Well-Known Member
Yes we are getting somewhere. It's your country so I guess you have more insight to stereo type half of the white populous. Assuming your assumptions are correct, does being unaware of your point make them racist or evil?. What about the other half, are they actually racist or split between racist and definitely not?. That would suggest to me that at best 3/4+ of the entire white populous of America is not actively or intentionally racist (huge difference). I bet if a black man said ''that racially offends me'' the white man of those you point toward would cease in what ever was causing that distress. You are painting the picture of a horrendous country otherwise.OK, now we are getting somewhere.
"The average well balanced white man is no bigot"
I can speak for the US and say yes he is...
I am a black man living in a heavily populated white area, Ive suffered first hand to covert and direct racism, but those racists are definitely a tiny minority. The large majority are not racist but some say things that have been passed down that could be considered racist. For example, it's a widely used term to say ''I'm going to the paki shop''. I have even used this term myself many times. Paki is ofc a broken down word for Pakistan. But then paki is also used as an actual insult so the word has two meanings. People who go to the ''paki shop'' are just normal people. People who stand in the street screaming paki at passers by are racist cunts. Saying I'm going to the paki shop is not politically correct these days but look at it from another angle. If in Greece you as an American opened a shop and the locals say ''I am going to the Ami shop'' would you find that offensive?. When they start throwing stones and shouting fucking Ami fucking Ami.. things change. The normal none racist locals by that point are so use to saying ''Ami shop'' you have to appreciate that this blur of language becomes a grey area. Obviously this is just one small example of how a ordinary none racist persons gets mixed up in the political correctness/changing of times. Again, if most of these people are pulled up on a potentially offensive thing they were not aware was offensive I'd like to believe they would rethink it. I know many white people who have done this.. and I have done it myself as times have changed.
Your country is still very young in the grand scheme of things and it has been riddled with internal difficulties of many kinds, that stuff does not just disappear (Britain has walked that path long ago). Most of what I wrote above kinda covers your points here and I agree with all of them apart from the one that sparked all this. At the end of the day, an ordinary white American trying to live his life and not deliberately offend/hurt anybody can not be held responsible for mishaps in his social conditioning/norms so long as he changes them should they become of genuine offense. We have all been subjected to social conditioning, not all of us have the single mind or even awareness that we can learn our way out of it.. but the internet is helping a lot in this now, while creating other difficulties.So, yes, half the white men in the US are racists to some degree. Behind that is systemic racism that we inherited. Systemic racism (or structural racism) is inequalities in power, access, opportunities, treatment, and policy...
The UK lost a huge amount of industry to other white nations and corp power. We can not even fish in parts of our own waters while other countries can. Our farmers were told to stop farming due to cheap import, home owners and pensions under attack from every angle. Trust me when I tell you this is not racially motivated as millions of white people suffer in 3rd world like poverty to this, again the thing in common here is they are easy targets, but economically rather than by military force.Overt racism is easy to prove. Individual acts of systemic racism are not so easy to prove as racist. It can be shown statistically that certain policies are racist by their effect even if the intent isn't overtly racist. This is why I extend the claim that international corporate acts are racist...
What you also need to consider is that a lot of the colored country's were at a unique disadvantage. Their cultural and religious practices along with technological short falling and geological locations/resources made them easy targets in the beginning of destabilization. In your very own country the Native Americans are a perfect example. White man won the technological race to forcefully take a lot from the weaker parties (most of who were of color, coincidentally theirs a lot of color in the world so statistically it was inevitable given the know resource locations at that point). The white men reach into many other white countries through corporate and even military means. Britain basically holds Scotland and Ireland by varying degree of each leash over the years. These powerful white men you speak of are the top small %.. the millions of other white men trying to live normal lives in this cluster fuck of a world are not at fault. Those top % of white people, you have extremely powerful people/corps of a few colored nations too.
The Chinese are not being racist. They are simply doing what America and England have done where ever they could over history, take from easy targets. The color of those targets is irrelevant, only the means those targets have to defend themselves, or not. I pointed out that they have taken from America but also England and plenty other country's that would be considered ''white'' (so not just from poor defenseless colored country's..). They have done this with the war of cheap labor and look how it's economy has grown as a result.I still hear this "yeah but" argument. Yeah but Chinese can be racist..
American international affairs is completely indiscriminant. They've took from who ever they could be it militarily or economically and limited anybody they could not (Russia). Americas internal affairs is a cluster fuck. The racism is real I don't question it, but it's blown far out of proportion. What I personally think is happening in America now is less about racist laws and blatant high populace discrimination as it once was and more about cultural problems that gve birth too, flaming old fires. African Americans (ofc not all) for example are still gang banging, selling drugs, shooting each other and then pumping violent rap music saying it's all because of the white man. Worse of all they seem to actually like that life style, they enjoy people fearing them or the attention they get for ''the hardship'', like they want to get shot just so they can brag they are gangster. Further more, every African American comedian I have ever watched regardless of what country he is touring tells a cringey race joke. They just don't realize that when not surrounded by like minded African Americans (again not all) who think every single white man is going to shoot him.. that paranoid bs does not fly in other civil country's. Watch those comedians, listen to the awkward polite laughs those jokes get.. I've even seen it from white audience in your own country.
Obviously America was initially set up to favor white men. That still shows in heritage, land ownedge etc and a lot of America is still divided in areas/states by the days of segregation, that shit is complex and will take time. England had this issue dating back some 80 years but over time races began to integrate more peacefully, made a hell of a lot easier due to the fact we were not off the tail end of brutal slavery at that point and have a far more adaptable nation (still a lot of cunts ofc). That's why I believe African Americans need to drop all cultural ties of negative attitude, forgive the past.. and culturally move on. It's true white men facilitated the start of those negative cultures, and not just gangster like activity. It is those African Americans who still choose to push those cultures that are a large part of the continuing problem. Racism will still exist ofc, but pushing the race card at every single possibility is simply not helping. It is frustrating white people and reinforcing to young black people they have something to fear of white people, the enemy.
The gun culture in America from my outside opinion is the biggest demon in vicious cultural circles of all races. It empowers the crack jobs of what ever group (including the cops) to inflict massive damage and set off the next circle of hate and paranoia. I believe the gun issue is what has made social progress in America so slow.
Everybody who voted trump is considered a nut case, yet, when Trump won a large number of violent attacks took place and protests broke out to oppose a democratic vote. Perhaps the real issue here is a country rotting at the core, devouring all but one culture. Pick one of many sides, be it race or establishment, then religiously hate every one else. I don't know if a single word exists for that.
Sorry man, stoned and felt like ranting some off planet views
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