Archive Seed Bank

I'm not here to teach breeding and I've covered this not only today, but dozens of times in the last 10 years. Read books instead of asking online, that's what I did.

I don't want to learn about breeding, I want to learn about how you picked this Dosidos male over all the other ones that you didn't pick. Isn't that what you're offering in contrast to all the other GG4/SourDiesel/CherryPie/ForumCookies/LouisXII/etc... crosses that are on the market? You say it isn't just by picking the one with the best structure, best smelling stem rub, and most trichs on the balls, which is what virtually everyone else seems to do, so I want to know what your process is.
And that's your problem. You're living in IG world instead of the REAL WORLD. One of those two things is full of falsities (IG if you can't figure it out), and one is based in reality. And no one can bleed you dry, when you're the one willingly giving them the pints of blood. Vote with your dollars, otherwise, your opinion is just someone crying about what they WANT, not NEED, and how you don't want to pay but are entitled to the seeds for what you deem fair. Do you stand outside of Gucci doing the same thing?

The problem with tent breeding isn't that you can't make good seeds in it. You can. It's that you can't do proper selections with such small numbers. It's a straight crap shoot.. It's that they didn't invest anything into SELECTION POOLS. You know, 200+ plant populations (which is still miniscule admittedly) to search for the winners and then work from there. Not just, let me pop 10 seeds and hybridize them in my 4x8 tent. One yields selection pools from which breeding can occur, the other is small pool selection where you're just working with whatever came up in your 32 square feet. One yields selections that are superior , so much to the point other companies start working and ripping off those lines instead of creating their own. If they had just did their own work and selection pools and got out of the fucking tent, they wouldn't need to use Dosidos, or stardawg, or whatever else... they'd have their OWN SHIT that is hyped, bred, and selected for dank BY THEM. And I would applaud it, and be stoked for them, and their hard work. But nah, they're allergic to hard work, putting in the time and money. Their motives are to just parasiten off of some one else selection pools and hard work and investment. It's sad people support that kind of fuckery. The only people that lose in that case is the customer and the gene pool in the long run.

This will be my last post here. RIP Cannabis forums, you used to be a place of vast knowledge and some truths, now it's just the polar opposite, opinions with no facts. Entitlement without hard work. "Knowledge" without experience. I know there's a few good peeps still on the forums, but I'm sure y'all feel the same way I do. Best of Luck RIU.

I'll stay out this thread but i would like to just say that a lot of us here we are not breeders. Ive never bred anything. We are your customers trying to get info about the product you are selling thats it!

Ive never doubted that you are a top breeder. I was referred to you by nepali so i know you are legit but to come in here and get treated like a closet hack trying to steal your genetics pissed me off.

If you walked in to a pizza shop and asked to see a pizza before you buy and the owner starts yelling and bitching telling you that you dont know shit about pizza and if you dont want to buy his pizza get the fuck out is that right?? Not to me thats bad customer service 100%
Picking males based on vegging traits may be the dumbest thing ever. I will never do that. I reverse males and test progeny. I don't have time to make a "breeding and selection" thread or part of my site where I daily update on shit. I run several businesses, not just chuck pollen in a tent. I only know of a couple breeders that do as much work on my lines as I do. Took me 4 years to release a line I MADE. But y'all championing people that already released seeds from lines made in a fraction of the time it took me, and you don't think they're the ones ripping you off. LMAO

If what y'all want is tent breeding and fems with no selection pools for cheap, like I said, I got you. that's easy as fuck, and will save me a ton of money not going through selection pools and testing males. y'all want $60-100 packs, I can do that all day if I have no intentions or selection and just copy what they ripoff f2 companies do. Easy, thanks for putting more $$ in my pocket with a fraction of the work, sounds good to me. And here I was thinking people actually appreciated someone doing WORK and creating new elites.
Always make the best seeds. People will buy them, and others won't. Great thing about choice. I think some of the people saying the prices are high are newer to seed buying, because back in the day on cannacollective or thcfarm packs where up there, plus chance of having your beans snagged. No one saw grow logs for Aliens Gear, but some of the best flowers ever came from those packs.
And now he is gone.... After all of this, is this thread and forum better off now?

There was a legit opportunity to act respectful and ask legitimate questions about new crosses to make informed decisions and foster healthy discussion.

I mean most of us know who is respected, who is chucking and who is putting in the time. There is a reason why he is so respected.....

Talk about a flaming shit sammich.
How do y'all respect somebody that don't respect you? He only came here because he wanted to see what was being said. Before then he haven't been here in how many years? Who's gonna miss him? Go catch him on IG crying about dudes making crosses with dosido like he never used somebody else's strain to breed with to get to where he is now. Can somebody tell me if he created ogkb. Dudes loose respect daily by the the movement of their fingers. Nobody owns strains. Once they are on the market it's for any man to do what he wants with them.
And now he is gone.... After all of this, is this thread and forum better off now?

There was a legit opportunity to act respectful and ask legitimate questions about new crosses to make informed decisions and foster healthy discussion.

I mean most of us know who is respected, who is chucking and who is putting in the time. There is a reason why he is so respected.....

Talk about a flaming shit sammich.

he came in here pissed on something he read

No doubt he is one of the top breeders imo no doubt but he came in here for what he got.
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How do y'all respect somebody that don't respect you? He only came here because he wanted to see what was being said. Before then he haven't been here in how many years? Who's gonna miss him? Go catch him on IG crying about dudes making crosses with dosido like he never used somebody else's strain to breed with to get to where he is now. Can somebody tell me if he created ogkb. Dudes loose respect daily by the the movement of their fingers. Nobody owns strains. Once they are on the market it's for any man to do what he wants with them.

Nobody owned strains in prohibition days but that is changing hella fast currently. People are paying for the dna work on the genes they've been working with. Establishing ownership before the govt corporation boyz come in and try and steal it. The days of the hack job fuckery will eventually come to an end when people start getting sued. ... its coming.

The more I look at the situation, I say load the boat on important genetics now. Open pollinate the fuck out of them and store them correctly. You'll be glad you did one day soon.
Well we did find out some of them are untested chucks, just no info on which ones are the chucks.

I dont think thats what he meant. Once he establishes a good male he sees no reason to test the kids on half the moms cause he already knows what he has.

Ive never bred anything but at least from all the chaos i have a much better understanding of the differences between his breeding and chucking
I dont think thats what he meant. Once he establishes a good male he sees no reason to test the kids on half the moms cause he already knows what he has.

Ive never bred anything but at least from all the chaos i have a much better understanding of the differences between his breeding and chucking

Just cus a male is a winner on several females doesn't mean he will be on the next female. And just because a female made great offspring with one male doesn't mean she will with the next. The thinking of just cus I'm working with good genetics don't cut it for me but this is IMHO and I def don't know shit about breeding so what do I know
Just cus a male is a winner on several females doesn't mean he will be on the next female. And just because a female made great offspring with one male doesn't mean she will with the next. The thinking of just cus I'm working with good genetics don't cut it for me but this is IMHO and I def don't know shit about breeding so what do I know

I was about to ask you Ak, and most of the people? What have you guys breed with to know all this? How do you even know what he has been doing behind closed doors for the last three to four years?

Just because somebody is not showing something, does not mean that they are not putting in work. For that matter of fact many companys have trade secrets and they don't let you know the exact formula or procedures.

Now to everyone eles you guys seem to have this Sense of Entitlement, first off you are Lucky these genetics are being released to you Or Get the Clone and Make it on your own. Where the fuck do I offer you something, and then you tell me how to price my $ goods.

No one can tell Mercedes / Hermes how to price there brand.

Topdawg seeds had 3 Og's and Money Mike crosses for $200 Dying breed has there seeds for $350 no testing plus.

It comes down to this is an offering, If you want it buy, if not Kick rocks.

@ThaDocta1 your true core following are the people that first purchased dosidos when they came out. All these new johnny-come-latelys "You wasn't There"

I blame instagram and cannarado in away for making legend / irene / fpog / under dog and pure kush and all these rare elited so available. Before that on smaller scales people would appreciate.

I have never seen someone say they got hermies from your plants..

I was about to ask you Ak, and most of the people? What have you guys breed with to know all this? How do you even know what he has been doing behind closed doors for the last three to four years?

Just because somebody is not showing something, does not mean that they are not putting in work. For that matter of fact many companys have trade secrets and they don't let you know the exact formula or procedures.

Now to everyone eles you guys seem to have this Sense of Entitlement, first off you are Lucky these genetics are being released to you Or Get the Clone and Make it on your own. Where the fuck do I offer you something, and then you tell me how to price my $ goods.

No one can tell Mercedes / Hermes how to price there brand.

Topdawg seeds had 3 Og's and Money Mike crosses for $200 Dying breed has there seeds for $350 no testing plus.

It comes down to this is an offering, If you want it buy, if not Kick rocks.

@ThaDocta1 your true core following are the people that first purchased dosidos when they came out. All these new johnny-come-latelys "You wasn't There"

I blame instagram and cannarado in away for making legend / irene / fpog / under dog and pure kush and all these rare elited so available. Before that on smaller scales people would appreciate.

I have never seen someone say they got hermies from your plants..

Every last seed maker do the same thing...find a male..dust elites/rare genetics..
People choose who they like,not the genetics in this day & age.

Don't no person know what's going on in another person's room...Unless you fuck with them the long way.

I was about to ask you Ak, and most of the people? What have you guys breed with to know all this? How do you even know what he has been doing behind closed doors for the last three to four years?

Just because somebody is not showing something, does not mean that they are not putting in work. For that matter of fact many companys have trade secrets and they don't let you know the exact formula or procedures.

Now to everyone eles you guys seem to have this Sense of Entitlement, first off you are Lucky these genetics are being released to you Or Get the Clone and Make it on your own. Where the fuck do I offer you something, and then you tell me how to price my $ goods.

No one can tell Mercedes / Hermes how to price there brand.

Topdawg seeds had 3 Og's and Money Mike crosses for $200 Dying breed has there seeds for $350 no testing plus.

It comes down to this is an offering, If you want it buy, if not Kick rocks.

@ThaDocta1 your true core following are the people that first purchased dosidos when they came out. All these new johnny-come-latelys "You wasn't There"

I blame instagram and cannarado in away for making legend / irene / fpog / under dog and pure kush and all these rare elited so available. Before that on smaller scales people would appreciate.

I have never seen someone say they got hermies from your plants..

What sense of entitlement?? People want to know what the hell they are paying for. If anyone has a sense of entitlement its him for expecting everyone to know the way he breeds.

Half or more of people who buy seeds all they see is the junglebois growing wedding cake and koolaid or whatever they're on these days.

If he doesnt want to get on the forums and social media and market his true breeding brand then dont get pissed when people act the way they do because they truly dont know how he operates.
Every last seed maker do the same thing...find a male..dust elites/rare genetics..
People choose who they like,not the genetics in this day & age.

Don't no person know what's going on in another person's room...Unless you fuck with them the long way.
What we know fam we tent growers. Tired of these dudes making excuses for breeders that feel like you suppose to buy their shit. They start making a little money and start feeling themselves. I'll keep my bread in my fucking pocket I have enough of cookie crosses anyway
If he doesnt want to get on the forums and social media and market his true breeding brand then dont get pissed when people act the way they do because they truly dont know how he operates.

I am not trying to start something with ya so please don't take this as a pot shot. Rather than asking legitimate questions to perhaps dig into how he operates people made a series of assumptions, threw around accusations and quite frankly didn't appear to care enought about how he really operates.

This was not a healthy discussion and that's why he is pissed off. He started this thread a while ago and then went on hiatus. People started the shit slinging and he came in red hot, understandably so.

That's my 2 cents.
@Lightgreen2k You're exactly right. @ThaDocta1 could have held on to every single one of his original creations and just crossed them with somebody else's popular strains, never releasing the real deal, just offering a "taste".

I was looking at it from ThaDocta's perspective...

Let's say you're an artist, perfecting your masterpiece over several years (or more) and once you've revealed it to the public some guy comes along and starts selling "official" copies/prints/lithos of your piece. That takes bread right off the artists table as anyone that owns the "rights" capatilizes by selling their own prints. Can't do that with a knockoff available for a fraction of the price. That is the reason we have copyright.

What if you're an inventor who spent a great deal of time on your idea? What if you aren't even an "inventor" and you just came up with something off of the top of your head? You put your "invention" out there, but the Chinese knockoff hits the shelves the day after for pennies on the dollar. That would suck ass, so we have patents to prevent that.

Even more relevant, as this example pertains to breeding. Dog breeders, real breeders that spend years isolating traits and furthering the development of the line/breed. These breeders show their examplary specimens to maintain their "Champion" status and popularity. One can be placed on a wait list and purchase a puppy, but with limited registration. This "limit" means that your dog will be registered with AKC, but any liter from them will not be recognized/offered papers, which excludes them from shows and essentially stamps "mut" on the puppies. Full registration would come at a hefty price, often with "shared ownership" and a contractual guarantee that the dog would be entered in shows with the goal of attaining "Champion" status. This is done to protect the line/breeder's name from being capatalized on and prevent "tainting" of the line/breed/name by inferior genetics.

@ThaDocta1 has every right to protect his work, only there isn't any legal way to do that now. And @kaka420 is right, lawsuits are just around the corner (can't believe this shit is happening).

Anyhow, just another angle.

(Edit- "know"?! Fucking phone, changed to "now".)
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