Well-Known Member
Sorry but you are wrong.What tactic would you suppose is more likely to get racists to realize the flaws in logic that lead them to demonize others; stifling their free speech, getting them ostracized within their communities or in online social media, taking away their livelihood by notifying their employers of their beliefs, or actually listening to them, understanding how their unreasonable grievances were constructed and trying to find rational solutions and ways to combat those problems before they start?
This clip shows you what works. This guy befriended members of the KKK after they threatened his and his families life. He successfully changed the minds of dug in, entrenched racists who were already members of the KKK and got them to denounce their ignorant beliefs. This one man, through his actions did that;
Daryl Davis is another man who did the same;
Show me one single instance of success berating and abusing people with abhorrent beliefs has brought. It has never happened in history. It has only caused violence and cost innocent lives and served as kindle to the racism fire. In other words; it only makes things worse..
Clarify what you mean by "suppress racists". What tactics does that encompass? How are you suggesting racists be suppressed? Because what you're doing now to "suppress racists" is only inflaming them and making the issue much worse, especially for the minorities facing the racism..
I agree with you about educating children to not be racist
Right. As the evidence shows, that doesn't work. You calling someone a racist does not "shut them down", it only encourages them to dig their heels in and disagree with you more adamantly. It has the complete opposite effect you say you're shooting for... So why do you insist on continuing a failed tactic that does not accomplish the goal you yourself claimed to strive for?
Like St0w said, you do it for the kudos, not for actual change
I include your claim that suppressing racism and educating children doesn't work. It does. Post war Germany to today has shown greater improvement in reducing racism among German people than in the US over the same timeframe. Look it up. They have policies in place to limit racist and bigoted speech and behavior. It works. Germany is a free society, so this claim of tyranny is false. Also, look at countries with tyrannical government. They exploit and foster the very beliefs you are defending.
I posted a graphic earlier showing that racist belief is constant across all age groups of white people. The pbs news hour article provides convincing evidence that the last 50 years or so has been a total failure in reducing the belief in racism and their effect on black people.
What you are arguing for is status quo, which is basically going to preserve your white privilege class status. But that's OK, let your Saint Bernard soothe your fragile white ego by telling you how tired "people" are regarding this issue. He ignores it too.