Friend Fucked on a front; What to do?

The problem with doing the whole thing at his friend's place is what happens to his friend when he skates out of their with their (his by all rights) cash. Your friend fucked up though fronting to them (I'm assuming he does it frequently) more than once.
In my opinion these guys sound like a bunch of clowns & punks. On a basic level these guys are nothing but bottom feeding thieves. Flat out common thieves. Thieves are 9/10 times cowards at heart.
You stated the guy who ripped him off is a pussy.
Option 1 - If your friend wants his $ back then he's just going to have to up and take it when guy shows up. Might have to be prepared to rough him up a bit. Take precautions and all that. Maybe bring a little muscle with him that's going to hang out in another room to bust in if/when things go down. If your friend can't take him down easily then I suggest some added muscle. If dude doesn't carry then it could be as simple as getting right on top of him if he gets uppity. Learn a proper choke hold. Or a sleeper. No words. No talking about how "they did him wrong" or any of that business. Act 1st and then talk after. He can talk when guy wakes up. It takes less than 20 seconds to drop someone with a proper sleeper. If you can hang on for more than 5 it gets easier by the second.

Option - 2 He can cut his losses.

Option 1 He gets his $ and breaks even. Word gets around. People will think twice about screwing with him. Street cred and personal clout is a good thing to have.

Option 2 He takes a hit. The thieves get away and probably even sit around bragging about it from time to time.

If he's going to do business with people he has to front to then he shouldn't have to do it more than once. Getting that first payout and re upping should have been his clients first priority. Profits can come after that. If it's someone who constantly has to be fronted to then they flat out don't know how to handle their own business in the first place. Or they have no gameplan and or don't care about having a gameplan. Those are people to flat out avoid. Nothing good will ever come from dealings with bottom feeders.

Your friend needs to start being smart about his business from now on though. Learn from this and never repeat it.
wow realy tough talk, texas? are you sure not mexico?

Sometimes in business (any business) its simpler, easier and more profitable to cut your loses and keep moving forward. (albeit with a different customer service system in place).

Any and all business have to react to the market and learn by unforeseen circumstances and mistakes.

In the end trying to one up, cheat or intermediate the client may be bad for business. Be upfront, be honest, be reasonable and move forward.
I know this thread is old but the whole fronted someone and they said they got robbed deal happened to a dude I know and its best to cut your losses and dont front to no one. But My buddy tells the guy He would take a trade for the stuff he (probably lied about) getting robbed on, and the punk got shitty and said it was not his fault he got robbed, so My buddy just went over and took what He wanted from the punk and trashed some shit for interest, He also gave the punks woman that look and I dont think she will stick around the punk's ass and get caught up with shit next time, now the punk will think twice before he pulls that bs again. Its not like he was going to Call the cops and tell them what happened. Fuck him.
I've had it happen, it's part of the game. You can either just write it off as a loss and move on cautiously, or find another customer. I usually just accept the first loss & re-front a smaller amount, telling them the next loss is on them....
Where are you located I'm a broker.
You never give out more than you are able to collect. Your friend needs goons, or the balls to door knock a motherfucker if necessary. I've had to door knock a couple times. If he wants it back he's going to have to get it back. Sounds like they are accustomed to being robbed, I'd hit them up that way. I'm old school though.
You only have two choices in a situation like this.

1: pull down your pants, bend over and open your cheeks really wide. Prepare to get fucked.

2: stand up like a man. Beat his face in and show him he can't fuck with you like this.
don't show people your house.
don't show people your grow.
shut the fuck up.
don't ever front anything, to anyone, ever.
hit yourself repeatedly in the face with a hammer.
that last one is in there because 99% of people will do exactly the opposite of what you tell them.
My friend came to me the other day looking for advice on a situation and I am wondering if anyone here has any useful suggestions for him on what to do or not to do.

Essentially he said he was helping some friends out; for every one they bought, he fronted them one. This last time they apparently "got robbed" for everything he fronted them, & he said he is 100% sure they are lying. He said they now are wanting him to front one for everyone again, (It is to my understanding they don't have any of the money to reimburse him with) and the dudes plan is to use the money he makes on that to pay him back. To me it seems like they will just fuck him over even more. He said they want to meet him at his friends house close to where they are currently vacationing to do the deal because his friend lives much closer to them. He said he was considering meeting up with them and acting like everything is fine and after counting the money, saying he's going to go check on the dogs in the car, take the money and leave, then not contact them anymore.

One thing I was considering for my friends sake is they have been to his house once, but he said it was late at night, they followed him there and more than likely did not pay attention to his address. They've seen his grow and he says that it is legal, and said he even showed them his paper work when they were there, but I don't know if it is legal or not, he may just say that hoping it works to his benefit.

What do you all suggest my friend do? He said it would be a huge loss to just walk away from.

1. Never show people your grow. Too many douchebags out there. Unless the person is like a known and respected consultant type - do not show them the grow. Do not get an ego where you want to show off your grow.

2. Never front.

3. Pick a neutral spot. Not your house or their house.

4. Don't make a bad situation potentially worse.
Take the L never fuck wit em again.u never front. And if for some reason u front u gotta already take it as a L. Never ever front. No matter what sob story they have for u.
Never front, never sell to someone you haven't known for at least ten years. Never deal no matter how bad things are.