Oh FFS I never implied reports should be ignored. Did you even bother to read the report I linked?
You are all over the place with your attempt at "awareness".
And yes, I absolutely, unequivocally believe "care givers" supplying product to those who have a
serious conditions or illness (especially those with compromised immune systems and/or parents) should have their products tested for pesticides, pathogens, etc. If the caregiver cannot provide these tests then patients/parents need to find one that does. Not every patient "knows" their caregiver or their method of growing so this is the only safe option IMO.
And PGRs? Most seasoned growers are well aware of PGRs. Many threads have already touched on the subject. And most agree about the dangers.
So before responding, explain
your position in
your words.
Don't just go off on a tangent and assume we're all stake holders in nute companies.
Not everyone grows cash crops or depends on this as income.

In fact a great deal of growers here just want to grow good quality meds.
Ok, Mate I agree with testing the end product. For pesticides and
If for example a caregiver knew the hazards and unknown risks and they knew it wasn't made for cannabis ? Why the fuck would you use it on cannabis. And then get it tested. It's like knocking somebody out and taking them to the hospital after.
It might come out to be safe, but let me stop you, And has anybody really done testing on combustion of the actual material when it's heated up. The chemical makeup will all change. That even goes for organic. For all we know, organic might be worser than chemical. But it all comes down too we need legislation in place. I can only recommend we use maybe strawberry based chemical fertilisers let's say. Atleast it's for food lol. But did you hear recently there was a big shock to the industry when they found out pesticides reamins in your cannabis for longer. Something like 80 percent samples were fucked.
You say most seasoned growers are aware of pgrs, so people are still being idiots and taking risks on human health.
You finally you do agree on the dangers it withholds. Thanks bro seems like we're on the same level here. (Respect)
Yes I do think its up to the patient to really do most of there homework, but why should they really. Thease companies have a way around all the legislations and know all the loopholes in the book. and people want to make money in hydro stores. So it's a never ending vicious cycle.
As I said before, there's hardly been any testing done cannabis itself, it's gonna be a long shot till some company actually makes specific nutrients for cannabis. Weather it organic or chemical.
If we still grew, like the old days, and people were less greedy we would still have our old traditions in place, knower days it's all about the fast life, fast food, fast cars, fast love, fast everything, even fast sex lol. People are taking adavantage, you want to make money, base everything on fast and you will be a multi millionaire.
All I can say, find the most safest ways of growing, and don't believe anybody, not even me. Do your research and choose your own paths. We're all human and I ain't perfect either. Don't follow me.
what ever shit sold in hydro shops is another way of robbing you. Try buying proper organic shit for food. Probably single amendments and blending it your self atleast you know exactly what's in it.
I'm still buying the organic over priced bottles but I haven't got a farm, but cow shit is the one!
What ever you buy, buy it from a reputable company and it's dedicated for food crops!!!!!!!! Ok you won't find a exact nutrient for cannabis lol. And who ever grows commercially will buy products for that fruit or veg. I would go for a strawberry chemical nutrient as it has similar feedings, from what I've been told. Also make sure it's suitable for all your systems and media. And your ready to be a scientist. Maybe after a couple lazy organic grows you test on 2 plants too see if your favour it over your oraganics.
I wouldn't advise buying food crop pesticides, as food you can wash, buy cannabis no no,
Sorry to come on strong bro ,