Active Member
I prefer dabs and edibles, but whatever floats your boat!Ya mane I can get 40% by weight to fit inside a methylated cyclodextrin. The logp is then reduced enough that you can snort your hash or inject it
I prefer dabs and edibles, but whatever floats your boat!Ya mane I can get 40% by weight to fit inside a methylated cyclodextrin. The logp is then reduced enough that you can snort your hash or inject it
I think the fact that the two primary researchers both work in Substance Abuse might cloud their judgement. After a mere cursory review it's just a review of the literature with ranking of study strength by their criteria and extrapolation of what they consider the strongest studies.just saw this article today. @curious2garden your evaluation please? could the fact the study was funded by the VA have skewed their opinions? Thanks
I think the fact that the two primary researchers both work in Substance Abuse might cloud their judgement. After a mere cursory review it's just a review of the literature with ranking of study strength by their criteria and extrapolation of what they consider the strongest studies.
Speaking about pain alone the studies they 'studied' are insufficient. None of them ran over 15 weeks (I believe that was the longest), further the cannabinoid mode of administration was across the board from sprays, to edibles to 'cigarettes' from dispensaries. Until a stable source of a decent strain can be produced I would hypothesize (based on personal experience), that they are comparing apples to oranges.
This is where the government's actions have hurt us the most. We can't get a consistent source of cannabis to do an actual comparison. The medical and pharmaceutical industries treatment of cannabis as homogenous is a huge failing in any type of patient research. But with such draconian restraints in place they are unable to know this. It is the same logic as one antivenin will work on all snake bites.
Cannabis anecdotally works but it took me 2 years, finding the right strain while slowly and consistently increasing my tolerance starting with inhalation and moving to a chronic pain style regimen of round the clock stable state dosing with edibles. For me it required heroic doses of almost 2 grams/day edible. The current medical climate would quail a this.
All during this time I was managed by a professor of anesthesiology who was a founder of a regional tertiary care pain control center. She was so impressed she put others on a similar regimen and saw similar results in committed individuals. The strain of cannabis is very important and you can not rely on dispensary cannabis, random dosing and unknown cannaboid profiles for extrapolation of any useful data.
The language in their abstract is extremely weak and they are hinting at what their masters wish to hear. Frankly I am saddened by it. It reads to me as damnation by implication.
Incredible how these idiotic individuals are quick to shoot down other's experiences because they haven't had it happen to them. Let's look at how stupid you sound.
Jimmy claims to be allergic to peanut butter. But I'm not allergic to it. Jane isn't allergic to it. Rob isn't allergic to it. No one in my family is allergic to it. In fact, the only person I have ever met that claims to be allergic to peanut butter is Jimmy. Ya know, I'm starting to think this whole "allergy" thing is just made up to discredit peanut butter! Never mind the fact that Jimmy openly admits that he loves peanut butter and wishes the allergies would go away so he could still partake. Nope, he's just trying to bring our precious brown gold down.
Is it really that difficult to believe that a drug affects a subgroup of people a different way? I don't get high off of edibles. Of course, such a drastic statement would cause all you pathetic imbeciles to shed a tear! "No way, what a liar!" "You probably had shitty edibles!" "Maybe it was shit weed"
No. I've tried homegrown, both my own, my friends, and a street dealers. Nothing. I've tried numerous cookies, gummies, chocolate, cake, drinks, etc from various dispensaries from Colorado, Washington and California. Edibles simply do not affect me at all. It sucks because I wish they did based off of the high my friends describe, but they simply do not. Are any of you idiots going to tell me my experiences are incorrect? Because based off of this thread, I really do believe the lot of you are stupid enough to tell me that I have been consuming edibles incorrectly from various sources throughout 4 years. People have different bodies and even a single mutation on a single gene can cause a vastly different experience between two people. "But hurrr durrrr weed is used to treat IBS and gastro issues my friends Cuzzin had crohns and weed turned him into superman hurrr durr" Right, just like how some people have full blown panic attacks on weed but others are literally prescribed it for anxiety.
That being said, I've been smoking daily for over 2 years. 1 year into smoking, I began to have some pretty serious gastro issues. I would wake up every single morning with a burning feeling where my esophagus and stomach meet, severe nausea, and a guaranteed runny bowel movement. Every. Single. Morning. This has been ongoing since November 2016. The thought that it was weed never even crossed my mind. I went to the doctor. I got tested for ulcers (H. pylori). Negative. I got a colonoscopy done. Everything was normal. Well shit. Maybe that's just life. But screw that, I'm tired of not being able to sleep in because my stomach pain wakes me up. I changed my diet. Only healthy results. I started working out. MMA, running, change at all. I tried omaprazole and change at all. Finally, I googled marijuana and diarrhea and stumbled upon articles for CHS. Desperate for relief, I stopped smoking. Within a week, I had absolutely no symptoms. I love smoking so I decided to try again after that week. Literally the first morning after smoking again, the symptoms are back in full force. What a coincidence that there has been enough people that have reported my exact symptoms and find relief the exact same way I did and all these idiots on here still have the audacity to tell us we are bullshitting. You're all pathetic and are exactly why nobody takes this community seriously. Holy shit we are talking about a drug that has hardly been studied. I can't believe it is really so difficult for people to believe that a drug can affect people differently but then again, the individuals who spend their time on a forum dedicated to a drug can't be the most productive members of society.
Well I don’t know you and you just called me names for no reason but I will inform you anyway.
Some people get your symptoms from breathing any smoke.
And many people do not convert thc properly in their systems when digested because of various metabolisms.
I suggest if you like to get high you try dropping tincture under your toungue. Faster canabanoid conversion and a high in between smoking and edibles.
Search “green dragon” or the like.
Please don't discount these peoples story.
I have been burning since1980. I take super huge bong hits and pride the size of hits I can take! I still can take out the youngest of lungs!
But over the last year have started to develop similar issues. Not to the point of some, but my brother,who even smoke's more, got the full blown problem!! Puking, esophagus would swell shut practically. Couldn't eat or drink, would lose lots of weight, ....
I stopped and it vanished!! Even other things I didn't relate to this syndrome.
Sorry that it is real, but sometimes shit happens and you have to be real and grown up!
I will discount it until I see any reputable proof of it. I come from a family of doctors. I take this shit very seriously.
Let me know the results of you and your brothers upper gi test. When and if you actually get treated. Bet you got ulcers. And your brothers are worse.
Continued smoking can worsen them but they tend to be from acid reflux. And it can hurt bad and cause serious panic. Many think they are having a heart attack and go to the emergency room. I took nexium for a few years to heal mine. I had very similar symptoms except for the freaking out like a crackhead and standing in the shower. They do that to to mitigate symptoms while hallucinating too.
Why are we only hearing of this disorder now that weed is legal? 50% of us have been admitting to weed smoking since the 80’s.
And how come I have never seen it? I moved a lot of weed when I was young. And have smoked continually since then with many others.
Never heard of it until the pot forums. Like so many other myths perpetuated here by the uninformed.
What do you even define as reputable proof? Who cares about what your family has done? Are YOU a doctor? Sorry to let you know, but just because you come from a family of medical professionals does not mean you are one by association (even if you WERE a doctor, most professional communities are known for their factionalism and internal dissent, especially regarding syndromes, so I'd still take your opinion with a grain of salt). No, you grow plants for a living. Don't get me wrong, agriculture is important, but let's not pretend your job requires heavy critical thinking skills.
I did get tested. Many times. No ulcers. No acid reflux. Literally had a tube stuck up my asshole for this. Same thing with all the other people across a multitude of forums who had my exact symptoms and found relief via weed cessation.
What a stupid fucking question. First, it is clear the overwhelming majority of people don't have these issues with heavy weed usage as it seems to affect a relatively small group of people. Second, since smoking weed actually relieves the symptoms of the morning nausea/diarrhea/stomach pain, most of those who smoke are not going to think that it's the weed itself that is causing it, so it would go unreported. Shit, I didn't even make the connection until almost 1 year after the symptoms began. Third, what the fuck makes you think we are "just hearing about it"? This shit has been reported since at least 2004. This damn thread is almost 9 years old. I wouldn't doubt you didn't hear about it much pre-2000s due to the stigma relaxing in recent years, the proliferation of the internet, and the fact that much more people smoke weed regularly now than pre-2009. You even admit you didn't hear about it until you had access to the internet. Marijuana 1) isn't "legal" yet. There are a handful of states that allow sales, only one of which is heavily populated. 2) hasn't been studied very well due to its legality. Personally, my assumption that I pulled out of my ass (because I try not to deal in absolutes when I'm not 100% about should try it sometime) is that it's severe withdrawal symptoms that only affect a small group of people. I noticed that the severe nausea/vomiting/diarrhea would go away after I smoked for the first time during the day. The longest I went without smoking is when I slept, so I would wake up with bad withdrawal symptoms (the vomiting, diarhea, nausea). The symptoms were 24/7 when I stopped smoking and went away after about 4 days. I no longer wake up with nausea/diarrhea after I stopped smoking for 4 days despite the symptoms being present for well oner a year. It has been nearly 2 months and I have not had those symptoms at all, sans for the one time I smoked again since cessation. My body simply cannot handle weed anymore. "But hurrrr smoke lungs bad" Nope. I'm an avid cigar smoker. No intestinal issues there.
"Hurr durr no one I know has ever had this problem so it can't exist" Sorry, kid, that's not how the world works. I know you aren't a kid but that is some child like logic so I will treat you as such.
Woah, you mean you haven't heard about this issue until you used a centralized, international network that allows strangers from every corner of the globe to share their life experiences? What a fucking surprise. Jesus dude just keep growing drugs and stop trying to use your brain.
I will discount it until I see any reputable proof of it. I come from a family of doctors. I take this shit very seriously.
Let me know the results of you and your brothers upper gi test. When and if you actually get treated. Bet you got ulcers. And your brothers are worse.
Continued smoking can worsen them but they tend to be from acid reflux. And it can hurt bad and cause serious panic. Many think they are having a heart attack and go to the emergency room. I took nexium for a few years to heal mine. I had very similar symptoms except for the freaking out like a crackhead and standing in the shower. They do that to to mitigate symptoms while hallucinating too.
Why are we only hearing of this disorder now that weed is legal? 50% of us have been admitting to weed smoking since the 80’s.
And how come I have never seen it? I moved a lot of weed when I was young. And have smoked continually since then with many others.
Never heard of it until the pot forums. Like so many other myths perpetuated here by the uninformed.