Are they done yet? What does "done" look like?

...It smells and tastes like a skunk shat out mango and pineapple diarrhea..[/QUOTE:]

Hehehe now that is funny to me! Im not as fortunate as u guys. Not even sure if I should post...needless to say Im about 3000 miles from most of you, and things are not quite so progressive in the east. But Im looking forward to the day when we will ALL be able to speak the truth FREELY. I fear it likely won't be for the right reasons, you all know money and greed rule this earth...but at least the honest will benefit. I chose to respond to this post because it's from, what we call in the east, an "old head". I'll be 30 this year and 10 yrs ago is the last time I tasted anything that came close to the old days. And the only real reason I know is because, as I was out of my mind, (hehehe) my ex, who was 49 at the time (yes I too have peculiar tastes ;-)) told me it reminded her of panama red. She was from new york, and told me about the chocolate thai, paname gold and red, and the hashiest hash you could ever imagine! Ahhhh to have lived in those they say I guess all good things must come to an end...but from how it sounds...maybe I should just move! Hehehe. Anyway sorry for the long post. But thanks for everyone's awesome information and personality. I often find myself cracking up at you guys!:lol: Here's to strong faith and healing!!!
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Pouring boiling water through the pots is pretty much retarded. It can't do anything but hurt the plant.

We had a long discussion on another thread where the "flood theory" was brought up and shown the boiling water would not mimic anything. The actual plant needs to be submerged for this to happen.

The boiling water propagating grower copied one paragraph from a paper on the plants defense mechanism when flooded and submerged for an extended period of time. He just says it proves his silly and dangerous practice. It takes days for the plant to start to ferment and it has to be under water. The leaves must be. And for days at least to start the process.

What really happens to the plant after the roots have been fatally burned is it is left in the Grow room under the lights and can't produce or mature any more canabanoids as it fades and the lights will degrade the trichs on the weakened plant that are there already.

No one that understands plant science would tell anyone to do this mythical bullshit.

@RM3 your opinion of science has been proven incorrect thread after thread. Please stop repeating your rediculous misinformation.

The plants you keep bragging on you grew and posted recently are burned and scraggly and underdeveloped.

Newer growers here have grown better versions of your pollen chucked seeded out of control leafy bud plants.

Cmon' now. The rest of us have learned and done better from the now easily found growing info.

You are steering people wrong and really don't know what you are doing.

You still wont show a complete garden pic. I know how seedy and burned and deficient it always looks.

At least stop calling yourself honest. You are a manipulator with a self ego agenda.

I hope someone will do some actual research instead of trust you to see how our plants actually work.

Your personal headstash failed to get a patient I sent to you even very high. And no claimed medical benefits at all could he feel. And he really likes weed and the strains he is using now have helped regenerate his nerves in his arm and it is growing muscle back now. He visited here and was able to play guitar again. Ride mountain bikes in the woods and paddle kayaks.

He is medicating with Colorado made cbd oil and CH9/ Motorebel and CH9/ Shantibaba medical hybrids.

And his tinnitus can not be eliminated but other pot helps him ignore it at least. Not yours. One person said it did his and you just now say it helps that. Nice test trial on tinnitus. Oh yeah. It is all untested. You just say it's medicine.

This may be a hobby for you but it is real medicine for those who need it.

Go back to your fraternity and leave the science to those that actually read the whole book.
Yep. Pouring boiling water on your plants root system is just fucking retarded. Why not go full retard and use boiled mountain dew?
Yeah, I just never heard the term "boil you're plants" it sounds fucking stupid and I'm a first time grower haha. I'm 39 days into flower I think!


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Perhaps try it and see ;). As far as I know it was started as a way to get THC to migrate to the plant from the roots, yes that's false but again if you haven't tried it perhaps you should. No I haven't as it's to far to carry boiling water to my soil grows lol.
Perhaps try it and see ;). As far as I know it was started as a way to get THC to migrate to the plant from the roots, yes that's false but again if you haven't tried it perhaps you should. No I haven't as it's to far to carry boiling water to my soil grows lol.

I have never heard to boil the water from the old myth heads but rather to use ice water to make the roots cold and trick the plant into thinking its winter. Not that that would produce more cannabanoids either.

To do what you said the old grandpa growers out in these woods still hang the masssive 10-14 foot plants upside down in the barn with the roots attached to "run" the thc in the roots down the stem and branches to the buds.

It's good strong outdoor indica from a friends dad and he "knows" that this is a very important step.

I have never heard to boil the water from the old myth heads but rather to use ice water to make the roots cold and trick the plant into thinking its winter. Not that that would produce more cannabanoids either.

To do what you said the old grandpa growers out in these woods still hang the masssive 10-14 foot plants upside down in the barn with the roots attached to "run" the thc in the roots down the stem and branches to the buds.

It's good strong outdoor indica from a friends dad and he "knows" that this is a very important step.

It was in one of the old grow books I read .... boil roots and hang upside down to leach THC from roots. Not while the plant is growing, and yes I'm am a grandpa grower, and yes they were tall, nonfinishing sativas lol.
These techniques were tried to great lengths by many growers here, yes it seems far out but it never hurt the plant and they completed their harvests.

Wether it makes any difference is highly debatable but it did circumvent the need for flushing, again (i know) highly debated and considered noob stuff.

Thing is there use to be a time when we tried stuff just because it could be done, call me retarded but i have tried all these techniques and they were fine. Thing is it pushed my learning and understanding of the plant which is so monosylabic these days and so dull to read all the time.

Why isnt this a viable technique if growers want to mess around and leave the mainstream for a fun experiment, stop being such 'stuck in the muds', no ones forcing this upon you and we all use to enjoy stuff way more than the current bore.
It was in one of the old grow books I read .... boil roots and hang upside down to leach THC from roots. Not while the plant is growing, and yes I'm am a grandpa grower, and yes they were tall, nonfinishing sativas lol.

I will be sure to do both next time. I wanted to believe the boil and leave the plant growing method. Sounded more time wasting and fun.

Hanging the whole plant to dry is actually a nice slow method if you can avoid mold. Pretty tough to do in a barn in Michigan in October though.

I have been doing it for several grows and i was very impressed with the results. It hastened the cure and the results were worth it. Just my opinion.

It doesn't hasten the cure. It delays it while the plant sits there and does with no more processes happening.

I guess it wastes 3-7 days of your drying time if that's how long you leave it.
I will be sure to do both next time. I wanted to believe the boil and leave the plant growing method. Sounded more time wasting and fun.

Hanging the whole plant to dry is actually a nice slow method if you can avoid mold. Pretty tough to do in a barn in Michigan in October though.

Not if you buy those really big fans for barns, want some, no use to me and I have 10 lol.