Official 'FUCK THE POLICE' Thread. (Examples of Police Brutality)


Well-Known Member
I think the difference is central to programs like 1033. I see value in distinguishing between "military, entered into system" and "military lookalike".
The only value is to obfuscate the origin of the excessively militarized hardware.

I wish they were limited to the same sort of gear I can purchase legally within my state. But that is a personal selfish argument. I want some of the toys too.
Your true colors, revealed.


Well-Known Member
I think the difference is central to programs like 1033. I see value in distinguishing between "military, entered into system" and "military lookalike".

I do not like the "militarization" trend for police either. It blurs the line between soldier and policeman. It isn't good for our republic when "spot the civilian" becomes difficult.
I also see a need for police. I wish they were limited to the same sort of gear I can purchase legally within my state. But that is a personal selfish argument. I want some of the toys too.
I got a few. I know what you mean. I built a very nice ar for $400.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
This thread causes me great pain.
Why so much anger? I've had neighbors who were policemen. They were good people -- and weren't firearms enthusiasts (not that there's anything wrong with that).
Then there are crooked cops. There's something especially rotten about these people. I have personally seen police officers lie in court. It happened when I was very young and I never forgot it.
Personally, I think most crooked cops began life as individuals with major problems with authority.
Never give authority to people who have a problem with authority. They will take everything personally and become oppressive simply because it is familiar.
People who work in law enforcement should be psychologically stable as well as cool under fire. I have nothing against hiring veterans, but if they suffer from PTSD or related disorders, they should probably seek employment in a less stressful occupation.


Ursus marijanus
The only value is to obfuscate the origin of the excessively militarized hardware.
You have to pick a descriptor and stick with it. First it was military hardware. Then mil spec was good enough. Now "excessively militarized".

Your true colors, revealed.
I like guns! Oh my goodness! That must PROVE I am a fascist!! Now children, can you say "logic fail"? Say it with me now ...


Well-Known Member
You have to pick a descriptor and stick with it. First it was military hardware. Then mil spec was good enough. Now "excessively militarized".

I like guns! Oh my goodness! That must PROVE I am a fascist!! Now children, can you say "logic fail"? Say it with me now ...
I like guns too, i just don't "love" guns. :-)
Wish i could get a real full auto m14 instead of my m1a's. An mk14 instead of my m1a socom 16 would be killer!! Not that the mk14 is fully auto, but the older m14's were.
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Ursus marijanus
I'm not sure. I don't really like restrictions on firearms but things like paying for concealed carry helps keep it legal. Buying a hunting license support fish and game and restoration to wildlife. I'm sure we could come up with something.
I'm not sure either. There must be balance between my rights to own and operate a weapon ... and the laws governing its use.
This is a huge problem for honest police. They prefer us less armed for obvious personal reasons. I cannot begrudge them that. I still get hot under the collar when I see some anti-firearm legislation being pushed by police chiefs' organizations. But I recognize that it is a thorny social issue.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure either. There must be balance between my rights to own and operate a weapon ... and the laws governing its use.
This is a huge problem for honest police. They prefer us less armed for obvious personal reasons. I cannot begrudge them that. I still get hot under the collar when I see some anti-firearm legislation being pushed by police chiefs' organizations. But I recognize that it is a thorny social issue.
To be fair there are a number of police and government that prefer us to be armed. I've seen a number of Police Chiefs and Sheriffs promote the right to own guns.

It probably boils down to how you were raised. I was raised rural enough to damn well know the police were no help in an emergency.

There is no way to guarantee someone's safety. Only each individual can do that.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure either. There must be balance between my rights to own and operate a weapon ... and the laws governing its use.
This is a huge problem for honest police. They prefer us less armed for obvious personal reasons. I cannot begrudge them that. I still get hot under the collar when I see some anti-firearm legislation being pushed by police chiefs' organizations. But I recognize that it is a thorny social issue.
That's exactly the way I see it too.


Well-Known Member
I like guns too, i just don't "love" guns. :-)
Wish i could get a real full auto m14 instead of my m1a's. An mk14 instead of my m1a socom 16 would be killer!! Not that the mk14 is fully auto, but the older m14's were.
You can if you fill the right paperwork and pony up the money. It is literally a couple extra pieces of paper to fill out.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
Full auto weapons are toys for rich people. Permits are expensive & only good for ONE firearm. Supply is also limited, so cost is a major factor.
Then you've gotta feed it, which is no small task if you shoot much. 30 round mags burn really fast on full auto...


Well-Known Member
Liberty and Justice for All.

The Active Denial System (ADS), known informally as a heat ray, was deployed to Afghanistan and has been acquired by the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department for potential prison riot use. With a directed-energy blast, the weapon increases skin temperature with a burning sensation, using similar radiation technology to a microwave.

I see no reason the manufacturer wouldn't want one in every neighborhood/home.


Well-Known Member
Full auto weapons are toys for rich people. Permits are expensive & only good for ONE firearm. Supply is also limited, so cost is a major factor.
Then you've gotta feed it, which is no small task if you shoot much. 30 round mags burn really fast on full auto...
The only thing full auto is good for is fire superiority. Laying cover fire to be able to move or operate.

I suffer the same. I would like a .50; the State says no
Like in a Barret or .50 cal pistol? Are both restricted? What about .50 cal muzzle loader. Ever see a 475 grain .54 cal black powder. Damn thing will drop an elephant.

Can you get a socom .458 upper for an ar? If so it uses standard 30 round 5.56 round mag but only holds 8 or 9 .458 rounds. Packs a wallop. Has the convenience of being able to bypass the 30 round mag restriction.


Well-Known Member
You should probably do some research before talking bullshit. It was two pounds, though, not 4.

View attachment 3838888
I'm not buying it. Wikipedia is hardly a flawless source of facts.

The point stands: Why the fuck is it ok to flush peaceful people just trying to stay alive out of a decrepit building with so much firepower? Or flush them out with serious explosives like that? The answer should be "it's not" and if that isn't your answer, you don't belong in a Country of the Free.
First off they were hardly a 'peaceful people'. They had an annoying habit of using a bullhorn from the roof to preach their bullshit anytime of the day or night. I belong here every bit as much as the next guy only I think it's a government of the people by the people for the people and not a country for assholes like Move to disturb the peace anytime they want. As to the 'bomb' thing it was certainly over the top. It coulda been avoided if Move hadn't holed up and started blowing lead at the police.


Well-Known Member

And I prescribe to the "fuck your laws" mantra. I live by the golden rule, I don't need an authoritarian entity telling me how to act, I'm an adult, can make my own decisions and deal with MY consequences. FTP.
Great for you but is it great for the guy down the street that thinks he is entitled to burn down your house because you looked twice at his old lady?