At 70W the Vero29C SE will put out more light than the Vero29D SE (same chip as non-SE IIRC) @ 79W. Also, the D variant will need active cooling at that amperage as the C variant can be passively cooled. I am curious to see what they will do @ 1400 mA passively cooled.
I doubt you're yield will be negatively effected unless you have bleached the buds.
I can help you with that.
I have yet to see anyone of you asshats post anything quantitative.
Only slurs and personal insults.
Your posts aren't worth my time.
There are no "tiny" differences between Citizen and Bridgelux, they are vastly different.
Citizen COBs are marketed as entry level because they are entry level.
Ask RapidLED how Citizen compares to Bridgelux as I am positive that you haven't spent enough, or any time for that matter, researching the data sheets.
CREE has better numbers from what I recall, and the price shows it. Although, the increase is marginal.
I am using the Vero29C SE variant, not the weaker D variant. The efficacies are not at all the same.
You haven't posted a single quantitative figure in any of your posts.
Just Bro-Science, I'm not interested in listening to an immature drug addict. Especially, when I know I have spent over a month researching this topic.
With RapidLED the COBs would be $53 each with a smaller heat sink and you have to build it. My time is valuable. With TastyLED I get a bigger heat sink and I just have to wire it up, $60 done. That's worth $7.
The driver with Rapid is more expensive and not as efficient for what I'm doing. It will cost me more upfront and more to run.
RapidLED = $154
TastyLED = $165
$9 difference for a notable increase in performance and I don't have to build them.
Yep, it is cheaper to go with TastLED because I value my time and effort as well as flexibility. Why would I want to buy something I know won't fit my criteria and cause me to do more work, then eventually I will have to source a larger heat sink.. and then...
New players will jump at the chance to build their first array, I get that. After tearing apart cars/trucks/motorcycles for 15 years I'm a bit desensitized.
The only thing I want to do different is a stronger driver, I just don't want to burn anything as I know the Vero29C is intense. I could have sourced another driver but I was please with the product and customer service TastyLED provides.
Bridgelux > Citizen
End of story.