Dump Trump

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member

Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling.
Warnings will be given out if users fail to act appropriately.
That's probably true in other forums, but not politics. It's like the wild west -- and I like it!


Well-Known Member
I don't give a fuck what you people think is cool or awesome. I won't change how I feel or think or ignore natural instincts because half of society thinks I should.
To be part of a society you need a valid contract. Like it or not you have a contract to be here in this forum society, so does everyone else.


Well-Known Member
Actually your parents put you under a Social Security Contract when you were born, and a contract to pay the hospital for your birth was present during birth.
Wrong, I was born on reservation, not a hospital. I do have a SS number like everyone else which is not a contract or bill of ownership.


Well-Known Member
Wrong, I was born on reservation, not a hospital. I do have a SS number like everyone else which is not a contract or bill of ownership.
You think SS is not a contract, you think you have no contract here. The force is strong with this one.

National Congress of American Indians voted unanimously for a resolution to support Social Security without cutting benefits for recipients. The tribal leaders represent most of the 3.4 million Americans who identify themselves with a tribe.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
It is ironic to hear an NRA parrot criticize others for lack of independent thought and "following the herd".
(I've forgotten more about guns than you'll ever know.)


Well-Known Member
It is ironic to hear an NRA parrot criticize others for lack of independent thought and "following the herd".
(I've forgotten more about guns than you'll ever know.)
I'm not a member of NRA, if you wanna depend on cops, God and society to protect you, I guess you don't need a gun. They don't protect us, around here we handle shit ourselves.