What did you accomplish today?

Also. There's only a certain number of times you can keep blocking profiles. Before you crack the shits with doing it.
I've worked out for a solid week now and the pain has finally gone away. Push-ups were putting too much strain on only half my upper body so I started using a row machine to even things out. For the first hour after I feel like jello but by afternoon I'm ready to take on the world so I'm gonna start adding weights to my routine 3 days a week. Idk if it's from the swelling but I've gained 4lbs already this week.
I've worked out for a solid week now and the pain has finally gone away. Push-ups were putting too much strain on only half my upper body so I started using a row machine to even things out. For the first hour after I feel like jello but by afternoon I'm ready to take on the world so I'm gonna start adding weights to my routine 3 days a week. Idk if it's from the swelling but I've gained 4lbs already this week.
Mid life crisis already ?

More butt seks. Yes. More butt seks.

That's the answer.
Took another day off to try and beat this bug ....hopefully by Monday il be back to normal.....I'm headed to pic up some stuff at the grow shop then go feed and tend to my tomatos...I actually woke up at 5am to do this and go to work as well...but I feel like death so I shut my alarm ....only thing I've accomplished so far is getting lil Inda to school....I'm dreading having to go do all this rite now.....but it absolutely cannot wait....it's all hectors fault.

Here we go
Took another day off to try and beat this bug ....hopefully by Monday il be back to normal.....I'm headed to pic up some stuff at the grow shop then go feed and tend to my tomatos...I actually woke up at 5am to do this and go to work as well...but I feel like death so I shut my alarm ....only thing I've accomplished so far is getting lil Inda to school....I'm dreading having to go do all this rite now.....but it absolutely cannot wait....it's all hectors fault.

Here we go

I HATE being sick or injured and still having to tend to the op. I threw out my back a couple of years ago during a harvest week. I couldn't even walk, I just crawled around miserable and constantly screaming from the pain. Everything took ten times longer than usual, but like you say, it had to be done or lose thousands and thousands of dollars and months of time. Not an option. These little green bitches want what they want when they want it, fuck us and how we feel. Good luck, bro...
All done and back home .....everything is in auto pilot from here until the end now ....it definately perked me up to see those big beautiful tomatoes straining and bending every branch with weight...with at least 6 more weeks to go might I add.......now I just gotta get my lil guy from school and hibernate in a dark room with the AC set on Eskimo..........
I HATE being sick or injured and still having to tend to the op. I threw out my back a couple of years ago during a harvest week. I couldn't even walk, I just crawled around miserable and constantly screaming from the pain. Everything took ten times longer than usual, but like you say, it had to be done or lose thousands and thousands of dollars and months of time. Not an option. These little green bitches want what they want when they want it, fuck us and how we feel. Good luck, bro...

Ex-fuckin-actly my dude ....fuckin cold sweats out in the heat wasn't pleasant at all.....you obviously know the feeling....
Took another day off to try and beat this bug ....hopefully by Monday il be back to normal.....I'm headed to pic up some stuff at the grow shop then go feed and tend to my tomatos...I actually woke up at 5am to do this and go to work as well...but I feel like death so I shut my alarm ....only thing I've accomplished so far is getting lil Inda to school....I'm dreading having to go do all this rite now.....but it absolutely cannot wait....it's all hectors fault.

Here we go

Fuckin Hector. That dude's a real piece of shit.