There are so many different nute lines out and for my old, lazy butt AN sits on top for the so-called watered down nute lines that fits my bill.
I've used AN for 16 years and tried a few others side-by-side along the way and have a dozen half full bottles of those kicking around because they are crap. GH is the crappiest.
As I had the old AN 3-part still I was reluctant to try the pH Perfect replacements as I was used to the usual, Top up the tub, test ppm and pH then make adjustments to lower pH and keep the ppm in my target zone.
PITA but worked for 13 years and gave me consistent and reproducible results every freaking time.
Was running out of Grow so decided to get some pH Perfect stuff and whoo-hoo it worked great and I retired my pH pen soon after. DWC or soilless worked f'n great and I never had to bother with pH. Never, ever had had problems with lock-outs or deficiency problems so what does that say?
I never use nothing but RO or distilled water and that's something that makes it all work pH Perfect.
People that hate on AN but have never used it, STFU as you sound like Trump. All sound with no intelligence. You may know about what you've used but talk to the hand about what you haven't tried in an honest side-by-side comparison. I'm trained as a chemist with a serious understanding of how scientific principles work and every single grow out of hundreds has some kind of experimentation built into it. At least 50 DWC grows with over 500 plants has taught me a few things. Hundreds more plants in soil/soilless using the same nutes.
I'm a hobby grower and not some production line slave so I'm sure when you include economies of scale I fail badly but that's not my goal. KISS is the way I've strived to grow since '78 and I'm getting close to Nirvana for me. Profiteers with pot can FOAD AFAIC. I'm selling my spare for $5g CAN/$4US. Beat that price! We're talking maybe 2oz/mth tho I'm scaling up to maybe an lb/mth and mostly hi-CBD strains.
I give away more than I sell and get just enough to cover my costs and if your goal is profit over compassion for those in need then please FOAD ASAP.
It amazes me how many people will hate on AN for making a decent profit but giving their money to scumbag companies owned by Scotts/Monsatan/Bayer is OK and to be lauded. I shake my head so often about that I need a chiropractor.
All these new nute companies are just stealing research done by previous companies and their crap is no better than the old crap. No different than our Canadian gov't approved Legal Producers that have stolen hard won genetics from really decent breeders and sell them under new names to gov't approved patients. Profit over compassion will never get a single dollar out of me!

Or not. Depending on where your values lie.
I never said AN didn't work.
Add up the price of all those AN thingy's you use.
Now then. 1 Gallon of Botanicare KIND - bloom or base (don't need the grow)...I pay $31 a gallon. My supplements that I make cost a total of less then $5 for them (gallons).
$67 total for the life of those gallons. Naturally the supplements last longer as you use less, about half.
You would rather pay for water and combinations of things that you simply don't need? And total well over the other cost.
As far as Scott's goes. They see the light, they diversified their holdings to catch the next big legal market. The real big thing is that Monsanto -
does not own Scotts.
Scott's has not "changed" anything. but the ownership of the companies they bought.
I know why you fear Monsatan. But they own NO patents for MJ genetic's.....Nor intend to!
This is from VICE NATION
"Rumors that Monsanto had started doing so forced the company to post a standing denialon its website. "Monsanto has not and is not working on GMO marijuana," the company says. "This allegation is an Internet rumor."
The firm "has no plans for working on cultivating cannabis," said Charla Lord, a spokesperson for Monsanto.
Representatives of big tobacco companies also said that their businesses aren't interested in pot. Brian May, spokesperson for Altria, which controls the Marlboro and Parliament brands through its subsidiary Philip Morris USA, said, "Our position is marijuana remains illegal under federal law, and Altria's companies have no plans to sell marijuana-based products."
Those denials haven't been enough to quiet concern in the American marijuana industry about what may happen on the intellectual property frontier if and when legalization spreads across the country."
Just who is the evil overlord company doing that?
That my friend is
Biotech Institute LLC. These are the real scumbags of the cannabis world!
Then there is the Genome project that is collecting all the available genetic profiles of strains. It's said that they have direct relations with this Biotech institute....They now have access to control around half or more of the genetic's of known cannabis strains...
I just fucking read something somewhere else about this exact thing and the alarms being raised on this "Genome Project" and Biotech LLC.......
I'm not a fan of Scott's turf products either.
I'm not willing to condemn 2 of the most revered nutrient lines there has ever been (in our growing and in commercial hydroponics and the development of it), just because some one you may not *like* who bought the company.
You choose to do what you do for your reasons - FINE then, do it.
But don't condemn the messenger for telling a story you like to ignore. AN
cheats you out of your money. That fact alone is more TRUMPian then anyone spreading the truth many choose to not see!
You can do it just as well as, if not better for less, with less!
Oh, BTW. The guy who developed Em Harvest. Was AN's head of R&D. HE built the products on order of the owner. When AN was a sinking ship internally (Mass firing's and quiting's in R&D over the fact OF the cheating and the sexual issues of the owner) He decided to leave the company and start his own.....I've met the guy, He had Big Mike's girlfriend on HIS arm! Everybody was leaving Mike..
He began with the 3 part. Initial reports came back from novice users asking for "more parts" so they can "do better"..SAY WHAT?... Uneducated and unable to figure out how to use differing amounts of each of the 3 products to get what they desired.
Led him, by pressure of idiot's. To put out the 2 part with a bunch of supplements. WTF? Dyna Grow had to do the same thing. Conform to demand or loose market share.
All because some greedy moron figured out a way to do some shady marketing and make overblown, and basically untrue product claims.....
The mass's of blind idiots, jumping into growing pot (for what ever reason) ate up those "You need this level to start, then this, and this, and this......The only MASTER thing that idea did was make a
CROOK rich......Now THAT sounds like TRUMP!
Do I sound pissed off? Your thinly veiled pointing to me here.
People that hate on AN but have never used it, STFU as you sound like Trump.
I tried it. NOT impressed at all...
I hate TRUMP more then anything! AND
Big Mike is the Monsanto of nutrient companies.....Think about that carefully.....
Again, as I often say when speaking from my soap box on AN.
Yes, it works. But your being cheated out of your money!
You know why but, make up excuse's to still use it...
Lastly, on PH perfect.....AN is not the only line out there that is pH neutral, that, is a better way to say it....
I respect your growing.
Not your opinion on nutrients.
No biggie! I still respect YOU.
Peace on fellow old guy.....