

Well-Known Member
Hello Folks
Yes absolutely, thats whats gonna happen to us all, unless buried at sea, then you'll enrich that, and that will be it, over, so ya betta enjoy it now.
Yooou surely cannot believe that guff nowerdays, OK maybe even 40 or 50 years ago, but come on we just know better these days.
And about these 12 fella's, you knew em personally did you????
Of course not, and I dare say if the story was true then I'd guess that yes they probably believed it, but it still doesn't make it true.Its no coincidence that most people who belive in a religion have been indoctrinated from an early age, its something you've probably had forced down your throat from before you could even understand it, as probably did they before you, AND it all comes from books from so long ago, that without modern scientific methods we would'nt know the ages, that has gone through re write, and re translate so many times to give it any credence at all is just plain silly.
But for the fact that someone wants to belive it, it couldn't be done.
BTW do you belive in Ghost, or Fairies??
Everlasting life, INDEED!!!!!!!!!
I've read history, but what your talking about can't really be classed as History. But I'd suggest you read some science/physics/cosmology, actually with an open mind, and then come tell me where fantasy fits in, exept for entertainment.
99% of historians would laugh at your assertion that documentation (both biblical and extra-biblical) about the lives of the Apostles is not 'history'. The Christian and Hebrew Scriptures have one of the most consistent and oldest manuscript lines of any written history we know of. The Dead Sea Scrolls are widely held by archaeologists of all faiths (or of no faith) to be the greatest archaeological find ever.

Like I said, believe what you want. Time flies. One day soon we'll both know who was right or we'll both be dirt. I really don't want to argue with you... but you had to up say I believed in fairy-tales because I mentioned the word "God" in one of my posts. You obviously have an ax to grind.

At least I am able to accept the fact that maybe you are right. I just believe the greater weight of the evidence lies in my favor, from my viewpoint. You, on the other hand, seem to have talked yourself into believing that there is almost no evidence at all that the Christian God exists. That itself is evidence of your denial. You have intentionally put a blindfold on.

I'm not saying you are blind if you don't believe in God. I'm saying that you not only don't believe... but you refuse to accept the fact that there is *any* significant evidence for God. That speaks volumes as to whether your goal is to find the truth or to simply deny God at all costs.
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Well-Known Member
So one question. Selling Opium is not as profitable as selling Weed? I always thought that O would cost more.


Well-Known Member
So one question. Selling Opium is not as profitable as selling Weed? I always thought that O would cost more.
I don't have any experience with Opium, but I would guess there is not much demand for opium. People would much rather have heroin, morphine, oxycotin... all the very powerful "man-made" opiate derivative drugs.

There isn't even much of a demand for volume opium (to make heroin out of), because most of the growers convert it to morphine at their farm before they ship it out.


Well-Known Member
so i came across this guy with over a pound of opium and he loves the shit like me, but around these parts opium doesnt sell for shit!!!! So after kicking it with dude i ended up scoring a qp of shit for 200bucks!!!! so now i have a a little over 3ounces of opium!!!!

so my question to the rollitup fam is how many ways can you think of taking your opium???

i have a vaporizer, one hitter, chillum, bong, nail and cardboard, paper clip it, eat it, suck on it like candy. my favorite way is in a blunt!
be a man main line that shit


Well-Known Member
personally i believe that marijuana should be legalized because ion all truthfullness u never really hear of drug war's occuring of marijuana but if it were illeagal then that would stop any, however crack and heroin cause huge amounts of violence and have even caused housing projects to be locked up as one big cohesive unit (i've lived in one i know)
but if they legalize those kinds of "hard drugs" u can bet ur ass there would be alotta store robberies hospital hijackings and all kind's of crazy shit just so junkies can get their fix because u kno they wont be able to pay the taxed th hell outta prices
nut that's just me i say legalize marijuana and opium, so that junkies can move to something more relaxing instead of stealing t.v's to buy a pipe and a rock
did you ever think all the violence that occurs because of heroin/coke is a creation of the us government? and if they legalized those drugs people would be robbing stores and shit? dont tons of junkies and crack heads do that now? They do, odds are the addict isn't completely happy with their life. Maybe having heroin or cocaine available from a controlled bureau isn't the solution, but some control on it, rather than straight prohibtion..would lead to less life-long addicts and less of the addicts on the street that have to resort to crime to keep up the habit. Part of the street addicts problems are his constant run ins with the law, the court dates, the fines, the tickets. When that persons only crime was living in a world in which he is surounded by evil being weak/making a bad decision and then going to extremes to keep the habit. Legalizing a couple drugs wont fix anything and its hypocritical, if i can put thc in my body why cant I put cocaine in it too? a dope addict isn't going to start smoking government opium and bud when he can go out and get heroin. Opium just isnt up to par with heroin. It would take massive amounts of opium to satisfy a junk-head. Im not saying I have all the answers, Im looking for them. All i know is that no man has the right to tell me what I can and can not put inside my body, no matter how detrimental it is to my mind body or soul, if I wanna destroy myself thats my choice..They wanna control my alcohol tabacco and firearms..why can't they control my narcotics. Most addicts would tell you straight that theyd rather have a clean safe reliable source that is government controlled rather than a dirty shady source that they have to feel ashamed and scared to go because of the police. What do they really think they are going to do with all this prohibition, it doesn't work, the popularity of drugs climb and fall as these campaigns against them arise and fall. there's better places for that money, and most of all, addicts are people..This is america..We all deserve equal treatment. alcoholic and junkie alike. the addict isn't always a bad person, just a desperate or lost person driven to bad things. :leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
oh shit..well i got fucked up anyway.

wait why are my feet missing. its october first!

never again.