The Party of Tolerance and Acceptance.

Is it available in 5 gal. buckets?
There are going to be some chronic users for the next 4 years and it's much more apt than lending them a hanky, as after you do that, you'll never want the hanky back.
Is it available in 5 gal. buckets?
There are going to be some chronic users for the next 4 years and it's much more apt than lending them a hanky, as after you do that, you'll never want the hanky back.
Melania has a problem, I hear. She made the mistake of unprotected sex with Donald and he's a carrier. He has no idea which woman he molested got him "that way".
so you didn't cite fact checkers today and then argue against fact checkers today?

kinda like how you never called obama a gay kenyan muslim, you were talking about some other secret gay kenyan muslim who runs the executive branch?
Crustin, does that mean you'll stick your tongue up my ass too?
Personally not my bag, so I'll pass.

And that's why your asking, sure buddy.
Also, there's nothing to put to rest except that you grow ditch weed crosses in an old dresser. Thanks for letting me know I've got your goat:-)
so you didn't cite fact checkers today and then argue against fact checkers today?

kinda like how you never called obama a gay kenyan muslim, you were talking about some other secret gay kenyan muslim who runs the executive branch?

He knows lots of Kenyans.
How'd Obamacare get through then if he stood opposed all 8 years?

And did you not see Rachael Maddow lose her shit and all credibility this election? You cite her graphs?
a judge found that credible enough to go to trial. then they got more witnesses anyway.

Then the plaintiff refused to come forward despite a huge bounty, because she didn't exist. Still no evidence other than word of mouth on that Russian spy thing, I don't care who's mouth it comes from, show me the evidence. Piss tape? You're actually handicapped at this point. Alleged grope victims coming forward after 20 years of radio silence a week before the election, totally believable. And then he won, because your tabloid news sources cried wolf too many times.

I wouldn't call anyone else gullible for a while, Buck. You kind of got your shit pushed in with this whole Hillary losing thing.
she didn't though.

you're not very good at this. she went from not existing to existing in minutes. golly, you are dumb.

The 12-year-old that Trump raped, doesn't exist, because that didn't happen. There was no finding, the case didn't go to court, it was heard in court and thrown out. Again, where was she for the past 19 years? That story was a load of shit, also, where's that evidence of Russian interference? Still need something other than "intelligence agencies said so". Doesn't wash, piss tape, zero evidence, you're a sucker.
The 12-year-old that Trump raped, doesn't exist, because that didn't happen. There was no finding, the case didn't go to court, it was heard in court and thrown out.

no, the judge read the details of the case, decided it was credible to go forward, and then more witnesses came forward. it was not thrown out.

you are not good at lying, at all. even though that's all you ever do, kid.
Buckold that's like saying "I smoked some dope this morning, and then I smoked dope again for lunch and finally had an aperitif after dinner". Nothing about type, quality, form, or potency (reliability for news).
Your post doesn't say anything about which fact checker checking what facts which time.
Just a nebulous "fact checker" because it's easier to smear that way.

Post the proof Buckold.

Crustin must grow in the closet, which explains why he is how he is since he had to leave it before that could happen.
Buckold that's like saying "I smoked some dope this morning, and then I smoked dope again for lunch and finally had an aperitif after dinner". Nothing about type, quality, form, or potency (reliability for news).
Your post doesn't say anything about which fact checker checking what facts which time.
Just a nebulous "fact checker" because it's easier to smear that way.

Post the proof Buckold.

Crustin must grow in the closet, which explains why he is how he is since he had to leave it before that could happen.

you're getting bent out of shape about this, but the fact remains.

you cited fact checkers today, then i got you to argue against them today. you're really, really bad at this.

and LOL @ your 8 square foot "flower chamber".