Attitudes of the increasingly insular rich in America;
May 9, 2017 at 10:11 pm
What you don’t understand it that many of the ‘born and bred’ upper 20% have a genuine fear for the lower 80%. Not just fear, but a sense of disgust that comes from the thought that these people ‘made the wrong decisions not to be well off ‘ and hence you can’t even rub shoulders with them.
They are the ‘untouchables’, in the 20% caste system.
Bad luck rubs off.
The people who shop at whole foods or red plum or any of these other crazy priced chains do so in order to express upper class distate for their economic inferiors.
I am always shocked when one of my multi-generational upper 20% friends ( with trust funds and vacation homes) says they would never shop at Vons or Ralphs because of the ‘kind’ of people who shop there. And Walmart would like be a descent into hell itself!
I suggest opening a chain whose goods are ten times the price of whole foods. I promise you the place will be packed by ‘the right kind of people’.