Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Kkso with ratios im guessing about half a cup to a cup per 30 liters i just thought itd be quicker and easier to add em all to the worm bin i added like half a kilo once the hemp seed was hulled not malted say or afuments sake i wanted to our u wanten to make up 180 liter batch mat ud ad ill be using canna terra or what i can find at bunimgs that has nothing synthetic in it and airation n sutch ill probly just stick 2 using the rock dust in the vermi hut so it has a chance brak down a bit buy the time its in the tumbler and cooks it wasent uncommen to find the hemp seeds i added to the worm bin to sprout in there so like i dont no im more after minirals n stuff to but with thos u mentiont what ratios would u add im going for a 180 liters what do u recomend
If your asking what type of non synthetic base to build your soil from bunnings with no additives then you have the option of peat moss or coir. I would just get some and add your amendments,perlite and some cup fulls from your bukake bin/compost/tumbler and choose a bag of premix organic soil. Mix it all up and let it sit but not in a sealed or air tight container .you want that shit to breathe

It really is that easy


Well-Known Member
Cheers man...thai n beer sounds gd I got 7 hrs to go n then 3 days off...seafood n beers for grand final tomorrow
Smoked ribs n whiskey for the other grand final sunday out in the boat mo day whoop yeah
Thank fuck it's a long weekend I've gotto trench in all my irrigation lines,position,fill and make cages for 15 x 120L bags and plant the cover crop lol it will be a long weekend


Well-Known Member
Fuck I just went and checked my seedlings and I'm guessing a mouse is the culprit but whichever low cunt of a fucking piece of shit animal has eaten 30 out of the 50,


Well-Known Member

wha? seek and destroy that fucker. You need more beans? Lemme know if you need quick backups
Im going full on Saddam Hussein against the Kurds chemical assault mode lol,really appreciate the offer by a stroke of luck the ones he ate were the ones I still had half packs of so I'm just starting of again. Rang my old man in full freak out mode and he starts laughing at me the old cunt,he goes "what are carrying on for just get on with it start more seeds,your lucky it was only 30".