I love sculpting clay. Its just sooo fun. Its like one medium i feel so loose and free with. I love making weird sloppy sculptures that make people laugh, make me laugh, horrify people..lol... The clay studio i go to there are some very serious scupturerers..lol... They make "professional"looking stuff to sell. Kinda boring shit to me.. like cups and bowls. a real lack of CREATIVITY or spontaneous abstract ideas..... its all very clean an slick....and they got a serious technique down, which is cool, but its like i have this wierd fuck you attitude ... that i just never want to change when it comes to working with clay...and i dont wanna learn any technique... with clay i work real fast and can get piece done real fast, unlike drawing which gets very detailed and time consuming.
I think doing both is really great balance and compliment each other well . yeah i thinks its so cool your getting back into drawing, cuz your so good at it!

oh yeah if you get a chance.. go to Robot.Logics thread in the inspired art section here. I think you would REALLY dig his work, very cool guy!
What kinda things did you sculpt?