Cannabis taste like but hair

I just finished curing my plants, and they just taste like shit to be honest, one plant I let it dry more and the other I left I more humid, just to see which I liked better as this is my first grow.
I don't know what could be the cause, il post some pictures in the comments.
I need help!

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Ass tasting weed? Could be from lots of things...for example:
1. Picked bud too early
2. Used way too much nutrient
3. Improper drying/curing method:
If you did not wait until the stems were brittle enough to snap you jarred too early. Leave the plant as whole as possible to hang dry. It should take 7 to 10 days or even longer to dry the bud completely. If the weed in the jar smells like hay that is mold; nothing you can do but dry it out more.


Well-Known Member
I just finished curing my plants, and they just taste like shit to be honest, one plant I let it dry more and the other I left I more humid, just to see which I liked better as this is my first grow.
I don't know what could be the cause, il post some pictures in the comments.
I need help!
Gotta have all the ingredients for a good stew.
Pretty much in this order:
If you jar up some boo boos....your gonna have boo boos when unjarred. Get good genetics.
If you have PM and bugs and webs, chop early, chop late,necrotic nutrient burn, root rot etc, your final product will reflect this cured in jars or not.
If you manage to get the first two things correct, then this will only enhance what you already have.
This is also a sure fire way to ruin what you have if you dont do it correctly.

Sounds like the you may have jarred a bit early. As mentioned, stems should snap when bent and buds should feel on the crunchier side.
There is moisture on the insides of the buds (unfelt to the touch) which curing brings out slowly while jarred.
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Well-Known Member
Mine tastes like a pine nut salad,with chestnut mushrooms smothered in a butternut squash due ,rolled oats in honey in a strawberry air .
Doesn't everyone's?