Random Jibber Jabber Thread

When is now?
Juat after than but slightly before then.

I sum it up like this.

Am I still Sniffing yayo?
If yes then proceed to now
You will ask why
And I will say this is AmericA THE CUNTRY OF FREE CHOICE long as your choice doesn't conflit with mine.


I am very in tune qith these hippy folk
Why all these girliah "European" threads popping up?

Restriction of fire arms? What ia next forcing ua to wear condoms?

This gun aint even legal but I raose armz againat the wuro warriors
Update to af eating a bunch of paycs

I am drooling on my self unintentionally.

So the drool just started aftwr a bong hit and a largs ahot of vodka.

Thw radioatoe seems to be an enemy at the memomt.

I may have takem 4meodmt by accident.

I ahould go look at the bag but the dosages are sizeable. Im not aure how long this took me to type but itfeels like a new year alreaxy.

I qould describe thia dosage as "dark" my body has shivers qhile at thesame time I cannot atop ataring at tgw walls.

I hear spunds of falling matter putaide my qindow. I use matter because honestly it aoundsed like molecular atructures hitting my window.

I will explore this a bit more as I was goingto halt the trip aith largw benzos and heroin.

Auddenly Tjat horrible anxiety I had meltrd into qhat i am trying to type out .

I will checlthe bag * ate come mor ing. Until thwn I cannot trouble myself with au h petty stuff.

Ao my friend isselling hand made clouds qith lights in them.

Either im too high or it ia a good deciaion to get a room full

Id love a room oc clouds

Can you even see gow happyi will be.

I fucking love clouds
Lmfao @StonedFarmer. Someone is having a fucking good time.

Sounds like me on mushies. Everything is fekkin interesting or funny when I'm on that shit. I fuckin love it.
Muahroom z sont wben touch how I feel rightnow.
Y abjlity to type is enhanced by gpod coca.

I wont last much lomger on devoces lime this

I cannpt procesa half the garbGe I have typed.

Ya I am slopping into an abyss of qeord ahit.

Its not like my hands and walls aremwlting

More a if i look aide to aide the wntire qorld ahakes.

Ivw done alot but this a good 2/10

Very littlw druga conaumed.
Thw sifference is ol sf can hanxle his droogaz

Thia trjp is a tee more then I enjoy on thw regbut i saod id fuck myselfup

I hate myaelff for tripping this hard. People auppose to be at my placesoon and hpneat its too muchqork

Im a full on apaceman butthia is tpo much.i xMt eben explain what I amputtinhto my face

Every lean is my back anapping while my mins is catching il
He says as he pukes into hia birches

Ill cancel this trip whe. I feel so kiddos

Dont stop tilll the af is puking
No no
Dont stop
Never stop

Alright lets do some heroin kiddoes

30cc water **squirt_***
Holy shit. If it weren't for you telling us what you're on. I'd swear you're absolutely shitfaced drunk.

That's what my messages look like when I'm blotto. And they take me like 10min to write one.
Holy shit. I'd it weren't for you telling us what you're on. I'd swear you're absolutely shitfaced drunk.

That's what my messages look like when I'm blotto. And they take me like 10min to write one.
Alcohol plays a part in my life.

I havent evwn drank any alcohol today.

All that atuff I did on camera was a lie . i dont evwn so drugs

Aka read the srugsIdid orask theoneswgo watch poor me abuse my body on cam.

Im goingto gp qatch some X-Files qhile smoking shotty made bubble hash and drowning in liqour.

Ill keep faking srug abuse

Keep it 100 fks


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I have been taking abuse from people who dislike my habits.

The truth is some people use ssri, benzos etc... To combat their own problems, mine is just illegal and enjoyable.

Had a bundle of fun talking to you tonight <3
Had been a while since I was in TC. Was nice talking to you too.:smile:

I honestly don't remember the end of the night, at some point I threw up and passed out on my couch.:-?
Had been a while since I was in TC. Was nice talking to you too.:smile:

I honestly don't remember the end of the night, at some point I threw up and passed out on my couch.:-?
You were there one minute then it was just your clock. I would have preferred to watch Pebbles.

It was my first experience on tc on that terrible phone app. Makes you want to find the developers who wrote that and fire them.