The Democratic Party Autopsy Report

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
sorry, you do not have a right to tell a person to get out of your store just because they are black, racist.
Does a black person have a right to tell whitey to go pound sand if whitey goes to the black persons property and demands an association and to be served against the black persons will?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
then maybe stop calling civil rights laws rape and slavery, and stop calling our first black president by racial slurs.
Obama is not black though.

What would you call an instance where a person on their property, harming nobody, has another person come their property, and threaten force if the property owner did not serve them? Isn't that a kind of forced labor? Isn't slavery very much like a circumstance where forced labor is part of the package? Isn't rape similar in that it involves forcibly removing self determination? Yes, they are.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Are you lonely?
No, I'm making old school butter on the stove top, smoking a joint, having a beer and unthawing my hands from plowing snow with my tractor.

You're not trying to buddy up to me, so you can slip your 2" hammer into my furry mouth are you? I thought I already said I don't swing that way.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
says the pedophile who thinks black people should not have the right to eat at the same lunch counter as whites.
I don't think anybody black or white has a right to determine the use of another persons property or body or if the other person is leaving them alone.

Do you have that right? I don't. Where would that right come from if neither of us has it?


Well-Known Member
I don't think anybody black or white has a right to determine the use of another persons property or body or if the other person is leaving them alone.

Do you have that right? I don't. Where would that right come from if neither of us has it?
"i'm not racist", claims the pedophile who has been triggered for decades by black people getting the right to sit at the same lunch counter as whites.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
"i'm not racist", claims the pedophile who has been triggered for decades by black people getting the right to sit at the same lunch counter as whites.

You think government can "give rights" . I win, again.

Pedo? No, you have it backwards. I was the young guy and that big titted hussy molested me. Get your story straight.


Well-Known Member
You think government can "give rights" . I win, again.

Pedo? No, you have it backwards. I was the young guy and that big titted hussy molested me. Get your story straight.
victims of pedophiles often become pedophiles. that might explain why you think it should be OK to have sex with 11 year old boys.


Well-Known Member
"i'm not racist", claims the pedophile who has been triggered for decades by black people getting the right to sit at the same lunch counter as whites.
He goes to great lengths to remain a coward. I'd like him slightly better (but still less than hemorrhoids) if he owned his obvious racism and just came out with it. It's so transparent yet he insists on playing this laughable charade.


Well-Known Member
Discrimination is not perfectly legal in the private sector, neither on a constitutional nor a statutory basis. The Civil Rights Act 1964 states otherwise:

"Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states the ban on racial discrimination affirmatively, as a right of “all persons . . . to the full and equal enjoyment of the goods, services, facilities, privileges, advantages, and accommodations of any place of public accommodation . . . without discrimination or segregation on the ground of race, color, or national origin.” It defined “any place of public accommodation” broadly, to include all manner of inns and hotels, restaurants, lunch counters, soda fountains, gas stations, theaters, concert halls, and sports arenas that affected commerce, or that were supported by state action. (Title II exempted private clubs that were not, in fact, open to the public.) Title II forbade such discrimination. And it created a private right of action, and authorized the Department of Justice to bring suit, to enforce its provisions."

You might be confusing the private sector with a private members club or a religious institution; the only 'sectors' exempt* from the Act as far as I'm aware. Citation?

*edited typo
I agree, the word "sector" was misleading.

"All persons", "public accomodation"...very important to understand grammar and the meanings of words in law.

If you look up the lawful definition of the word "person", you will see how the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has NOTHING to do with private discrimination.


Well-Known Member
I agree, the word "sector" was misleading.

"All persons", "public accomodation"...very important to understand grammar and the meanings of words in law.

If you look up the lawful definition of the word "person", you will see how the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has NOTHING to do with private discrimination.
we get it.

you really don't like black people


Well-Known Member
Laws don't mirror morality or immorality though do they? My morality says you should be able to chose who you associate with on your own property and how or if you will use your own body to serve somebody. Which part of that do you disagree with?
I disagree with all of it.

Your 'morality' is the reason laws like the Civil Rights Act were passed in the first place. It criminalizes your 'moral' decision to deny custom from your business to someone based on race, religion, or nation of origin.

If you want to do business in the US, you accept those rules, just as you accept the rules protecting your business from theft, damage, fraud, ... If you don't accept those rules, you can either not do business in the US, or you can leave the US and set up shop elsewhere.

No one is forcing you into business. You want to exclude blacks from your establishment, set up a private members club 'for white purebred men and 12 year old girls only'.


Well-Known Member
I agree, the word "sector" was misleading.

"All persons", "public accomodation"...very important to understand grammar and the meanings of words in law.

If you look up the lawful definition of the word "person", you will see how the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has NOTHING to do with private discrimination.
I understand the grammar and definitions perfectly well, which is why I corrected you.

Your use of the term 'private sector' wasn't misleading, it was incorrect.

I agree that there is no current legislation which prevents you from ignoring a black man on the street who says 'hello' to you or asks you for directions. You have every right to ignore him without falling foul of the law.