing and your analysis and when get it tested and it comes back positive and its as contagious and infectious as @Dr. Who says well you'll know. Biggest doubters won't take the cut in fear of it being real..... But yet you claim it's not real
Fair point, hook @Alienwidow up! Lol
You want a cut? It doesn't exist like u said so why don't u take a cut? Afraid you might get the real deal virus and fuck your whole grow? I can get a cut out to u talked to buddy yesterday if you want it dm your address I'll give it to u for your testing and your analysis and when get it tested and it comes back positive and its as contagious and infectious as @Dr. Who says well you'll know. Biggest doubters won't take the cut in fear of it being real..... But yet you claim it's not real
Has any of the gardeners you know used pro tek or a K silicate to see if it helps. Honestly I've been a believer in broad mites to be the culprit to the leaf pattern you posted in post #24. Ive seen thousands of clones with that leaf pattern some worse then others. Ive also made mother plants out of clones with that leaf pattern. A lot of OG and OG crosses and some cookies also have that leaf pattern here in northern california. So the story goes, I know a gardener here who started using pro tek to help try build the immune system of his plants that carried that leaf pattern. He told me back that leaf pattern is gone. So i try it starting 2 months ago, leaf pattern is gone. Moral of the story is I've stopped calling this a broad mite issue for sure and am now leaning towards some sort of weak immune issue or virus. So the facts are i have no idea and am still confused about this fucking leaf pattern. Because gardens where i live run crops with that leaf pattern every day. Im still so confused.........
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You want a cut? It doesn't exist like u said so why don't u take a cut? Afraid you might get the real deal virus and fuck your whole grow? I can get a cut out to u talked to buddy yesterday if you want it dm your address I'll give it to u for your testing and your analysis and when get it tested and it comes back positive and its as contagious and infectious as @Dr. Who says well you'll know. Biggest doubters won't take the cut in fear of it being real..... But yet you claim it's not real

I still contend it's most likely not a mosaic as far as it being TMV or Sunn Hemp. It tested out as pos for a virus I'll bet.
It does not cover the description of apple mosaic or Hop mosaic at all. Neither does it fit either of the latent virus's in hops. Those can take years to begin to show.
I know of 2 other viral's that are sometimes called a mosaic. They show up in trees of the cannabecea family and one of them does have a slight resemblance in discoloring to what @Afgan King describes.....a virus and not true mosaic's.

You have to remember that when you place large amounts of plants together at one time. And your introducing new strains from clone stock of unknown health and you DON'T do quarantine runs to assess said cutting health before full runs in the clean grow area.....Your bound to unleash a problem illness at some point.

Hey AK. Was it you or Odin that worked greenhouses like I have before....The old German Hort I took over the greenhouses from did quarantine runs of all "new sourced" root or clone stock before mass production. He made sure I did, and understood why before I took over the whole operation.....It's kinda simple to see too (I know it was not your call at the grow you worked at). The unleashing of something like that in a closed environ. Can destroy a whole seasonal crop and put the business in turmoil! You tread lightly in the greenhouse world.....Same for the MM industrial grow world! Musta been folks that were never taught that and/or were in a hurry to cash in......Around here the cucumber and pickle industry has taken a real big hit from a virus that holds in the soil once it hits a field (in roots and dead plant matter). Spreads devastatingly fast by touch! (Hmm, acts like a mosaic, kinda looks like one too - IS NOT though). That last years before the field clears! They have now moved to 10 years plans that involve potato's for chips and other tubers, that they can cash crop.....

Remember the pics of the GG4 I posted? Remember that I said t it was in an "isolation tent".....Harvested yesterday with no problems. The clones from her, where moved from their isolation area to be with other proven plants now too. Another thing I do is always dip and rinse my tools in alcohol between every plant that cuttings come from.....NO short cutting!

What happened where you worked was a result of lax propagation rules and cleanliness...Again, not your fault as you did what you were told to do eh?

Guys n girls, if you read this. It's a perfect example of why clean and quarantine should always be part of your operation!
Has any of the gardeners you know used pro tek or a K silicate to see if it helps. Honestly I've been a believer in broad mites to be the culprit to the leaf pattern you posted in post #24. Ive seen thousands of clones with that leaf pattern some worse then others. Ive also made mother plants out of clones with that leaf pattern. A lot of OG and OG crosses and some cookies also have that leaf pattern here in northern california. So the story goes, I know a gardener here who started using pro tek to help try build the immune system of his plants that carried that leaf pattern. He told me back that leaf pattern is gone. So i try it starting 2 months ago, leaf pattern is gone. Moral of the story is I've stopped calling this a broad mite issue for sure and am now leaning towards some sort of weak immune issue or virus. So the facts are i have no idea and am still confused about this fucking leaf pattern. Because gardens where i live run crops with that leaf pattern every day. Im still so confused.........
I said the leaf pattern I posted is the closest thing that's on the internet and still no where near as drastic. There's no chance of broad mites I can guarantee it at craft we have a rotation of sprayers and bugs are one of the few things we never have a problem with. We use protekt at the warehouse and nothing helped besides axium period. I mean when you get 5 plants of the same strain in a room of a 180 being the only ones effected by this and it happens room aftee room for over a year I can guarantee its not bugs. Again stopped with use of axium which was recommended by the university after a positive test.
I still contend it's most likely not a mosaic as far as it being TMV or Sunn Hemp. It tested out as pos for a virus I'll bet.
It does not cover the description of apple mosaic or Hop mosaic at all. Neither does it fit either of the latent virus's in hops. Those can take years to begin to show.
I know of 2 other viral's that are sometimes called a mosaic. They show up in trees of the cannabecea family and one of them does have a slight resemblance in discoloring to what @Afgan King describes.....a virus and not true mosaic's.

You have to remember that when you place large amounts of plants together at one time. And your introducing new strains from clone stock of unknown health and you DON'T do quarantine runs to assess said cutting health before full runs in the clean grow area.....Your bound to unleash a problem illness at some point.

Hey AK. Was it you or Odin that worked greenhouses like I have before....The old German Hort I took over the greenhouses from did quarantine runs of all "new sourced" root or clone stock before mass production. He made sure I did, and understood why before I took over the whole operation.....It's kinda simple to see too (I know it was not your call at the grow you worked at). The unleashing of something like that in a closed environ. Can destroy a whole seasonal crop and put the business in turmoil! You tread lightly in the greenhouse world.....Same for the MM industrial grow world! Musta been folks that were never taught that and/or were in a hurry to cash in......Around here the cucumber and pickle industry has taken a real big hit from a virus that holds in the soil once it hits a field (in roots and dead plant matter). Spreads devastatingly fast by touch! (Hmm, acts like a mosaic, kinda looks like one too - IS NOT though). That last years before the field clears! They have now moved to 10 years plans that involve potato's for chips and other tubers, that they can cash crop.....

Remember the pics of the GG4 I posted? Remember that I said t it was in an "isolation tent".....Harvested yesterday with no problems. The clones from her, where moved from their isolation area to be with other proven plants now too. Another thing I do is always dip and rinse my tools in alcohol between every plant that cuttings come from.....NO short cutting!

What happened where you worked was a result of lax propagation rules and cleanliness...Again, not your fault as you did what you were told to do eh?

Guys n girls, if you read this. It's a perfect example of why clean and quarantine should always be part of your operation!
Before I took over the juveniles and cloning area yes they were very lax after tho I held people to standards. 99 iso was hanging outside every room with clean towels to wipe down scissors or any blades used at all. When I would uaw new razors for every strain while cloning regardless if I thought they had it or not new razors to ensure nothing was spread. Once we started with axium and people followed protocol we were fine. And we weren't that lax I mean we all had new scrubs with a pair of crocs everyday always cleaned by citna and no one with any outside clothes could even open our flower rooms. It wasn't that lax to be honest we were on point with gloves glasses hats and scrubs all freshly cleaned weekly and everyone had a sterile outfit for each room we go into. We would change out our scrubs if I went from any plant room to any other plant room only exception was my two rooms I wouldn't change out between because I was in both non stop all day. Again this is something no one wants but I'll gladly send out a clone for anyone who wants to say it's nothing hell after what you've said I'll glove up and not even let it in my house.