Finally had time to finish it .... I really like the bluish tint of the 4000k ( natural color ) QB .
Have to go get another timer as mine that I was gonna use took a shit.
I like those timers that have the tabs that you pull out and place in time slot than those timers that you flick up or down.
MEANWHILE in the 3x3 ... 18/6 veg duty.
I got some plants at different stages ( between 2 weeks apart or so ) , so I can keep rotation.
Peyote Cookies
Blue Dream
Candy Dream
La Fruita di Venus
Mystery Seed - don't know what the hell it is. ( bag ? )
White Dwarf ( finally growing out )
MEPHISTO TOOF Decay ( seed )
I plan to do some LST on the slightly bigger plants and continue to veg a bit more.
The White Dwarf will stay in tent as they really don't get that big. The Blue Dream / Candy
and Peyote will go into the above area once those last two plants are cut down. La Fruita is an auto and will stay in tent under 18/6 with dwarf.
Also grab some COLLODIAL Silver for some seed making. The peyote will get a branch done and the blue once they get ready to flip. Even if it's a pollen run , it's all good .