Roe vs wade

you are not a uncle tom but you are one confused chick. If the rights return to each individual state, then some woman in the USA USA USA will not be able to chose what they want to do with their body. Would you like someone making a choice with your body ?

Which states currently have laws against abortion that will go into effect immediately?
you are not a uncle tom but you are one confused chick. If the rights return to each individual state, then some woman in the USA USA USA will not be able to chose what they want to do with their body. Would you like someone making a choice with your body ?
No, and I'm not a confused chick. It's a moot point. It's not going to be overturned. I think there's a lot of over reaction going on.
I think there's a lot of over reaction going on.

the third reich seemed normal to those living in it too. the new york times said hitler's anti-semitism was probably just a joke. they said the nazis would rule more moderately once in power. newspapers joked about "those nazi boys".
No I'm saying that I seriously doubt they will overturn it. Hasn't the right been trying to overturn it forever? I don't think we will go backwards was all I was saying. I also meant that as a woman, of course it affects me and even still I seriously doubt it will be overturned.

And @UncleBuck I'm still waiting. You think Im an uncle tom?
I was reacting to the statement "At worst, state by state basis", which struck me as concession to losing the Supreme Court for this issue. Trump said straight out that this was his objective. There are a lot of mind readers out there who claim to know what Trump will do. I guess that I don't have that power, because I only know what he said.
I was reacting to the statement "At worst, state by state basis", which struck me as concession to losing the Supreme Court for this issue. Trump said straight out that this was his objective. There are a lot of mind readers out there who claim to know what Trump will do. I guess that I don't have that power, because I only know what he said.

Acting as if they know him better than himself is really growing old
well, it's been one week and there's already public discussion about 'the precedent of internment camps' as it relates to how we go about the muslim registry.