Ttystikk's vertical goodness

True that man lol. The Indians are my biggest competition now with the storefront dispensary at 6 a gram. Actually my days of caring about sales are way gone, if someone asks then yup. But the 10 pounds are for me and miss smokes a ton lol. She cleans and fucks better when high lol

I have two things to say about that; 1. You're a very lucky man, and 2. I'm not sure only ten pounds would be enough, you know, "just in case".
I discovered and identified a small colony of predatory mites in my bloom room!

Phytoseiulus Persimilis bright red orange mites, very high predation rate - and therefore well worth saving.

I sprinkled them on my fresh clones in the hope they thrive in the humidity under the dome.
Had some practice at these 100cm tall 15 gal bonsai plants this past summer, I think I went over by 10cm but who's going to come measure them when every other house has plants going? They eventually pulled 29 zips between them, double that up and not a bad stash. Add a 25 plant indoor count under a medical license and you're good to go ;)

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Too tall tie em down...
They do make a product that is supposedly just for flooded systems re RDWC, etc. I had great success (I think lol) with hydroguard but it's pricey and hard to get here. Seen a few grows that used it and the root structure was very robust lol.

My roots are stronger and more consistent than ever in Tupur. The buckets are so tight with roots that you have to jump up and down on the root ball to break it up. I think SIPS will only help the micros living in the substrate.
My roots are stronger and more consistent than ever in Tupur. The buckets are so tight with roots that you have to jump up and down on the root ball to break it up. I think SIPS will only help the micros living in the substrate.
Well after running benies last winter I'm sure they did help with over all performance but hard to quantify without me doing a side by. At the end of the run I had a4-5" thick mat 3x3 that was pure white so I can only assume it works. I'm giving the individual pot thing a lot of thought and it may help stay within the new count laws, but nope doubt that lol, pretty much a given that I'll never be able to do that given it's a bunch of fuck heads coming up with these laws that won't accomplish anything but cater to the weekend pot smokers which I'm not lol.
Well after running benies last winter I'm sure they did help with over all performance but hard to quantify without me doing a side by. At the end of the run I had a4-5" thick mat 3x3 that was pure white so I can only assume it works. I'm giving the individual pot thing a lot of thought and it may help stay within the new count laws, but nope doubt that lol, pretty much a given that I'll never be able to do that given it's a bunch of fuck heads coming up with these laws that won't accomplish anything but cater to the weekend pot smokers which I'm not lol.

No, they're catering to the LPs and trying their damndest to say weed is legal but still make sure the mounties can always bust your grow.

That doesn't sound legal in any way to me.

Nevermind acceptable!
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It might be another blind alley, but I don't think so. I smell a revolution coming in how things will be done indoors.

Behold, the first overhead light fixtures expressly designed for vertical growing;
New thread elsewhere in this section!
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Ya I saw it right after I asked, thanks. Just another light for me to look at lol, this shits getting way complicated. I think I'll just stick with what I've got till I have more time to check out all of them, had my heart set on CMH then you all started talking COB's lol. The way this winters been up here I may have a cooling issue, supposed to go to 8 Celsius Monday ..... woohoo fishin trip :).