Getting jobs at legal grow sites.


Well-Known Member
Don't jump FG.....don't jump. Imagine having to actually interact in person with this fellow.....scusting.
I'm not afraid of him....I like how he's ignoring me as guess he really doesn't want to meet people....I've met all kinds of people from here....oh well, his loss.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for proving everything I have been saying to and about you, to be true.
Again, sweet website you have there little fella hahaha
What you trying to make a threat to a site that is not even registered in my name,lol. your a clown. Again you talk big on the net, dissing peoples moms, go fuck yourself, I dare you to come see me.


Well-Known Member
I'm not afraid of him....I like how he's ignoring me as guess he really doesn't want to meet people....I've met all kinds of people from here....oh well, his loss.
did not ignore you, I will be in BC in about 3 or 4 weeks, I will keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
I did not say I can take everyone, i told fuck wad who called my mom a crack whore to meet me, I could careless if he is 1000# all muscle, I will put my foot in there ass. Real talk, I never said anything foul about anyone until you fuck wads disrespected my mom, again post a time and a place like I give a fuck, I know you are pussy because real men do not diss peoples moms who they have never met over the internet, so I am calling him out, here pussy pussy pussy......
Your mom does suck a mean dick though. Swallows loads like a champ and just can't get enough.
What a woman.....


Well-Known Member
What you trying to make a threat to a site that is not even registered in my name,lol. your a clown. Again you talk big on the net, dissing peoples moms, go fuck yourself, I dare you to come see me.
You are the clown attempting to make threats on here just because your mom is a dirty crack whore. It ain't your fault . That is just the way she is


Well-Known Member
Your mom does suck a mean dick though. Swallows loads like a champ and just can't get enough.
What a woman.....
The more you say shit like that you look like a loser and prove your a puss. I could care less what you say about my mom, but don't let me see your wife, I know she loves cock the slut, nut in her mouth,lol.

But for real anytime any place, and your only going in circles trying to look me up on my site unless you want to come to panama.


Well-Known Member
You are the clown attempting to make threats on here just because your mom is a dirty crack whore. It ain't your fault . That is just the way she is
Keep talking, its cool, like I said Loser. you came on here saying foul things for no reason, all because I gave some guy advice about a job, WOW, LOSER, hows your health? how's your wife? something will happen to you, be it a car crash, bad health news, your wife gangbanging my boys, maybe the RCMP will knock at your door,lol, and trust me when it happens you will think of me and the curse I put on you LMAO. so go on now and reply with your same old lame diss about my mom.

We all know how puss you are and you would never say that shit to any man, because we all know what happens when you talk like that to a real man. All you have in life is your same old lame ass diss, clearly you have some childhood issues you need to resolve.


Well-Known Member
Whenever I see someone make physical threats to strangers on the internet without understanding that it isn't intimidating in any way, it makes me think of this


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna lie, the occasional thread like this is kinda entertaining. Cheap but funny lol...Until Sunni sees it anyway haha.
Yeah she will come in a week later and act like she is doing something. Meanwhile dick heads talking smack about my moms, we all know how that would play in person, I never seen a man diss another mans mom and not get his face smashed in. But its cool, that is the state of this site, you give a legit answer to someone and all hell breaks lose.
To the original poster, go get that job and prove all the naysayers wrong. Half you fucking chumps wont even be alive in 10 years, a bunch of old washed up guys talking about some shit you did back in '62 or some shit and crying about LP's, what a joke,lol. (not you R Raider, no beef with you)


Well-Known Member
Keep talking, its cool, like I said Loser. you came on here saying foul things for no reason, all because I gave some guy advice about a job, WOW, LOSER, hows your health? how's your wife? something will happen to you, be it a car crash, bad health news, your wife gangbanging my boys, maybe the RCMP will knock at your door,lol, and trust me when it happens you will think of me and the curse I put on you LMAO. so go on now and reply with your same old lame diss about my mom.

We all know how puss you are and you would never say that shit to any man, because we all know what happens when you talk like that to a real man. All you have in life is your same old lame ass diss, clearly you have some childhood issues you need to resolve.

I said foul things because your punk ass seems to think it is ok to give your opinion on other peoples medicine. It is not.You were the one making threats.
Best part is you do not seem to get it at all. Like I said you do not have a fucking clue about medical cannabis and anyone who does is going to take offense to your complete fucking ignorance.
What I have in life is actually helping people who are dying in front of me, for the past 19 fucking years. So ya when some little punk wants to come and run his mouth the way you did, well ya fuck you ya goof.
Stick to building that great website of yours.......


Well-Known Member
you want to run your mouth set up a meeting time and place, I travel the country frequently and will gladly meet you next time I am in your neck of the woods, then you can give me your opinion about me to my face,

best fucking joke of 2018, thanks for the laughs


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to these fuck wads, follow your heart and your dreams. To answer your question, skills vary but in my recent experience in dealing with LP's, it can be anything from general agriculture experience to self taught homegrowers, if you have a grow on the go and you can take pics and samples in to a meeting/interview and be prepared to discuss in detail your growing experience be it 4 plants in a tent or a 20 light mmar grow, be honest and truthful, let them know your passion for the plant, and shoot more then one dart, hit up a few places locally until you land something.
I recently landed a job related to the industry not at an LP but I have access to a lot of LP's now, most of the guys I have met so far that work at or run LP's are just regular people who love cannabis.


best fucking joke of 2018, thanks for the laughs
Do not pay any thought to the naysayers on here who hate LP's mainly because they hate their lives. This industry is here to stay and the people who get in early are the smart ones. Good luck in your ventures, I hope you find your place. If you do have legit experience with cannabis send me a direct message, I have a few friends in BC who may be able to help you.
I do know that in 2017 any idiots that talk that submissive suck a LP cock talk is getting rolled over....I am not putting up with you yuppie wanna be Cannabis experts, only 20 somthing old acting like you know something about life...... I think I will printing up "Go fuck you're face" t shirts for all my cool fellow RIU friends, everyone else can literally go fuck their faces.