What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
Well accomplishments today were few ....but I did get to see my little 7 year old nephew who suffers from autism and let him run all over my house and jump on my furniture as well as my bed ....my brother didn't like the idea ...but I told him when he comes to kunkles house he can run a muck .....he calls me kunkle bud because he can't say uncle .....and my nickname has been bud ever since a little guy ...way before pot and me met ....quite fitting now though ....just glad my older boy was at school because he's not allowed to jump on the furniture ....lol....well I'm headed off to bed,,I smoked after the boys went to sleep and had a fucking amazing session on my piano ....I wish I could jam like I did today everyday ,,,,anyone who plays an instrument knows what I'm talking about ....although target shooting competitions are kinda the same ...good and bad days .....however at least with the piano I won't accidentally kill someone with a sudden muscle spasm like a gun ......anyway the smoke and the piano got me super relaxed so I'm headed to my lair ......good night guys and gals ...y'all have a good day tomorrow ...I'm getting up early and going to SanFrancisco for the day ....and yes il take pics of all the hot lesbians and anything else I see that's cool .....k peace out :sleep::sleep::sleep:


Well-Known Member
My scrotum is so stretched.. I'm going to have to get custom pockets in my shoes to tuck em in

Key west is as awesome as ever brought a half sheet of L making friends left and right

Day one I already infiltrated a bachelorette party from Texas no they don't know quizo, meeting up with them later for some rum and jet skis. But I woke up in a house of coast guard chicks based down here was fed and showered hah certainly a different breed of women... Being guardsmen I had to apply the adage two nickels makes a dime

The night I flew out I happen to meet a cutie named eve.. She had a green and a blue eye and was a fucking freeeakkk. Truth be told after that night and last I think my dick needs to shed its skin like a snake

I'll keep you posted


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
My scrotum is so stretched.. I'm going to have to get custom pockets in my shoes to tuck em in

Key west is as awesome as ever brought a half sheet of L making friends left and right

Day one I already infiltrated a bachelorette party from Texas no they don't know quizo, meeting up with them later for some rum and jet skis. But I woke up in a house of coast guard chicks based down here was fed and showered hah certainly a different breed of women... Being guardsmen I had to apply the adage two nickels makes a dime

The night I flew out I happen to meet a cutie named eve.. She had a green and a blue eye and was a fucking freeeakkk. Truth be told after that night and last I think my dick needs to shed its skin like a snake

I'll keep you posted
You may have met my youngest, she has heterochromia iridum too.


Well-Known Member
San Fransisco was cool image.jpg
^^^saw that image.jpg
^^^and that image.jpg
^^^^ate that image.jpg
^^^only in San Fran --read them--image.jpg
WHAT!!! I like candy .....GEEZZZZ

Plus I had to buy the wife something real classy and nice .....pretty sure I nailed it .....seriously though,,,these were at a normal ass candy shop where I like to buy pounds of rocky road chocolate candy ........kids everywhere ...lol........grandpa brought my older boy up to me later in the day and we ate at the rain forest cafe ...rite next to the candy shop image.jpg
I finished coloring his menu before we left ...........So got my business taken care of and also got to have my boy dropped to me and hang out ....came home ,went and paid a visit to a sick friend I help .....and I'm all done ....cool day


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I pulled my old wiring and reran my 220v for my new area, got my light controller wired, balasts mounted, started running new 110 circuits, not sure where I want my drops right now, got 2 runs of hard ducting hung for independent light and venting. Managed to cut a few clones before the lights went out.

Today's gonna be busy, gotta finish wiring, set up my veg room, get the tent set up to flower and finish my ducting..I think that's it...

Tomorrow's football, food and drinking.