I teared my gooch!

Until pro help shows, this cream might contain the situation.

@mr sunshine I believe that I have just taken a shit so big that I have teared my gooch, PLEASE ADVISE as I know this must have happened to you before. so far all I have done is wad up some tp and stuff it up in and around my butt hole. what should I do now?
Admittedly @mr sunshine is gangsta as shit but I think this calls for the expertise of @bu$hleaguer
Well I have been trying to get a good look at it in the mirror but I just cant get a good angle, maybe we can get a group of people together over in TC later and I can try and take guidance from those who can see on the webcam
Put the mirror on the floor and get and elderly neighbor ....then assume the sumo wrestling fight stance and look at the mirror ....

Not sure what the elderly person is for ....but put her to work as needed
Nice! Segue into the philosophy of weights and measures. Metaphysical even, was it the mass of said shit or the volume of said shit that tore said gooch? Very deep Inda, +rep
It was so fucking big that I named the turd sir cumference. dont try to fool me with educated mass volume words it was the diameter x length of the mother fucker extended dilation of the bung hole, and it is really itchy to