The average well balanced white man is no bigot. But, because he is white he ticks the unfortunate boxes of being a applicable target for the extremists/ignorance of groups/individuals that exist in bigger minority groups or movements. Black lives matter, feminist movement etc. They are good groups in essence but offer a safe place for certain types of people (more and more of them becoming delusional) to have moronic views that can not be challenged or ''you racist'' etc. A black board can not be called a black board as somebody took offense (true story). So lets call it a white board instead. What?.
My statement is so far from alternate universe I begin to wonder if before this, the only history you actually knew was American?. Many empires of many races existed before the British.. go check those and realize how bloody wrong you are. Evil men are of all races. Empires rise and fall, as Britain's did. Can't you see what empire is rising right now?. They aint white.. and already dismantling America, knocking down the standard of life for ALL Americans, not just ''whites'' or ''darkies''. Economics is the new war.. cheap labor one of the weapons. It's indiscriminate of race.. if something is to be stolen and somebody know how to steal it, it will be stolen. Human nature.
I don't deny it. I deny your idea that it's racially motivated or branding all white men evil. It landed how it landed, ''darkies'' had resources to steal and at this point in time it was ''whiteys'' who had the technology to steal it, but it isn't just whites, look at Israel. Again check previous empires dating back hundreds of years.. notice how they had the most devastating war tactics of the time, they were not white and they took form who ever they could.
Racism exists on all sides ofc.. but many white men have saved millions of colored lives during bad times and at great risk to themselves and family. Don't brand them all with this brush, it's damn right insulting.
OK, now we are getting somewhere.
"The average well balanced white man is no bigot"
I can speak for the US and say yes he is. Half of the white male adult population in the US is of the opinion that African Americans don't experience hardship due to their skin color in the US. Half say that. Do you think the same? In Australia, do you think racism isn't causing hardship of a racial group? Like, perhaps, aborigines?
So, yes, half the white men in the US are racists to some degree. Behind that is systemic racism that we inherited. Systemic racism (or structural racism) is inequalities in power, access, opportunities, treatment, and policy impacts and outcomes, whether they are intentional or not. We only removed laws of segregation in the south 50 years ago. The northern and western states have their own history of unequal treatment of non-white people. Systemic racism is very prevalent everywhere in the US. It shows up in statistics of pay, employment, health issues, death by cop and incarceration rates. Beyond the 50% who are "unaware" of racism towards African Americans, many more support the status quo, which is systemically racist.
Overt racism is easy to prove. Individual acts of systemic racism are not so easy to prove as racist. It can be shown statistically that certain policies are racist by their effect even if the intent isn't overtly racist. This is why I extend the claim that international corporate acts are racist. All European, and US based corporations are controlled by white people and some really bad actors like Shell Oil and Exxon do things in non-white countries that would never be permitted within their native borders. And people like you just shrug. The intent isn't overt but the effect is clear. White dominated corporations are sucking the life out of non-white communities. Systemic racism -- inequalities in power, access, opportunities, treatment, and policy can be shown to exist in international behavior of corporations controlled by white people. Can you give me an example where something like the actions of oil companies in South Sudan being done to a white populated region? Please stay current and non-fictional. The actions of the Mongol Empire aren't relevant. Nor is Darth Vader.
I still hear this "yeah but" argument. Yeah but Chinese can be racist. What a dumb argument. If Chinese actions are racist that's wrong too. A big problem today is white racism causing unequal quality of life among dark populations in many places of the world. For me in particular, white racism in the US is causing terrible division and loss of opportunity to entire generations of our society. Also racism brought us Trump and the right wing Congress who are fucking our government up.