Young black males and public education.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have a workable idea that would help fund public schooling, please STFU and continue to pay your property tax as well as any other taxes that enable me to continue to collect my pension. Thanks
LOL, its a loan that allows you to collect. Too funny.


Well-Known Member
No, I'd not have institutions which rely on coercion based business interactions. That's a means which I disavow. I'd have everybody make their own choices, but not force their choices on others.

So I wouldn't be funding an institution which relied on offensive force to exist, I'd seek other alternatives.

"We" can't afford to tell children bullying is wrong and then proceed to implement systems which rely on bullying. It fucks with kids heads.
lol! You've managed to not answer my question 3 separate times now. HOW would you fund schools?

You've already told me your broad views on "coercion based business", so I'd like some specifics please.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
So everyone is going to voluntary support public school funding ? What fucking planet do you live on ? How much would you voluntarily give a year to support public schools ? Sounds like you just want to bitch and complain without any type of workable solution.
When you just bitch about a problem without a solution to the become part of the problem
Wrong question. Your question assumes a thing inherently wrong, can somehow be polished up a bit and it becomes "not wrong".

Things which rely on forcible taking of something which isn't yours can't be made right.

A workable solution CAN'T involve an unworkable and illegitimate means, since the means is part of the process and cannot be discarded, without relying on dishonesty and contradiction.

The solution is to use the same methods of funding education as you use to acquire laundromat customers...thru persuasion and free market choices. Otherwise you're employing thug tactics, which isn't very nice.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
lol! You've managed to not answer my question 3 separate times now. HOW would you fund schools?

You've already told me your broad views on "coercion based business", so I'd like some specifics please.

By consensual agreement of the involved parties. I thought that was apparent from my answers and didn't know you hadn't extrapolated that from my previous posts.

If I have what I consider a "good idea" do I have any right to force you to fund it ? Do you have any right to force me to fund your "good ideas" ?
Or should both of us have some kind of agreement from the other party ?


Well-Known Member
By consensual agreement of the involved parties. I thought that was apparent from my answers and didn't know you hadn't extrapolated that from my previous posts.

If I have what I consider a "good idea" do I have any right to force you to fund it ? Do you have any right to force me to fund your "good ideas" ?
Or should both of us have some kind of agreement from the other party ?
In other words, parents would pay out of pocket. Why is it so difficult for you type those words?

I suspect you don't want to admit that because you know that there would be a ton of kids left out of the equation. Maybe the mothers of those kids could exchange sexual favors for some class time? Consensual of course.

Edit: Paved roads and an electrical grid are good ideas as well. No need to force people to fund them though. Shit would go smooth no doubt.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
In other words, parents would pay out of pocket. Why is it so difficult for you type those words?

I suspect you don't want to admit that because you know that there would be a ton of kids left out of the equation. Maybe the mothers of those kids could exchange sexual favors for some class time? Consensual of course.

Edit: Paved roads and an electrical grid are good ideas as well. No need to force people to fund them though. Shit would go smooth no doubt.

Our fundamental differences appear to be, you discard the means used to achieve things you think are good, even if the means used is based in threats of violence, while I consider the means as part of the process. Therefore I cannot and will not use threats of offensive force against people to force them into things they prefer not to do. It's wrong.

I don't have the right to force my ideas on you. You don't have the right to force your ideas on me. It's pretty simple.

I like roads, but think "flying cars" are a much better idea. As far as a centralized electrical grid, my preference is for a bunch of smaller localized ways to generate electricity. I'm planning my next solar house now, it will have more capacity than my present one.

Merry X-mas.


Well-Known Member
Wrong question. Your question assumes a thing inherently wrong, can somehow be polished up a bit and it becomes "not wrong".

Things which rely on forcible taking of something which isn't yours can't be made right.

A workable solution CAN'T involve an unworkable and illegitimate means, since the means is part of the process and cannot be discarded, without relying on dishonesty and contradiction.

The solution is to use the same methods of funding education as you use to acquire laundromat customers...thru persuasion and free market choices. Otherwise you're employing thug tactics, which isn't very nice.
You should ask the "graduates" of Trump "University" how that worked out for them.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You should ask the "graduates" of Trump "University" how that worked out for them.

I'm afraid I don't follow why you think that is pertinent to what I said.

Because some people feel they got fleeced by Trump, that justifies a coercively funded government school system ?

Hey look a rhinocerous!!


Well-Known Member
I'm afraid I don't follow why you think that is pertinent to what I said.

Because some people feel they got fleeced by Trump, that justifies a coercively funded government school system ?

Hey look a rhinocerous!!
It shows that despite competition and free market principles a quality education is rarely achieved.

Of course you wouldn't see the logical line of reasoning though.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
It shows that despite competition and free market principles a quality education is rarely achieved.

Of course you wouldn't see the logical line of reasoning though.

I'm not sure you and I share the same definition of what a free market is. Since you don't know what one is, you are correct I will not agree with any erroneous conclusions you have made about it.

But...I bet you make a mean paper airplane.


Well-Known Member
A disproportionate number of young black males do poorly on standardized testing in my local school district. I assume this to be nationwide, though I would love to hear of an area that has resolved this problem.

Poverty has a direct link to poor education. The poorly educated are likely to live in poverty and children of poverty are likely to receive a poor education, thus the cycle continues. But there is a noticeable difference between the black females, poor white of both genders, and Hispanics of both genders in one group vs black male performance.

The children of "well to do" minority parents do not have alarmingly low scores and in fact they fall in line statistically with their white peers.

It would seem to me that the poor black males are holding the other students back since they are all in the same classroom and we as a community are doing these young men a disservice by giving them such a poor education.

Do you have any ideas why these students are not successful?

What are your thoughts on solutions to this issue?

And maybe I'm thinking about this wrong and we should focus on the poverty factor alone without regard to race and gender. I just figure those at the bottom deserve the most attention and the more we can narrow this down the more likely we could come to a possible solution.
I actually heard a news from a Portland Oregon radio station that Oregon HS graduation rates have improved for white students. No shit, I couldn't believe I actually heard that , but it's what liberals do when they are losing at anything. They change the rules. As to what to do, I would first suggest that black leaders stop using black poverty for their own personal gain and create some expectations for these kids, rather than the non stop pity party that primes them to accept mediocrity if not failure. As long a being a "Baby Daddy" is a badge of honor, I'm afraid not much will change.


Well-Known Member
It shows that despite competition and free market principles a quality education is rarely achieved.

Of course you wouldn't see the logical line of reasoning though.
There is very little free market education in this country in grades 1-12, and that is in fact part of the problem. Unions have a huge influence on the quality of education regardless of demographics.