F*ck the market this year!

2017 I saw no drought for the first time. Was still getting packs hella cheap in the summer. The save and store method is a by gone era I do believe.
Hella cheap, but still a few points up from now? No price increase whatsoever from then to now?
here in WA, i've only been able to get 1600 for fire indoors, and now i cant even get 1500... i think it might be time to find a real job.. what a scary thought....
Holy crap, is that to dispensaries? What does some of your fire look like?
i grow the glue and cookies and cream...
its fire both looks and smell and high.. but i dont like to deal with people i dont know, so i have one main guy that helps me off my goods, and now he's telling me the people he did business with is getting similar quality for a smaller ticket.
i guess i knew it was going to happen one day, but ahhhhhhhhh.....
`Just because the value per unit is going down doesn't mean you can't still profit. MMJ going legal will open up a new hungry market for ppl coming out of the shadows as well as ppl that were too paranoid to get a card. So even if Outdoor units got down to.. lets say 500 per you could still make good money if you grew enough. Unfortunately it seems that CA is only the state you're allowed to grow 99 without paying an insane amount of taxes.
I was shocked here in Sonoma County on Jan 1st when I went to a MMJ dispensary and was stuck with 25% taxes on my purchase. This will unfortunately contribute to the downward spiral in pricing they're willing to pay as well as will strengthen the black market.
I can predict that soon the greedy capitalists will swamp the market with crappy weed at really cheep-cheep prices

until theirs just one mother standing

by then the last of the bank rupt growers will appeaze the local govt so they can sell their meds as recreational weed thus expending their market

the deal is to follow the other states and watch as the bans lift

flipping some bucks on stock once you are sure it can't get any lower

I can see that from back east on the US market

this spring...the smart guys will use DWC as they do with tomatoes

so they can dump their shit on the spring market getting.... the out of season .....prices

then you sell the stock

as spring moves to summer

see cyclic investing

good luck
Why does quality have to decline simply because the price goes down?

There's a run away model for increasingly more potent strains. And more parts of the country are opening their doors to legal cannabis. California now allows huge farms to grow, not those small 100 or 1000 acre plots.

Sorry a little spacey right now, but essentially we see commercial size production not being bottom level. Perhaps not killer fire, but whatever.

That's why there is coors/bud and also a sweeping movement towards microbrews.

Sucks to say, but bottomline even with co-ops and other movements, the small independent farmers are going to feel it these next few years.
`Just because the value per unit is going down doesn't mean you can't still profit. MMJ going legal will open up a new hungry market for ppl coming out of the shadows as well as ppl that were too paranoid to get a card. So even if Outdoor units got down to.. lets say 500 per you could still make good money if you grew enough. Unfortunately it seems that CA is only the state you're allowed to grow 99 without paying an insane amount of taxes.
can legally grow 100 plants in California? Wow you guys grow true TREES . Canada will allow 4 indoor plants July 1st. How in the hell will that be monitored? Home visits?
Over the last 30+ years, I developed a group of high end customers, mainly professionals. 75% of the business is by mail order. Since 1990, I have charged 300 per, no matter how much you buy. Top shelf stuff, 4 crops a year with a different strain each crop for variety. NO PRICE BREAKS, NO DEALS.

This year, for the first time ever, I was selling p's for $4K, a discount of $800. Now I know most of you are just dreaming of these prices, but it's East Coast, guaranteed delivery and quality, a totally organic product. My last stuff tested out at 29% THC. Business has gotten better, I'm moving some back stock, and there's some real excitement in the air- but I need to make it another 4 years before retiring.

So, I guess most of my people are willing to pay for the convenience and quality as of now...........at $2K a p, I'd stop growing tomorrow.
Over the last 30+ years, I developed a group of high end customers, mainly professionals. 75% of the business is by mail order. Since 1990, I have charged 300 per, no matter how much you buy. Top shelf stuff, 4 crops a year with a different strain each crop for variety. NO PRICE BREAKS, NO DEALS.

This year, for the first time ever, I was selling p's for $4K, a discount of $800. Now I know most of you are just dreaming of these prices, but it's East Coast, guaranteed delivery and quality, a totally organic product. My last stuff tested out at 29% THC. Business has gotten better, I'm moving some back stock, and there's some real excitement in the air- but I need to make it another 4 years before retiring.

So, I guess most of my people are willing to pay for the convenience and quality as of now...........at $2K a p, I'd stop growing tomorrow.
i got 4000 a lb for ever here in mid coast maine ( 250 oz ) now 125 oz and lucky to get it lol we just grow alot more now